NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-23-2011, 12:01 PM
BT, man I'm gonna say this again slowly for you and whoever else that doesn't get it...hopefully for the last time...

1. Nobody's 'hating' on Dopey or wishing him to be out or thinking the Texans are better without him. Dude, I'm a season ticket holder and spend thousands to see them play....

2. The point you and a couple others here need to somehow comprehend is that Dopey is NOT a top 10 or top QB bro. He's a second tier or slightly above average QB. He works well in our system and we win sometimes in spite of him, so that's all I care about. There are very few if ANY football analysts that would agree with the fact he's a top QB. So you and the other 2 or 3 Dopey fan club members can keep thinking that all you want...but it's an illusion bro.

I don't wanna keep talking about that because it's pointless to do so. I'm hoping they can pull together and rally around Leinart and do well. Make the playoffs and go to the Superbowl. Those are high expectations of course, but should be the goal. So everyone has their own opinion on Dopey and that's cool. But all I care about is getting some wins...hopefully it's clear...again....

Daddio, check your pm's bro.....
Actually, I do not consider Satin to be one of the Schaub haters. They know who they are. Many of the haters I am referring to were from the posters of yesteryear. These debates have been going on for several years. They blamed all of our losses on the Kubiak/Schaub connection and seemed almost oblivious to the fact that we had the worst defense in the NFL last year. Many of them are no longer posting in this thread because the Texans have been playing fairly well this year. They only come out when there is a loss to say "see, I told you so."

Don't get your feelings ruffled Satin, the ones I was referring to are in hiding until the Texans lose a game or two! Then they will come out and bitch and moan about how bad the Texans are!

Make no mistake, the haters know (without a doubt) who I was referring to! LOL
I agree with my boy Satin 1000%. I am hoping like hell Leinert finds his mojo again and plays even better than Schaub did. It could happen. Dopey did a lot of good things for us but we might have just improved with Leinert coming in. I have to admit I am looking at this through deep steel blue, liberty white and battle red glasses but man I hope we struck gold with Leinert. I don't think schaub is the guy to take us to the super bowl and I don't really think Leinert is either but I am along for the ride and back them both just as hard as I back my boy Satin. Happy turkey day everybody and here's to us kicking the shit out of Jacksonville.
I am also glad the lockout is over... Hopefully the texans not only make it to the super bowl but WIN IT!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Well, well, well, the Schaubler is making eccie headlines again... hehehe.... So the foot is screwed up(figuratively) and to fix it, well just screw it up even more(literally) if ur curious see the xray in my earlier post
As far as the controversy here,,,Well shit! I don't know what to write...

Hell, agree with all of you fellers!

Big Tex... we are better team with him...

He's 2nd tier,,, as elite QB's can win SB's without great D or run game (although dopey's #'s are good, W's count more). top 10qb?? I don't care!! I genuinely like him as our QB but top 10 team matters more to me..
Daddio... Improved with Leinart?? Hell, I hope so too! and I got those same glasses!! hehehe

back to Big Tex... those that think Schaub/Kubes are at fault for all losses
1. Those that don't know shit about football (quick to make judgments without analyzing the entire game)...
2. Maybe Ur not paying attention to the argument,,, Me,, for example I blame coaches and QB's even though they are not solely at fault.. Coaches (for not doing a good job preparing team) and QB's (play caller/captain--for bad leadership and not calling the right plays... now that's overall blame without sayng he's specifically at fault...I'm not referring to 1 play here,,, But rather the general consensus.... So I don't recall ever seeing a TXN game where Schaub was solely at fault... (IDK kind of hard to explain... kind of like getting bad customer service and asking "who is your manager")
3. They are cowgirl fans (secretly)... These guys are usually easy to tell apart and as a TXN fan its fun... Try it!!.. hehehe... When they talk shit about schaubler, you bring up tony homo....tell them about how bad romo is,, and remind them of how he CHOKED in the playoffs... If they start bringing out stats, you do the same with schaubler... Both may be good but schaubler's are better... When they start saying that TXN's never went to playoffs, just stick to your guns and ask them if they know of any other QB that choked harder than homo in the playoffs... Schaub is rarely percieved as a choker but homo is debated as one of the biggest chokers ever...hehehe....,, AND They will then reveal their true self as a cowgirl fan in love with a choking homo... hehehe
That being stated and just to reiterate what I opened with, there is no real argument. I think Satin and Daddio are more critical than Big Tex and myself and rightly so... Its a hard argument to say that Schaub can diagnose and penetrate opposing D's with the likes of P Manning, T Brady and D Brees... However, I think we all agree that were all ok with him as our QB and he still has a lot to prove... And like Satin, I'm ready to put the QB controversy to rest for now.. and I HOPE there will be a new controversy next year over who the starting QB should be...

oh yeah....Speaking of the cowboys,, I'm predicting an upset... hehehe... But hell, the 3-7 Phins won 3 straight and in doing so outscored their opponents 86-20... hmmmmmm....

Welcome Gabrielle, we're way past the lockout on this thread and we are all glad the Texans Defense adapted to the new system so fast without much of an off-season.... I love you prediction and it's in INDY this year...

Happy Thanksgiving TEXAN FANS!!! Lets watch the fins upset the cowgirls...hehehe

BTW this bleacher report has a pretty good read: 5 Matt Leinart Predictions for the Remainder of the 2011 Season

AND video of Schaub's RXN

AND NFL FILMS WEEK 12 TEXANS VS FAGS PREVIEW Lets here the bitches complain about getting man handled by the Texans agian...hehehe
TheDon's Avatar
The games tomorrow look great, way better than Sunday's games..

