Assholes's Speech

Little Monster's Avatar
OMG - You are right LM. But again -so what?? You say he went back on his word - I say that was just campaign rhetoric. Austin is so different from the rest of the country. I have friends in California - they are still - still - freaked out that Trump won. Well, they are just gonna have to suck it up. Just like I had to do with Obama. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Sooooooo, are you saying that it is perfectly OK for a candidate to tell the people what they want to hear just to acquire votes during a campaign, then do the exact opposite once they are elected?

What does Austin have to do with your friends in California? Just Suck it up huh?? OK!!!

Baby - Politicians have been lying to us since the beginning of time - you have to sift thru all the bullshit to get the candidate that you want.
Little Monster's Avatar
Baby - Politicians have been lying to us since the beginning of time - you have to sift thru all the bullshit to get the candidate that you want. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
While I do agree with you 100%. However you seem to forget that Asshole was NOT a politician, rather a self proclaimed "smart businessman" who ran because he WAS an outsider and not just another "Lying Politician"....Right???? Was that not one of his biggest talking points??

Isn't that where that whole "Drain the Swamp" crap was all about?? In fact YOU yourself posted a thread with that same slogan in the title, and now you are telling me that Asshole is just another "Lying Politician" just because you cannot find anyway to defend his hypocrisy???
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Baby - Politicians have been lying to us since the beginning of time - you have to sift thru all the bullshit to get the candidate that you want. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Electing a president is not a sporting event. You don't win a title, go in the record books and bask in victory's glory. Take an opportunity to think about the importance (or lack of importance) you are placing on post election performance.

The truth is, if you win, you have merely won a job. It is a job the American people expect results from AFTER the election. Lies and broken promises equal failing to perform as expected. While we can say that all (or most) politicians say things they don't mean from time to time, Trump is taking this to unchartered territory.

Trump has been elected to a job he must perform. He will either succeed or fail.

At this point in time, Trump has failed miserably.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
While I do agree with you 100%. However you seem to forget that Asshole was NOT a politician, rather a self proclaimed "smart businessman" who ran because he WAS an outsider and not just another "Lying Politician"....Right???? Was that not one of his biggest talking points??

Isn't that where that whole "Drain the Swamp" crap was all about?? In fact YOU yourself posted a thread with that same slogan in the title, and now you are telling me that Asshole is just another "Lying Politician" just because you cannot find anyway to defend his hypocrisy??? Originally Posted by Little Monster
Damn good point, Little Monster.

This is an impressive and entirely accurate observation.
No - you are right - Trump did not run as a politician - and that's what I love about him. No - I'm not saying he is another lying politician - hmmmm - how can I put this -
I guess the only thing I can say is that lying is a human trait - everybody lies - they do - it's a fact -but you gotta sift thru the lies -does that make sense?

While I do agree with you 100%. However you seem to forget that Asshole was NOT a politician, rather a self proclaimed "smart businessman" who ran because he WAS an outsider and not just another "Lying Politician"....Right???? Was that not one of his biggest talking points??

Isn't that where that whole "Drain the Swamp" crap was all about?? In fact YOU yourself posted a thread with that same slogan in the title, and now you are telling me that Asshole is just another "Lying Politician" just because you cannot find anyway to defend his hypocrisy??? Originally Posted by Little Monster
Cap'n I have that mentality of "team" and yes--I am on team Trump. What we won is a big " fuck you" to government as it was run - hopefully we will change that.

Electing a president is not a sporting event. You don't win a title, go in the record books and bask in victory's glory. Take an opportunity to think about the importance (or lack of importance) you are placing on post election performance.

The truth is, if you win, you have merely won a job. It is a job the American people expect results from AFTER the election. Lies and broken promises equal failing to perform as expected. While we can say that all (or most) politicians say things they don't mean from time to time, Trump is taking this to unchartered territory.

Trump has been elected to a job he must perform. He will either succeed or fail.

