How about them Buccos!!!!!!

flows-with-water's Avatar
What a bullshit ump call. But once again the offense was nowhere to be found.
bambino's Avatar
Took 3/4 from the Cubs. 500 on the road trip. Bring Bae and Lamb up. DFA Rowdy. They now have one of the best starting rotations in MLB. They need some runs. Quit fucking around.
flows-with-water's Avatar
Down 4 and come back in the bottom of 9th to tie it. Bottom of 10th Nick Gonzales gets a walk off single. Nice come back win to start the home stand.
... Too Right, mate... Perfect comeback from the Lads! ...

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Cruz’s exit speeds are off the charts. He hits balls harder than anyone. On to our fireballers. Pretty impressive stuff.
.... Ye Christ! ... ... Absolute Implosion! ...
Piss away a nice lead... And some o' the decisions by manager
Shelton surely make me scratch me head...

... But tomorrow's a New Day - with the champion Skenes pitching!
(even heard the Skenes might have Australian bloodlines) ...

#### Salty
flows-with-water's Avatar
Oh please let’s not STB 2 games in a row
bambino's Avatar
Nutting has to wake up. I’m pretty sure he delegates player procurement with Cherrington. Cherrington has spent 31 million on losers like Tellez. He brought in Chapman who can’t throw a strike. I could go on, but Nutting has to come to Jesus like Rooney and shake things up.
... Too Right he does! .

#### Salty
flows-with-water's Avatar
After today Tellez has got to be released. DFA etc. Chapman shouldn’t be far behind
... After pissing-away the previous 2 games, our lads took out
their frustration on a good Braves side - hammering them for
a big lead 'alf-way thru the game. ... 'Course it wouldn't
be Pirates baseball without "scary relief pitching"
But our lads held on for the Win...

#### Salty
... And as pluck would have it - success again! ... Startin' to
see some bright spots from the hitting... Let's go for the sweep!

#### Salty
... Blimey! ... First it's unproductive batters... And NOW
shitty relievers... Surely gettin' painful to watch...

... Gonna be time to make some management changes IF this keeps on.
Let's get back onto the Winning Track!

#### Salty
This team is wasting a golden opportunity with these three starting pitchers with the crap lineups they toss out. You have some games where three or four of nine are total zeroes (Tellez, Taylor, Triolo, when Williams plays) with the bat.
... Hopefully our lads can get it together soon, mate.
But other sides also have their-own set of problems.
We're still in the mix... ... Let's beat Toronto! ...

#### Salty