Hmm. I like the Packers (-7) Cowboys (-8) and Niners (+3) to all win straight up and cover their respective spreads.
at the risk of upsetting the applecart once again, I just want to say.......

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-25-2011, 08:20 PM
BT, man that was my bad..I was just taking your post as a swipe at me..but thanks for's all good. Me and you can disagree on football but still go strip clubbing and hunt down pussy...

I'm glad you boys are starting to get my point. I actually like Dopey...a lot...but I'm not blinded as a Texans fan not to realize his deficiencies. I know what we want and hope for him...but I'm not sure he will ever be that good. I still think we can win with him. He doesn't have to be Peyton Manning.

To put it in strip club terms....there's a lot of strippers I fuck that have REALLY good pussy...but they ain't girlfriend material. I wish they were..but the reality is....they're not...

Cat-man, you summed it up perfectly bro, I'm glad you "get it"....

Daddio, I appreciate it a solid supporter of the Texans you feel my pain...especially in the What's funny man is how many pm's and texts I get agreeing with us about Dopey, but for some reason they're too fucking scared to post. They think they're going to be labeled as 'haters' or not loyal to the team. That's not true; post you scary bastards, don't make me call you out.....TexasGator.... lol

And yes BT, fucking Coogs did it again....congrats to them...Case is the man....he must get TONS of pussy....dayum!!!

I also think it's cool how random hot chicks are coming into this thread. Keep posting Chicas, whether you understand football or's all good!!
TheDon's Avatar
So the NBA LOCKOUT is official over!!!

One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
So the NBA LOCKOUT is official over!!!

FUCK YEAH SPORTS Originally Posted by Don91
+ Yeah Baby!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-26-2011, 11:12 PM
Ok boys simmer down now. I'm happier than a fat kid with cake now that the lockout is over, cause actually basketball is my favorite sport, with football a close second. I also support my Rockets but I'm actually a Laker fan I can't wait for us to get our trophy back....

But...guess what? This is a NFL thread, not NBA, so let's get back to football now shall we?

I feel better than ever about Leinart. All he needs to do is "manage" the game and not try to be a hero. Hand the ball off and throw short passes to keep possession and keep the clock and chains moving. He actually has a stronger arm than Dopey (who doesn't?) so I wouldn't mind seeing him go deep to Dre a few times.

The dynamics of change are typical for a lefty. His passes spin differently for the receivers to catch and he now has Eric Winston protecting his blind side. There are and have been a lot of big time left handed QB's that have been successful....Steve Young, Boomer, Mike Vick, ect so I'm excited to see how he does. I agree with Daddio, he might even do better and create a QB controversy.
The Jags have a good defense so they should provide a good test....
All he needs to do is "manage" the game and not try to be a hero. Hand the ball off and throw short passes to keep possession and keep the clock and chains moving. Originally Posted by Satin
Oh, you mean all those little bitty things that Schaub has been doing with a high percentage of success during the first 10 games of this season!

But I agree in that I hope Leinert will be able to do those things as well as Schaub has done! That has been my point all along!

If so, the Texans might be headed to the Super Bowl! If not, we won't!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-27-2011, 06:43 AM
BT, man are you and Dopey related somehow? Come on now, you can tell (j/k)... But yeah you're right, he does do a good job of managing our offense. Noone ever denies that. It's his great fortune to have a great offensive line, 2 great running backs, a good versatile fullback, a top 3 wide receiver & above average tight ends. Hell, with all that, who CAN'T manage the offense?

Leinart, your day has us what you're made of....
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 11-27-2011, 07:17 AM
Satin, Leinert's got the tools, if not he wouldn't be there. He's got the horses on offense. And coach Phillips has the "D" playing superb. Sit back and enjoy the game...!!!!!!
BT, man are you and Dopey related somehow? Come on now, you can tell us... Originally Posted by Satin
Nah! I have just been saying all along that Schaub is a 2nd tier, top 10 quarterback in the NFL. I never once tried to elevate him to Rodgers, Brees and Brady status. He is top 10, nothing more, nothing less! Quite frankly, the stats reflect my opinion. He consistently throws twice as many TD's as he does picks. He has had a mid 90's quarterback rating this year, which is very good and worthy of Top 10 consideration, but not exceptional. With all of that said, he is certainly good enough to take you to the promised land provided the rest of the team is playing well. Listen carefully, he is not good enough to carry the team on his back if they are not playing well. Past years reflect that point!

It's his great fortune to have a great offensive line, 2 great running backs, a good versatile fullback, a top 3 wide receiver Originally Posted by Satin
I agree with the great offensive line analogy, as well as the running back and a versatile fb but you might want to rethink your top 3 wide receiver analogy. Dre went down in the first half of the Pittsburgh game and has not played since. Schaub kept things on track, even though he has been missing a top 3 wide out for the past 6 3/4 games. Schaub is not the most prolific passer, he does not have the strongest arm, he is not Mr. Personality and he is not Mr. All World QB but he is smart and knows Kubiak's system better than anyone other than Kube's himself. I hate to say it but I suspect there will be a drop off without Schaub in the starting lineup!

Come on Bro, repeat after me. Schaub is a very good but not great NFL qb and worthy of Top 10 consideration!

I promise, it won't hurt long to finally come to grips with the truth!