At this point in time, Trump has failed miserably. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Little Monster's Avatar
No - you are right - Trump did not run as a politician - and that's what I love about him. No - I'm not saying he is another lying politician - hmmmm - how can I put this -
I guess the only thing I can say is that lying is a human trait - everybody lies - they do - it's a fact -but you gotta sift thru the lies -does that make sense? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Now, I very clearly remember you bashing Hillary six months ago for being a so called"liar" and now you are saying that it is perfectly ok to be a liar because it's a "Human Trait"????
Come on man - Hillary really was a liar. I mean - really - I can't see her as POTUS - never ever. Now - I'll tell you - I'm a Trump supporter - I think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread to ever happen to our country - but that's just me- you have your opinion and I respect that- the next election is in 4 years - perhaps you can have a candidate that you could get behind and win the next election--IDK - but I'm sticking with the Donald

Now, I very clearly remember you bashing Hillary six months ago for being a so called"liar" and now you are saying that it is perfectly ok to be a liar because it's a "Human Trait"???? Originally Posted by Little Monster
Little Monster's Avatar
Come on man - Hillary really was a liar. I mean - really - I can't see her as POTUS Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ok, let's say you are right and Hillary was a flat out liar, didn't you just say that, that was perfectly fine because it's "A human trait". So why did that unqualify her for being POTUS, and it be perfectly ok for Asshole to do the exact same thing???
Come on man - Hillary really was a liar. I mean - really - I can't see her as POTUS - never ever. Now - I'll tell you - I'm a Trump supporter - I think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread to ever happen to our country - but that's just me- you have your opinion and I respect that- the next election is in 4 years - perhaps you can have a candidate that you could get behind and win the next election--IDK - but I'm sticking with the Donald Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Hillary really was a liar.. What does that make Trump? He lies the second he opens his mouth. He has reversed course on so much stuff that he campaigned on. Yet his supporters just go along with it. Which is weird because when Hillary or Obama said similar things, those supporters didn't approve. That's odd. That the person saying something makes it true or false to you. There's literally proof of him saying things that he later goes against. And yet that's not lying? He's been caught lying and just blames it on other people. He lies for no reason about things that can easily be proven false. He is saying he's had the best 90 days in office ever.. Do you really believe that? Because anyone with a brain can look up things and see what he's done. And then look at say idk FDR and see that it's not even close.

Also I'm assuming you're being sarcastic about that whole Trump is the best thing to ever happen to our country. Because I would contend things like ending slavery, ending Jim Crow, women's suffrage, landing on the moon, etc. would be better. Hell even Twitter was better because we know Trump would cry at night without that. Trump isn't even the best thing politically to happen to the country. Stop it. He lost the popular vote by 3 million more votes, he's had some of the lowest approval ratings. Like the person you voted for but that's not even an opinion you made if you believe that. That's just a flat out lie.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
OMG - You are right LM. But again -so what?? You say he went back on his word - I say that was just campaign rhetoric. Austin is so different from the rest of the country. I have friends in California - they are still - still - freaked out that Trump won. Well, they are just gonna have to suck it up. Just like I had to do with Obama. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
"Campaign rhetoric"???? People vote for candidates based on what they say they will do if elected. Trump made many more campaign promises to the people of this country than Clinton did and won the election because of those promises. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Eradicate ISIS. Repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better. Significantly lower taxes. Deport ALL illegal immigrants. Bring jobs back to the U.S.

I reluctantly voted for Clinton because I did not trust Trump and so far he has lived up to my expectations. He has a long time remaining in office to erase my current feelings towards him. Hopefully he will. Assuming you did not vote AGAINST Clinton but FOR Trump, what were your reasons for doing so? I ask because Trump has done a 180 on so many major issues that the reasons many of his supporters voted for him have already disappeared.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Excellent questions.

The answer, no doubt is, she hates everything.
You know I had to pick one - And I picked the Donald. There were only 2 choices. And I like Trump. I don't agree with everything he has done but the other choice would have been worse - in my opinion. When I support someone - I'm loyal to the end. Hopefully, in this case---that doesn't include my end too.

Ok, let's say you are right and Hillary was a flat out liar, didn't you just say that, that was perfectly fine because it's "A human trait". So why did that unqualify her for being POTUS, and it be perfectly ok for Asshole to do the exact same thing??? Originally Posted by Little Monster
Little Monster's Avatar
You know I had to pick one - And I picked the Donald. There were only 2 choices. And I like Trump. I don't agree with everything he has done but the other choice would have been worse - in my opinion. When I support someone - I'm loyal to the end. Hopefully, in this case---that doesn't include my end too. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Actually there were 4 choices...