Ukraine invasion ?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Precious_b
Are you stating that the Steele Dossier was NOT started by conservatives? Because it was. Liberals were not the people who initiated the dossier. That is a fact. Can't twist is around any other way with logic. But if you can supply a source that I am wrong, I will apologize.
I only use mention of the report to raise the dander of certain posters here. Now if you want to call that twisted, so be it.

it wasn't.

the only thing true about your statement is that a conservative group did start opposition research into Trump and others. the rest is wrong.
feel free to apologize to HF at your earliest convenience _by_conservative_website

Research funded by conservative website

In October 2015, before the official start of the 2016 Republican primary campaign, the founders of Fusion GPS were seeking political work and wrote an email to "a big conservative donor they knew who disliked Trump, [and] they were hired". He arranged for them to use The Washington Free Beacon, an American conservative political journalism website, for their general opposition research on several Republican presidential candidates, including Trump.[48][49] It is primarily funded by Republican donor Paul Singer.[49] The Free Beacon and Singer were "part of the conservative never-Trump movement".[50] Although Singer was a big supporter of Marco Rubio, Rubio denied any involvement in Fusion GPS's initial research and hiring.[51]

Early in their investigation, they received help from investigative reporter Wayne Barrett, who gave them his files on Trump. They contained findings about "Trump's past dealings, including tax and bankruptcy problems, potential ties to organized crime, and numerous legal entanglements. They also revealed that Trump had an unusually high number of connections to Russians with questionable backgrounds."[48]

For months, Fusion GPS gathered information about Trump, focusing on his business and entertainment activities. When Trump became the presumptive nominee on May 3, 2016,[52] the conservative donor stopped funding the research on him.[13][53]

In October 2017, the Free Beacon issued a statement:
"All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign."[51]
Although the source of the Steele dossier's funding had already been reported correctly over a year before,[13][53][54] and the Free Beacon had issued a statement to this effect in October 2017,[51] a February 2, 2018, story by the Associated Press (AP) contributed to confusion about its funding by stating that the dossier "was initially funded" by the Washington Free Beacon, so the AP posted a correction the next day: "Though the former spy, Christopher Steele, was hired by a firm that was initially funded by the Washington Free Beacon, he did not begin work on the project until after Democratic groups had begun funding it."[55]

By the spring of 2016, researchers at Fusion GPS had become so alarmed by what they had already learned about Trump that they felt the need "to do what they could to keep Trump out of the White House".[56]

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Taliban has no love for Russia. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
yet. they cut a deal with them.
Precious_b's Avatar
Originally Posted by Precious_b
Are you stating that the Steele Dossier was NOT started by conservatives? Because it was. Liberals were not the people who initiated the dossier. That is a fact. Can't twist is around any other way with logic. But if you can supply a source that I am wrong, I will apologize.
I only use mention of the report to raise the dander of certain posters here. Now if you want to call that twisted, so be it.

it wasn't. the only thing true about your statement is that a conservative group did start opposition research into Trump and others.
the rest is wrong.
feel free to apologize to HF at your earliest convenience _by_conservative_website
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You have supported my statement.

Feel free to supply a link to where I use that paper for anything else than to state its origins.

It really rubs MAGA supporting people raw by me pointing out that one narrow point. That is the only breadth and depth I rely upon it. If I use it beyond (feel free to supply that link) than I can apologize to HF. Sorta of how I was able to get someone else to shut their mouth about a mistake I made on budget surplus and went back to show that the period I referenced not only had a surplus but left the deficit in better shape.

Thanks for for showing that the repubs started the Steele Dossier and possibly too cheap the catch and kill it. That's on them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You have supported my statement.

Feel free to supply a link to where I use that paper for anything else than to state its origins.

It really rubs MAGA supporting people raw by me pointing out that one narrow point. That is the only breadth and depth I rely upon it. If I use it beyond (feel free to supply that link) than I can apologize to HF. Sorta of how I was able to get someone else to shut their mouth about a mistake I made on budget surplus and went back to show that the period I referenced not only had a surplus but left the deficit in better shape.

