Redhead Mondays

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
OMG no fucking way. To think I had a part in that I rip at my Id and flay at it. You idiot I yell as I strike again and again Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Ha. Go have a double JWB.
There's more than enough blame to go around. Other than folks that post to this thread, there's a KC hobby friend who frequently reminded me that I'm crazy/nuts/etc. to try chase civilians. More blame could go to a road warrior friend who put me into a very nice distracted frame of mind at Sat brunch. And, the primary culprit, the guy that introduced us, was made to walk the plank (thrown overboard) late Sat afternoon, when he (nevermind). His gal threw him a float, and then ignored him, and he swam to dock.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Went to a friends house Saturday night and the place was very loud. More people talking than players and 8 of us were trying to play cards. I brought JWB and was able to have maybe 4 shots out of it.
Nebraska69now's Avatar
sigh.....I hope to find a good red head around here soon
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