For those who need proof of election fraud....

... For You.

### Salty
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  • 12-17-2021, 06:56 AM
... So lemme understand this.

I dont want people voting twice or doing voter fraud.
Democrats OR Republicans - punish ALL who are caught.


### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Let me explain it to yet again...many do not want draconian voter laws that suppress voter turnout for both Republicans and Democrats and more importantly, Libertarians!...because a few folks voted twice.

It is very rare and none...let me repeat none have shown mass voter fraud.

Not even Trump's own Commission found and mass voter fraud.

You Aussie's are bright enough to realize that right?

So if you are asking what is the harm in continuing to hunt for Bigfoot and what is it you want....not to be made fun of? Not being able to make fun of this election fraud nonsense is to give credibility to it. People may become like you and then we have a whole subset of Bigfoot conspiracy theorists who never should be put in positions of power.
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  • 12-17-2021, 07:00 AM

Back in May, Donald Trump’s exquisitely delicate ego motivated him to establish the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which was tasked with examining the impacts of “improper voting, fraudulent voter registrations, and fraudulent voting.” In other words, it was designed to prove beyond a doubt that the only reason Trump had failed to win the popular vote was due to millions of instances of voter fraud—an entirely baseless claim often repeated by the president and his allies. Yet, after months of work, the commission was unable to substantiate Trump’s claims, leading to the announcement on Wednesday that the White House would disband it. But if you ask the president, its dismantling has nothing to do with a lack of voter fraud and everything to do with a vast conspiracy against him.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Back in May, Donald Trump’s exquisitely delicate ego motivated him to establish the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which was tasked with examining the impacts of “improper voting, fraudulent voter registrations, and fraudulent voting.” In other words, it was designed to prove beyond a doubt that the only reason Trump had failed to win the popular vote was due to millions of instances of voter fraud—an entirely baseless claim often repeated by the president and his allies. Yet, after months of work, the commission was unable to substantiate Trump’s claims, leading to the announcement on Wednesday that the White House would disband it. But if you ask the president, its dismantling has nothing to do with a lack of voter fraud and everything to do with a vast conspiracy against him. Originally Posted by WTF
... Why do you liberal lads continue to cry about this?

What's the harm in doing investigations?
The "Trump/Russia collusion" investigation took 5 years!
Even that, we know now from reading the FBI e-mails,
that they knew the whole thing was bullshit from the start.

... So, you shouldn't mind the information trickling out.
Even if it takes another year or two.

... It's onley fair!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
If I thought you were aiming at humor I’d laugh but sadly you’re serious. Read this thread, the cryers are Trumpys. No one else believes there’s a significant enough number of “fake or fraudulent” votes to make a difference. People that get caught voting fraudulently should be arrested, tried and if proven guilty jailed. It’s pretty simple.

To claim there needs to millions of dollars spent on recounts and investigations to catch maybe 100 people out of 150 million is ridiculous and stupid. To believe that there’s 100s of thousands of fraudulent votes is ridiculous and stupid. Shit, believing there’s 10s of thousands is dumb and stupid. That’s what we “nonTrumpys” are laughing at. The fact that some of you are soooooo dumb you can’t wrap your heads around two simple facts:

1) Trump was vastly outvoted (whether by people that genuinely like Biden or hate Trump or both) and
2) there was insignificant amounts of fraudulent votes on either side which would affect the election results.

So no, we don’t agree that changing laws to fix something that’s not broken makes sense. We also disagree with spending millions of dollars to disprove a negative.

It’s been looked at by 1000s of people, over and over and no fraud of a significant nature has been found (mainly because even federal elections are very local). The people at the local level have every incentive to ensure their elections are fair. It’s nonsensical that any cabal nationwide and across the world created a scheme in multiple states to just oust Trump. That’s their only purpose. On its face it’s sounds even more stupid.

If Trump went away, no one would speak his name. Hell, if he just went about running for his next election and stopped all the “election fraud” bullshit no one would really mention his name. But that’s his and y’all’s continued cry “election fraud”. Not because it really exists (it doesn’t), but because it justifies continued anti-democratic actions by republicans and raises shit tons of money from the base. The people getting the money and folks on Fox actually know it’s a lie. But they are all getting rich off you and others stupidity.

There is no election fraud of any significance whatsoever. Elections are way too important on a local level for folks to not prevent fraud. And unlike you and others, the people working elections are generally not partisan hacks or conspiracy believers. They are just people doing a civic duty.

Here’s a secret you might not know. Trump is a liar who only cares about raising money from the most vulnerable Americans, namely stupid gullible fools.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But then comes the retort…

Excellent post, NM!
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Isn't UBUNTU clolor of plum plumer over the bridge water that not fix "WHERE YOUR FLOUNDER", another construction white color crime(7/11 or /9/11) that usually kill thousand if not millions of people.
VitaMan's Avatar
Everyone knows what Trump is doing....except the Trumpites.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
NY Gov Kathy trying again to have MORE voter fraud
Everyone knows what Trump is doing....except the Trumpites. Originally Posted by VitaMan

wall street fire burning bush S.S. Plan money laundering into social media real money vs fake money in a ponsy scam
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump’s Great Escape

The spectacle of the riot and the justifiable attention on Trump’s potential liability have managed to overshadow a key day in Trump’s plan, January 2, when he spoke with Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger. On the call, which was recorded, Trump harangued Raffensperger over the course of an hour to find some pretext to change the vote total in the state in his favor. If none of the rest had happened, this alone would have justified a federal criminal investigation into Trump for committing election fraud.

There have also been significant journalistic accounts, but what has emerged is more impressionistic than definitive — a function, no doubt, of limitations in sourcing and cooperation on the part of those closest to Trump. If you read them closely, it is easy to see one of the other major limitations of the method — that it is perfectly legal to lie to journalists — in the form of self-serving and semi-farcical details from Republican sources who present themselves as being far more articulate and confrontational toward Trump in private than they ever were in public then or since. Thus we get House minority leader Kevin McCarthy telling Trump on a call from the Capitol on the day of the riot, “You have to denounce this,” and then–Attorney General William Barr telling Trump in the Oval Office in December that his legal team is “a joke.”
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Here’s a secret you might not know. Trump is a liar who only cares about raising money from the most vulnerable Americans, namely stupid gullible fools. Originally Posted by NoirMan
All very well stated, but I will quote your last paragraph solely.

His simpleton loyal followers are falling for his greatest con for a money grab. This time, he is just going next level with his complete bullshit for as much as he can get while he can get it. He will be laughing all the way to the bank and his simpletons will be crying all of the way home. That is just how business works for that piece of shit bullshitter con man. He profits and you don't.
VitaMan's Avatar
Exactly the same as when he wiped out his casino shareholders. His quote:

"I made a lot of money in New Jersey."

The shareholders were left holding the bag.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Exactly the same as when he wiped out his casino shareholders. His quote:

"I made a lot of money in New Jersey."

The shareholders were left holding the bag. Originally Posted by VitaMan
he was a DEM'er then, so it was ok ????
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  • 12-17-2021, 12:04 PM
he was a DEM'er then, so it was ok ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Did you see how much debt he ran up as President? Looks like he was a DEM'er then too!