Thanks for for showing that the repubs started the Steele Dossier and possibly too cheap the catch and kill it. That's on them. Originally Posted by Precious_b

can i ask you a personal question or two? can you read? are you a pathological welcher?

what's your game here? are you going with the "Ecky9.5k/VM" gambit that Wikipedia is a "unreliable source"? because it is open to be edited online?

what if i can find sources that states the same thing As Wikipedia? this ..

In October 2017, the Free Beacon issued a statement:"All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign."[51]

that's strike one.

here is strike two ..

Correction: Trump-Russia Probe story

Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a firm initially hired by the conservative Washington Free Beacon to do opposition research on Trump. Steele didn’t begin work on the project until after Democratic groups took over the funding.

now here is Check Mate

Conservative Free Beacon originally funded firm that created Trump-Russia dossier

The firm, Fusion GPS — which has been entwined in federal and congressional probes into Russian election interference in 2016 — was retained by the Free Beacon during the 2016 elections "to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary," Free Beacon editor and chief Matthew Continetti and chairman Michael Goldfarb said in the statement.

Goldfarb and Continetti, however, said they have no knowledge or financial involvement in the creation of the now-infamous Trump-Russia dossier, prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS.


Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... that Wikipedia is a "unreliable source"? because it is open to be edited online? ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, I consider it an unreliable source around political or affiliated topics especially. On other matters it is a somewhat reliable source or at least a comparable source to gauge other sources. BTW: The former CEO/Founder of it shares similar opinion.

While I consider it's unreliability a feature of it, it is also our own damned fault. It is user edited with inputs. Many of us are "burdened" with real life pursuits of working, raising a family and generally doing productive things. There is a growing class of loons that are not saddled with those burdens and dedicate a lot of time to colorize the history on Wikipedia to their dystopian myopic viewpoint. I typically refer to those as the "Barista-class" citizens, though I think "Loafer-class" may be more accurate and very likely they are also the "Gamer-class" types. As such, it is unreliable.

As a hunch, you might find PB to be a dedicated contributor to it even.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, I consider it an unreliable source around political or affiliated topics especially. On other matters it is a somewhat reliable source or at least a comparable source to gauge other sources. BTW: The former CEO/Founder of it shares similar opinion.

While I consider it's unreliability a feature of it, it is also our own damned fault. It is user edited with inputs. Many of us are "burdened" with real life pursuits of working, raising a family and generally doing productive things. There is a growing class of loons that are not saddled with those burdens and dedicate a lot of time to colorize the history on Wikipedia to their dystopian myopic viewpoint. I typically refer to those as the "Barista-class" citizens, though I think "Loafer-class" may be more accurate and very likely they are also the "Gamer-class" types. As such, it is unreliable.

As a hunch, you might find PB to be a dedicated contributor to it even. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

rumor has it that our very own little precious is actually a democratic operative compromised by the russkies

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You have supported my statement.

Feel free to supply a link to where I use that paper for anything else than to state its origins.

It really rubs MAGA supporting people raw by me pointing out that one narrow point. That is the only breadth and depth I rely upon it. If I use it beyond (feel free to supply that link) than I can apologize to HF. Sorta of how I was able to get someone else to shut their mouth about a mistake I made on budget surplus and went back to show that the period I referenced not only had a surplus but left the deficit in better shape.

Thanks for for showing that the repubs started the Steele Dossier and possibly too cheap the catch and kill it. That's on them. Originally Posted by Precious_b
This is a serious question, are you insane? Everyone does oppo research but the Steele Dossier came from the machinations of Hillary Clinton and her alone. They were smart enough to know that coming directly from the Clinton camp would make it suspect so they fed it to a willing McCain. Have no doubt, the law firm, Fusion GPS, Steele, Russian operatives, and the FBI just lying down for the lie; it was a liberal hit job and very likely sedition.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In Texas we "Remember the Alamo" fondly and proudly.
What will be the Ukraine refrain? "Remember the Banking Records"
It just doesn't roll off the tongue.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is a serious question, are you insane? Everyone does oppo research but the Steele Dossier came from the machinations of Hillary Clinton and her alone. They were smart enough to know that coming directly from the Clinton camp would make it suspect so they fed it to a willing McCain. Have no doubt, the law firm, Fusion GPS, Steele, Russian operatives, and the FBI just lying down for the lie; it was a liberal hit job and very likely sedition. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

intentionally or not, little precious is making a false association, he claims that because the Beacon and that fatcat repub Trump hater hired Fusion GPS, the Beacon and the republicans are therefore responsible for all content produced by Fusion GPS no matter who paid for it.

