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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Nope! That's a clueless trumptard waiting on FAUX to tell him how to think! Perhaps time to spin this again soon!
You see trumptards lack imagination and tend to drone on repeating the same thing over and over and over again! It amuses their peanut gallery!....LOL

Originally Posted by Zollner

yous mean this fine muslin american?

whew what a patriot .. for the Taliban .. whew
Zollner's Avatar
yous mean this fine muslin american?

whew what a patriot .. for the Taliban .. whew Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Again thanks for making my point!
That's what those spoon fed FAUX believe....LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Again thanks for making my point!
That's what those spoon fed FAUX believe....LOL
Originally Posted by Zollner

whew such DA NILE whew

How China locked down internally for COVID-19, but pushed foreign travel

April 30, 2020, 10:55 am IST Sandip Sen in What happens if? | India, World | ET

There is new evidence to show that China locked down all domestic traffic internally by end January 2020 but pushed to open foreign travel till end March. Data from Tom Tom traffic index, a traffic location site that covers 416 cities across 57 countries show that as a result of this strategy, China, intentionally or otherwise, was able to lockdown its cities unknown to the world. While this reduced the spread of the Corona virus within China, China’s aggressive foreign travel policy lead to a virus explosion worldwide. Here is the chronological events of what happened with the requisite traffic data from 10 major cities globally and the statements from Chinese leaders that will help readers reach their own conclusions.

Beijing & Shanghai were isolated by Jan, domestic flights curtailed

The COVID- 19 virus first surfaced in Wuhan in the last week of December. On 31 December 2019 Chinese health officials first reported to WHO that 41 patients in Wuhan had contracted a mysterious pneumonia that was not responding to conventional treatment. As most patients were from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market it was closed on the 1st of January. On the 7th of January Chinese scientists identified the virus as a novel Coronavirus later termed as the COVID-19 virus. On the 11th of January the virus claimed its first life in Wuhan city. On 13th January Thailand reported the first case of Coronavirus outside China. On 20th of January Zong Nanshan the scientist named by China to lead the battle against the virus stated ” Now we can say that it is certain that it is a human to human transmission phenomenon”.

On January 22 at a meeting to decide the measures to be taken, WHO was not able warn the world of the severity of COVID-19 apparently because of resistance from Beijing. (WHO referred to it as “divergent views”) On January 23 Wuhan city was placed under quarantine and two days later the entire Hubei province was locked down. The Chinese state machinery was harnessed to enforce an unprecedented quarantine on 50 million people across 15 cities. In the last week of January domestic flights from Hubei to other parts of China was stopped and restrictions on traffic movement in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were initiated. This was the time of the Chinese New Year when offices and schools are normally closed and it is also the prime tourism season for the Chinese. On the 31st January Italy fearing a major outbreak of Coronavirus from hundreds of tourists arriving from China closed all flights to and from China.

China’s traffic density below 10% in Feb, but criticises global traffic curbs

China’s vice-minister of foreign affairs Qin Gang met Italy’s ambassador to China Luca Ferrari in Beijing following the flight ban. “Italy’s decision to stop flights without contacting China in advance caused great inconvenience to citizens of both countries. Many Chinese are still stranded in Italy,” the foreign ministry said on its website the following day. The U.S. issued a travel advisory against China travel on the 2nd of February but did not ban all services. While Chinese authorities limited domestic flights from Wuhan to other Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai in an effort to contain the outbreak in January, it urged international carriers to maintain their flying schedules. The Civil Aviation Administration of China stated “In order to meet the needs of passengers in and out of the country and the international transport of supplies during this special period … airlines [are required to] … continue transport to nations that have not imposed travel restrictions.”

China’s assertion that all was well for international travel was supported by the WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the opening of the agency’s Executive Board meet on the 3rd February. He said ” There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent. WHO stands ready to provide advice to any country that is considering which measures to take,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying criticised the US advisories saying “The U.S. government hasn’t provided any substantial assistance to us, but it was the first to evacuate personnel from its consulate in Wuhan, the first to suggest partial withdrawal of its embassy staff, and the first to impose a comprehensive travel ban on Chinese travellers”

While China continued to protest against international travel bans it successfully quarantined Wuhan and other affected cities. The total domestic lockdown of Hubei province and the flight ban imposed inside China had immediate effect. As per data from Tom Tom traffic index Wuhan had a traffic density of 60% in January while Shanghai and Beijing had nearly 80% density. After the total lockdown the average traffic density fell to below 10% in Wuhan and Shanghai during February and below 5% in Beijing. While implementing a total domestic lockdown in February, China kept assuring the world that the situation was not serious and fully under control.

WHO declares global pandemic belatedly in March, nations unprepared

China kept on the facade of hiding the severity of the virus attack till mid March. On the 11th of March WHO belatedly declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. By that time the number of cases globally had grown thirteen fold. As per WHO website more than 118,000 cases had been reported in 114 countries, and 4,291 people had lost their lives when the global pandemic was declared. That is when the rest of the world started preparing for a suitable response to the pandemic, nearly two months after China.

