Sayin No AA in Ads is somewhat offensive

Oh and lest I forget, George Powell you sound like a freaking idiot. Africans were smelting gold and studying astronomy while Neanderthals were still trying to figure out how to make fire in a cave. We're not angels either, but such is the human condition. Pick up a book, and I don't mean one by Rush Limbaugh or that pos in your avatard.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Africans were smelting gold and studying astronomy while Neanderthals were still trying to figure out how to make fire in a cave. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Pssst ... the Neanderthals died out about 40,000 years ago.
Poppycock cb.. don't convolute this conversation with facts LOL
Shiet... I am still here.... Neanderthal Proud!
George N Powell's Avatar
Oh and lest I forget, George Powell you sound like a freaking idiot. Africans were smelting gold and studying astronomy while Neanderthals were still trying to figure out how to make fire in a cave. We're not angels either, but such is the human condition. Pick up a book, and I don't mean one by Rush Limbaugh or that pos in your avatard. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Smelting gold and studying astronomy? Then why isnt sub saharan Africa the hub of the world's economy? And their space program? They never even made ships.

Im not into Rush Limbaugh, but Colin Flaherty is great. I just ordered "Dont Make The Black Kids Angry".... the title is taken from something from said by a black Congressman. And Michael Fumento's "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS" is another literary masterpiece.

Anyhow, in 2015, whites are making new medicinal and technological discoveries while Africans in Africa are still running around naked, living in huts, starving, covered with flies, and seeing witch doctors to cure malaria and AIDS. So much for smelting gold and astronomy 5000 years ago.
Some whites are doing that, but your white ass ain't doing shit but trolling on a hooker board. Just like how Africa is fucked up but most of us here live leagues beyond.. have a seat! You can't take credit for their achievements! You are the weakest linck of your kind, just like how wellendowed is the weakest of his. Believing what others say and what his eyes chooses to see, with no breadth of understanding beyond that.

That could be the beginning of a great joke, a black fucktard and a white fucktard walk into a brothel...
Some whites are doing that, but your white ass ain't doing shit but trolling on a hooker board. Just like how Africa is fucked up but most of us here live leagues beyond.. have a seat! You can't take credit for their achievements! You are the weakest linck of your kind, just like how wellendowed is the weakest of his. Believing what others say and what his eyes chooses to see, with no breadth of understanding beyond that.

That could be the beginning of a great joke, a black fucktard and a white fucktard walk into a brothel... Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Ya killin me with this HV.

universalenergy's Avatar
2 days and 3 pages now later.... I wish this could get settled .....
universalenergy's Avatar
The last time the mod or admin has posted to this fotum is 12-14-13. Who is monitoring this cluster fuck of a train wreck? Thie is so off topic and this proves nobody is watching this forum! THIS IS A JOKE!
24 pages!
chicagoboy's Avatar
The last time the mod or admin has posted to this fotum is 12-14-13. Originally Posted by universalenergy
Pssst ... a mod posted in this very thread five days ago.

I suggest that you all keep the focus on the original topic of this thread and leave the animosity out of these forums. Originally Posted by Mokoa
splitlog's Avatar
maybe they just are not attracted to AA men?
im not attracted to a woman bigger that a size "5"
if a woman can twerk she is to fucking fat.
maybe because they dont want to be reamed out by that radiator hose for the same money as
vienna sausage.
a woman can choose who they want to see for ANY reason. Its thier bodies.
I suppose a mom and pop cupcake store can't to sell to a gay couple also???? oh yeah i forgot they do or they will get sued!!

I dont like what goes on in Bed Bath and Beyond but I dont picket outside saying they are the axis of
evil. I just dont go inside.

chicagoboy's Avatar
I dont like what goes on in Bed Bath and Beyond but I dont picket outside saying they are the axis of
evil. I just dont go inside. Originally Posted by splitlog
What goes on in BB&B?
Interracial BBCR... I hear it's rampant there
The last time the mod or admin has posted to this fotum is 12-14-13. Who is monitoring this cluster fuck of a train wreck? Thie is so off topic and this proves nobody is watching this forum! THIS IS A JOKE!
24 pages! Originally Posted by universalenergy

Why do you care? is someone forcing you are gunpoint to read this thread?

Control freak.
i got to call pure bullshit on that one buddy. i don't know of any african nations that have committed total genocide upon other peoples of color.
If yer saying that AA statistically have more of a disposition toward violent acts then i suggest that you look at history over span of lets say 1000 years or so.

Racism has no place in the public view in an intelligent community but its been normalized in this country so much that most see nothing wrong with saying "No AA" in public posts. That in itself is very sad.

Take a few professional ethnic sensitivity courses and the professors will tell you the same.

Sorry for your lack of understanding. Originally Posted by JuspenDover

If you want to compare who was more civilized between blacks or whites in the last 1000 years lets do it. And lets put it into context. Whites killed more at times because they had the power and that's the only reason. What you are doing is ignoring the power argument in things. Are you going to mark up all the deaths are the hand of the US military the last 6 years on black men because Obama was in charge? I bet not.

Are you going to seriously act like if blacks were in charge instead of whites things would be better? Give me a break. Your PC bullshit got old a long time ago.

But I would rather talk about now and what we face in America. Obviously without a doubt by percentage a random black man is much more likely to be dangerous then a random white man and there is no question about it and its not even close. The difference is staggering. Do you deny this?

And there is nothing wrong with people reacting to it. Its unavoidable. Stop blaming people for basic human reactions.