this of course is total nonsense and it turns out Fusion GPS was playing both sides. there was a brief overlap where for about 2 months Fusion GPS was working for both the Beacon and the DNC/Clinton campaign, independently.

Trump opposition research

Main article: Trump–Russia dossier

From September 2015 to May 2016, Simpson was retained by a conservative newspaper, the Washington Free Beacon, to collect information on many of the Republican presidential candidates, including Donald Trump.[8][9][3][10]

In April 2016, the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign's law firm, Perkins Coie, retained Simpson's company Fusion GPS.[9] From April 2016 into early May, the Washington Free Beacon and the Clinton Campaign/DNC were independently both clients of Fusion GPS. In June 2016, Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent, to obtain information on Trump. Steele used his "old contacts and farmed out other research to native Russian speakers who made phone calls on his behalf".[11] After November 2016, funding from the Democratic Party ceased, and Simpson reportedly spent his own money to fund further work on the dossier.[12]

notice the dates. the Beacon ended its contract with Fusion GPS in May 2016. in April 2016 the DNC/Clinton campaign also retained Fusion GPS where as i said for about 2 months Fusion GPS was working for both parties independently.

the proof positive that proves little precious wrong is that it was not until June, after the Beacon dropped out, Steele was contacted on behalf of their only remaining client ....

The DNC/Clinton campaign

game set match precious ... you can apologize to HF at your earliest convenience. unless you intend on welching ...

the forum awaits your reply

... Blimey! ... How will the lad wick-away all those FACTS?

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Blimey! ... How will the lad wick-away all those FACTS?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

i doubt he'll thank me for it ...

bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you have a clue how Wikipedia content is populated, ###Salty?

Apparently not.

HedonistForever's Avatar
This is a serious question, are you insane? Everyone does oppo research but the Steele Dossier came from the machinations of Hillary Clinton and her alone. They were smart enough to know that coming directly from the Clinton camp would make it suspect so they fed it to a willing McCain. Have no doubt, the law firm, Fusion GPS, Steele, Russian operatives, and the FBI just lying down for the lie; it was a liberal hit job and very likely sedition. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

I thought the very same thing when he first said it. I proved him wrong with multiple sources and he not only persisted but doubled down.

Then he informed us that sometimes he just likes to fuck with people, to irritate them with false information even when it can be easily obtained then, get them angry. Then it became clear as with so many other people on this board. They will say things they should know are untrue but say "what the hell, let me see if I can irritate so and so because after all, that's more fun than a serious debate. Hell, 1bm1 and NoirMan, one in the same, use to say this is what I do with "he knows better but won't admit it".. I'll state unequivocally that I have never written, said anything, I don't believe to be true and on that one occasion 1bm1 caught me in an error and said "he'll never admit this"........... I admitted I had made a mistake. I don't make many where I'm "factually" in correct but this was a "numbers error" that I misinterpreted, so I was easily proven wrong. We discuss so many topics here, that it is easy to get frustrated when some people can not admit the easiest to prove mistake.

But when someone openly admits they say untruths for sport, just to fuck with someone, well, I'm done with that person.

There are many many issues that come up here that are arguable. This is not one of them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Do you have a clue how Wikipedia content is populated, ###Salty?

Apparently not.

Santorum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
well why don't you tell us sparky. i'm sure it will be wrong.

what will you say about links from the AP and Politico?

yeah. thought so.

still waiting on the pee tape? Mueller? the NYC DA? who's gonna fail to get Trump next?