It was only after a telephonic conversation with US President Donald Trump on March 27th that Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to curb international flights from China. China’s Civil Aviation Administration stated after the discussion “that 90% of international flights would be temporarily suspended. The number of incoming passengers would be cut to 5,000 a day, from 25,000. China has also ordered local airlines to maintain only one route per country, once a week, as of 29th March”. By the end of March COVID-19 had become a full blown global crisis with nearly 10,000 deaths in Italy, Spain and the US and over 5000 in Iran and the UK which was much more than those dead in China.

As per data from Tom Tom traffic index the traffic density in Wuhan remained low at around 10% of the normal traffic in March while the major business centres like Beijing and Shanghai which had less than a few thousand cases of COVID-19 and half a dozen deaths showed partial recovery of traffic to around 40%. The rest of the world oblivious of the need for total lockdown took time to react. The traffic remained high at over 60% in major cities like Rome, Milan, Madrid, Paris, London, New York, New Delhi and Mumbai during March.

Australia calls for investigation, China and WHO must be made accountable

The Tom Tom traffic data index shows that in all other global cities like Rome, Milan, Madrid, Paris, London, New York, New Delhi and Mumbai the traffic density dropped to 10% only in the month of April when most nations went under lockdown. This was a clear two months after China went in for a domestic lock down and allowed the virus to proliferate to international destinations through human contact. The traffic density in Beijing and Shanghai rose to over 60% in April showing that the Chinese cities and its economy was back to normal functioning.

While China limited its losses to below 5000 by end April 2020, the US had lost 60,000 lives, Italy, Spain, France and UK above 20,000 each and the world saw over 200,000 deaths that was nearly doubling every fortnight. So though the virus had originated from China which initially infected citizens from 27 nations, because of China’s diabolic international travel policy it spread rapidly to a totally unprepared Europe, mainly Italy and Spain and thereafter to the rest of the world becoming a global pandemic. So weather the virus was produced in the Wuhan Virology Institute as an exercise of bio-terrorism or simply arrived unintentionally due to bat and pangolin infected blood from its exotic animal markets in Wuhan, China is answerable for the way it allowed the virus to spread.

Australia has called for an international investigation into the spread of COVID-19 and all nations of the world including India must back the move. Also it has been suggested that the leadership and the action of WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus needs to be probed. All nations including India need to support such an investigation for it is better to be safe than sorry.
Zollner's Avatar
More tRump BS talking points.
Dopey Don claims his banned Chinese from the USA but let in ~40,000 Americans and well connected folks to enter the USA after his FAKE BAN who were Covid carriers who infected us here.
tRump did this being Putin's Useful Idiot!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
More tRump BS talking points.
Dopey Don claims his banned Chinese from the USA but let in ~40,000 Americans and well connected folks to enter the USA after his FAKE BAN who were Covid carriers who infected us here.
tRump did this being Putin's Useful Idiot!

Originally Posted by Zollner

so yous are so unamerican that yous would have left 40,00 AMERICAN CITIZENS stranded overseas?

whew so unpatriotic whew
Zollner's Avatar
so yous are so unamerican that yous would have left 40,00 AMERICAN CITIZENS stranded overseas?

whew so unpatriotic whew Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No but they should have been tested or quarantined. It never happened but NOW Double-talking Don LIES saying they all were !
Do you find him 'credible'?!?!?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No but they should have been tested or quarantined. It never happened but NOW Double-talking Don LIES saying they all were !
Do you find him 'credible'?!?!?

Originally Posted by Zollner

whew much confusion whew

The Trump administration's aggressive efforts to protect Americans from the coronavirus are drawing both praise and criticism.

On Friday, the federal government temporarily banned entry into the United States for anyone traveling from China who isn't a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or an immediate family member of either.

In addition, any Americans returning to the U.S. from China's Hubei Province, which is the epicenter of the outbreak, will be quarantined for 14 days.

Some politicians and biosecurity experts are praising these steps. They say the actions are necessary because of the threat posed by the virus.

"Nobody likes quarantines. Nobody likes travel restrictions," says Kenneth Bernard, a biodefense consultant who served in the George W. Bush administration. "But nobody likes getting sick and dying from the virus either. We need to understand that this is potentially a very dangerous virus that is spreading very rapidly."

The virus has already sickened thousands and killed hundreds in China, and the toll is rising rapidly. In the U.S., only a small number of cases have been reported so far, mostly among travelers returning from China. But Bernard notes that there are many uncertainties, including how easily the virus spreads and how lethal it is.

"You have to take sometimes draconian measures just to protect the population," Bernard says.

But many public health experts worry that some of the steps are unnecessary, overly aggressive and could be counter-productive, especially the travel ban.

"I think that the Trump administration is sliding from complacency and over-confidence to panic and overreaction to a point where we're going instill panic and fear in the American public," says Lawrence Gostin, a public health law expert at Georgetown University. "We have to keep our head here and remain calm."

