Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

why would I shut the fuck up? I didn't when your previous handle asked me to,and your new handle gets less respect. I don't have to log in on a proxy server and pretend to be someone new...its easy to talk shit when your using a throw away handle...you're still a weirdo and a butt hurt stalker Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
His handle is still linked to his old handle & all the stalker threads & posts are still there ijs
I did change my handle name after I came back from the ban. The ban was due to point accumulation. I asked my name to be changed and so it was permitted. Nope, my tone is the same in public as it is with you. I treat a fool like he is a fool. But you wouldn't know because you are too damn busy being that fool.
Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

You were banned for constantly pming me after I told your ass to leave me the hell alone that's why you were banned and the accumulated points by the continuous communication towards the bitch who told you she doesn't want to see you or have anything to do with you which is me which is defined as stalking..

But you change your name but all your past posts are still linked to this handle in which I will pull up to prove you have a major problem

^^^ They even made a thread about how much they hate you





That's just from your thread history Page 53 - 30

Now that's what you call a Dorthy obsession especially when your post history starts on page 57

Explain that
Amateurs... Originally Posted by Wakeup
kenk84u's Avatar
I think they may be in love....
Wow, still going on?
No I booked your ass a vacation tell us what the purpose of your band was then since your trying to make yourself look less of a creeper?

Tell us the truth mr Harrassment Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Damn this girl can't read or what? Scroll back up, damn it.
One or two posts hahaha keep lying to yourself

What makes you think you should be on Eccie? I*have done nothing wrong matter of fact I have many people who like me it seems your the one with the obsession...

Tony Gambino is correct in all his statements you don't like him because he brings your bullshit to the light & you rather make me look like the problem when its you who has a big problem..

Why are you even still here Mr. I hate Houston ?

How are you going to tell him to go get laid when nobody even will sleep with you? Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I am on eccie because I am a John. Duhhhhhhhhh. Bla bla blah about how people like you. Sure we believe you. NOT. Go find some friends at your 9-5 job. Or go visit with Tony and twiddle your thumbs together in boredom. I don't like Tony because he's an asshole. Everyone knows that he talks shit . He is using you as fodder for his material. Everyone uses you DM. Understand that.

I am here to love me some Houston women. Or complain about the loving process.

Tony can't even get it up so he doesn't have worry about getting laid. I am always getting laid but thanks anyways.
His handle is still linked to his old handle & all the stalker threads & posts are still there ijs Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Uhhhhhh, didn't I already talked about that?
You were banned for constantly pming me after I told your ass to leave me the hell alone that's why you were banned and the accumulated points by the continuous communication towards the bitch who told you she doesn't want to see you or have anything to do with you which is me which is defined as stalking..

But you change your name but all your past posts are still linked to this handle in which I will pull up to prove you have a major problem Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I was banned because I accumulated points, end of discussion. Don't make yourself out to be the Queen of Doom. It is more like dumb instead. I changed my name because I didn't want to fuck around with bs in the forums. As people can see, it makes sense why. This girl is totally out there man. If I wanted to be some kind of major asshole pain in the ass I would have created a multitude of accounts and handles to do my bidding. Shakes his head.

There is only thing that I agree with Dorthy and it's in bold print.
www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1363050&highl ight=

^^^ They even made a thread about how much they hate you

www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1339359&highl ight=

www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1338319&highl ight=

www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1327122&highl ight=

www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1345712&highl ight=

That's just from your thread history Page 53 - 30

Now that's what you call a Dorthy obsession especially when your post history starts on page 57

Explain that Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

Oh yeah just about everyone has an obsession with villainy.

Dead horse can't rest in peace.
He is getting sadistic thrills every time she
Dead horse can't rest in peace.
He is getting sadistic thrills every time she
responds,,,,smh. Originally Posted by Lorde
Lorde you are correct, its sad these two middle aged fucktards want to mess with Dorthy, because she wouldn't see them...what right does a hooktard have to say no to my hundid fifty???.....lol ill post a funny gif each time I post a stalking response to any dorthy thread, until I have to get a new handle..........creepy, stalky, unbalanced, dangerous freaks.........
Lorde you are correct, its sad these two middle aged fucktards want to mess with Dorthy, because she wouldn't see them...what right does a hooktard have to say no to my hundid fifty???.....lol ill post a funny gif each time I post a stalking response to any dorthy thread, until I have to get a new handle..........creepy, stalky, unbalanced, dangerous freaks......... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
And so you say elder statesman.

Dead horse can't rest in peace.
He is getting sadistic thrills every time she
responds,,,,smh. Originally Posted by Lorde