NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
You mean there's actually a hot Waffle House waitress out there?!

Wait just a minute!

You're seriously saying there's one out there? Which one does she work at cause I wanna check this out lol.
Solemate62's Avatar
Daddio, in light of this news that Dopey is gonna ride the pine and Kubes has named Case as the starter, do you think you might owe Kubes an online apology? (This is known as shark bait, Brothers - want to see if it will bring him to the surface!)
NO FUCKING WAY I will apologize to that waffle cunt Kubes!!! He owes all Texans fans multiple apologies for the dud games we have all witnessed!!! After all that jizz stain always says "It's on Me", yeah we know Pubes, It's on you like a cum stain that won't come off!! I guarantee that McNuttless or somebody else made him play Case and not his boy!! So now we have a coach that can't even make his own player decisions running our team with a waffle house menu and no plays designed for the kid that would actually surprise the opposing D. I am to the point where I hope we get what the owner wants and just keep it close and almost win, that's good enough for McNuttless, this way hopefully after my parade of pissed posse next Monday and several other Mondays to follow we will rid ourselves of the cum bucket cabana boy and hire a coach with a brain and maybe even some nuts for our owner to admire!!

Go Case, take us to the playoffs!!

LOL, I know you gotta dig that one Soulmate!!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Classic! Well done, my Man!
I am a Great White MFing Shark!!!! Me like Shark Bait!! and Snatch!!
kerwil62's Avatar
More shit talking! I love this shit!! LMAO!!!!!
jstone420's Avatar
This season is done if they don't beat the Colts. Just like schaub
TheDon's Avatar
Not really, Luck can can just shatter his ACL in the next game
jstone420's Avatar
Thats not happening give up to many key injuries the team has no heart
Actually the Waffle House Waitress looked a little like Kubiak or his sister. I just grudge fucked her hard anally!!! She loved it!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Actually the Waffle House Waitress looked a little like Kubiak or his sister. I just grudge fucked her hard anally!!! She loved it!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Dude, that was Kubes wearing a WIG!!
Dude, that was Kubes wearing a WIG!! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Now that's some funny shit. EA may still want a turn
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-29-2013, 08:35 PM
Dammit! We lose 5 in a row and I go on vacation and all hell breaks loose!
Waffle House? Waitresses? Wtf just happened here?

Well since our team is shit now, carry on boys!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No no tbone I think I'll pass on this one lol.
I put the Lubes to Kubes and drilled his ass just underneath the Pubes!! Take that you Waffle House HO!!! Mfer deserves to take in the ass, making me boo my ass off each home game. Late in the game Sunday night listen for a real loud "Suck My Dick Kubiak" coming from the Cheap seats!!

McNuttless C'mon Man!! You gonna make us all sit thru a whole mfing season of this vagina soft coaching?? I wish Cris Carter would pimp slap you!!! C'mon Man!!