This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

chicagoboy's Avatar

If you have had issues with clients, then why don't you start a topic in the powder room and complain there? This isn't doing your case any good.

I'm concerned about you, Kitty. If you start a topic in the private areas, though, there will probably be some similar falling out with others but at least, it'll be all female.

But perhaps it won't affect your business like these type of topics must be doing.

Good luck with it all.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Elisabeth, this shit does NOT affect my business. The fact that you would even say some bs like this to me after the horrid lies these losers have spread about me in incomprehensible. Especially, when the truth on a deceptive hobbyist hiding from his old handle comes out. Which is worse? Me defending myself or a loser that posts videos of providers online without their permission and tries to slander and ruin a provider by spreading lies and bullshit about her for months now?

Of all people you are the LAST person I expected to hear this sort of garbage from.

Do you think any of these motherfuckers respected me enough to keep their garbage in the mens room?

I've got an issue if you guys don't want to do your jobs as moderators and allow bullshit like this to continue and a provider to be bashed and insulted and lied about after she repeatedly asked for assistance and NOTHING WAS DONE.

I have ZERO issues with clients. I have issues with people disrespecting ME. These losers have never met me let alone paid me. The fact that you'd stick up for them is completely unjust. I am concerned for your rationality. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
I'm not a moderator in this section and only wrote what I did (one female to another) to suggest a different path of communicating.

My intention was to be helpful. My intent wasn't to cause you more stress.

My apologies. It won't happen again.

Take care,
Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Well, maybe next time you should read the thread before you judge somebody. This had nothing to do with any of my clients or my relation with them. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
As I said a couple weeks ago:

Some of us are trying to get Kitty to wise up. Others apparently are trying to get her to crack up.

Kitty's seeming inability to distinguish between the two groups is a problem for her.
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
TinMan's Avatar
Now I've seen everything. The most sensible person on this board, male or female, gets attacked.

I'll drink a fine gin martini in your honor this evening, Elisabeth. I know you'll appreciate the gesture.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
At this point the Pope could roll up in this thread w/ advise & Kitty would consider it an attack.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Of course you don't TheEccie214, at least I have enough discretion to not post who you really are and that has nothing to do with any respect or concern I have for you but rather for the ladies you victimized. I highly doubt that the provider who told me this shit made it up.

Tinman what was so sensible about it? It was irrelevant. This does not belong in the powder room it belongs right here out in the open where these trolls have been bashing me, trying to ruin me and making up absolute garbage about me for the past 4 months. Obviously, it has nothing to do with any of my clients... whose SILENCE speaks, what was it but a smug attempt to make me look stupid? If my clients who on this site number in the hundreds failed to back up any of the claims these dumbfucks, Tony Gambino, Looknforboobies and TheEccie214 have been broadcasting about me... I'd say I didn't have issues with my clients. Who in here is so privy to MY LIFE as to speculate on it hurting or helping my business?

Fuck with me.

Attachment 567295
KittyLamour's Avatar
At this point the Pope could roll up in this thread w/ advise & Kitty would consider it an attack. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
At this point, if the Pope rolled up in this shmb with advice I'd retire for real.

Secret Slobbyist Pics leaked in the Sandbox!

I'm joking btw. Ha ha.
That last pic roflmao I can't breathe. I'm taking a break today shit. Until later hehe
KittyLamour's Avatar
That's what happens when they don't take the dick out of their personality and put it back in their pants.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Meh, nothing but more insults. Only thing I've ever known about videos were vi and sexy platinum...all of which was out here for all to read. And they had something going together for a while. I never saw vi but did see sp once. Never taken video of a provider.

So this new story is out of nowhere and you slam EW - finally cracking old lady?
KittyLamour's Avatar
You haven't cracked me yet, Victimizer214. It takes much more than lies and juvenile agendas to take me down. And that's all you got. Trick.

I said 8 providers, btw. It was not random. If I was you, I'd just guest your handle now and try to sneak back with a new one cause your gig is up.

I'm fixing to school you one more fact. You need to keep provider's names out of your filthy mouth, I swear to god this is a lesson you are fixing to learn real well.
Meemaw is pissed, everybody it seems.....oh well as soon as she fills out her AARP membership, she'll be back to school the board!!.....old school......
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Please keep my name out of your mouth thank you.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Tony, I've gone relatively easy on your ass because I don't think you are quite as malicious as the other two, so I'm going to let you know, the underdog just shut this mother fucker down and there ain't shit left to say on this tired ass subject unless you want to see your gangleader roasted in public even further. Because I can and will hurt him some more. Another bombshell. He actually deserves it.
Tony, I've gone relatively easy on your ass because I don't think you are quite as malicious as the other two, so I'm going to let you know, the underdog just shut this mother fucker down and there ain't shit left to say on this tired ass subject unless you want to see your gangleader roasted in public even further. Because I can and will hurt him some more. Another bombshell. He actually deserves it. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
by all means after you organize your venetian masks, and comb out your wigs.....put him on blast!......
thanks for going easy on should try that with the clown make up and hooker perfume....
KittyLamour's Avatar
Did you find any help moving those pasture decorations?