Gostin agrees that it probably makes sense to quarantine people who are clearly at high risk for having been exposed to the virus.

On Friday health officials announced that 195 people who had been evacuated from China last week were being quarantined for 14 days at an air force base in California.

This is the first time in 50 years the federal government is imposing its quarantine authority on Americans.

But other experts worry the administrations plans to quarantine additional travelers could strain already scarce public health resources.

"I think we're going to very quickly reach the upper limits of our capacity," says Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Some public health experts say they are also concerned about protecting the civil liberties of those being quarantined, especially because the CDC gained broader quarantine authorities about three years ago.

In addition, some say the prospect of being quarantined could end up hindering an effective response.

"It backfires because people head for the hills," says Wendy Parmet, a professor of health law policy at Northeastern University. "People don't call and seek health care when they might be becoming sick. And health care providers become fearful of treating patients because they don't want to get caught up in the quarantine."

But the travel ban is raising the biggest concerns.

Historically, critics say, travel restrictions haven't been effective. That's one reason the World Health Organization is advising against banning travel.

Parmet says that travel restrictions may give the appearance of "acting tough," but actually provides "false comfort that we can keep out germs by barring travel."

"We are deluding ourselves, and that's dangerous," Parmet says. "It just doesn't work that way."

The travel ban could alienate Chinese authorities, making it more difficult to get China to work with the rest of the world to get the outbreak under control, Parmet and others say.

The restriction could also make it difficult to get crucial personnel and supplies in and out of China, they say.

There's also concern that other countries may be less forthcoming about reporting to avoid being subjected to travel bans and trade restrictions.

All flights from China are being re-routed to 11 U.S. airports. And any U.S. citizens who have been in other parts of China in the past two weeks are being subject to screening and close monitoring for 14 days.

whew much silly posters upstate .. er upset! whew
Zollner's Avatar
whew much confusion whew

whew much silly posters upstate .. er upset! whew Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ancient news, NPR just doing their job reporting disinformation provided them....LOL

The Damage was already DONE and incubating in Jan while Dotard Don was off Golfing and doing rallies with his cultists!...LOL

Can't wait for his rallies to begin AGAIN!!!
With their new Theme!....LOL

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ancient news, NPR just doing their job reporting disinformation provided them....LOL

The Damage was already DONE and incubating in Jan while Dotard Don was off Golfing and doing rallies with his cultists!...LOL

Can't wait for his rallies to begin AGAIN!!!
With their new Theme!....LOL

Originally Posted by Zollner

whew .. NPR fake news? whew such desperation in yous upsetters whew

by the way how's things going with your "Great White Dope" that will defeat Evil Lord Trump?

whew can't wait for the debates whew get yer Corn Pop corn whew
Zollner's Avatar
whew .. NPR fake news? whew such desperation in yous upsetters whew

whew can't wait for the debates whew get yer Corn Pop corn whew Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
NPR just doing their job reporting disinformation & LIES provided them by Team tRump!....LOL

There will be NO debates!!! Dodger Don is a COWARD!

Dodger Don will fabricate an excuse to be AWOL, maybe his bone spurs will flare up!!!...LOL
Dodger Don has been a COWARD his entire life!
The Coward hides his HS & college grades and transcripts, because they will prove he is no 'stable genius'.
This Gutless Wonder dodged the Vietnam War. Nobody in entire Trump family ever served in the military.
The Coward hides his Tax returns because they will show him NOT as rich as he endlessly bloviates and will expose all the money he got nefariously from Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Israel for starters. After going Bankrupt several times US Banks tagged him TOXIC and stopped giving him any loans. He was forced to beg for money outside the USA getting it nefariously, which he continues to hide!

The Coward can't speak, spell, construct complete sentences, or even answer questions lucidly without drifting off message all the time of late! This is why he refuses doing real news conferences.
Dodger Don uses his childish tweets to hide from the people because he is afraid to face them!
Dodger Don now refuses doing any more Covid news briefings because he realizes he just looks like a stupid silly ass! He lies and endlessly bloviating about what a great job he is doing as far more Americans >70,000 have died in ~2 months than the entire ~20 year Vietnam War 58,820, that this Gutless Wonder Dodged!
Now he Dodges taking any real Leadership or Responsibility in the Covid Pandemic! He says let the 50 Governors handle it as Coward Don Leads From Behind!!!

This Coward meets with his Commie pals Putin, Xi Jinping and Rocket Man and hides all that went on as secret! WTF! Who is this Gutless Wonder working for? The people of the USA, or do his Commie Comrades have him by the balls as he acts as their agent???

Zollner's Avatar
Not surprised tRump never got that!!!.....LOL

Zollner's Avatar
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Trump is licking his chops at the idea of the debate. Dems will try to find a way out of it. Wait and see.
Poor Joe is gonna look even more foolish than usual.... Bernie would have a better chance....