Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-22-2014, 03:54 PM
Fuck the Iraq discussion.

Let's get back to the Malaysian airliner.

Hey, JD, have you found that 5000 foot runway (in good condition) in the middle of a deserted area where there have been no witnesses for the past two weeks? Or a deserted strip of highway big enough to land a 777 that nobody has driven on for two weeks?

Do you think all the reconnaissance planes, ships and satellites missed a runway (or highway) somewhere? Originally Posted by ExNYer

agreed ... ok fine, every wmd Bush said was there is somewhere, just not Iraq.
Hows that all of you moronboys?

now, where's the 777? where's the runway? whre's the 230 passengers? where's the cell phones that haven't rang or been used for 2 weeks?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-22-2014, 04:22 PM
the plane and the people are in 12,000 feet or water ... somewhere.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fuck the Iraq discussion.

Let's get back to the Malaysian airliner.

Hey, JD, have you found that 5000 foot runway (in good condition) in the middle of a deserted area where there have been no witnesses for the past two weeks? Or a deserted strip of highway big enough to land a 777 that nobody has driven on for two weeks?

Do you think all the reconnaissance planes, ships and satellites missed a runway (or highway) somewhere? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Have you really not been paying attention? Haven't you heard about the UFOs, Black Holes, and Men in Black on CNN? Maybe you missed the six other airfields programed into the senior pilot's flight simulator of airports in the vicinity. Maybe you missed my post where I pointed out at least two places a plane could land within 500 miles of the last checkpoint? You need to pay attention more. Also those experts that said the plane could land in about 3500 feet (isn't that what I wrote about 4 or 5 days before they said it?)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-22-2014, 05:12 PM
Have you really not been paying attention? Haven't you heard about the UFOs, Black Holes, and Men in Black on CNN? Maybe you missed the six other airfields programed into the senior pilot's flight simulator of airports in the vicinity. Maybe you missed my post where I pointed out at least two places a plane could land within 500 miles of the last checkpoint? You need to pay attention more. Also those experts that said the plane could land in about 3500 feet (isn't that what I wrote about 4 or 5 days before they said it?) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

no, not to idiots like you ... the plane is wet
Have you really not been paying attention? Haven't you heard about the UFOs, Black Holes, and Men in Black on CNN? Maybe you missed the six other airfields programed into the senior pilot's flight simulator of airports in the vicinity. Maybe you missed my post where I pointed out at least two places a plane could land within 500 miles of the last checkpoint? You need to pay attention more. Also those experts that said the plane could land in about 3500 feet (isn't that what I wrote about 4 or 5 days before they said it?) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So, was the plane found on any of those six airfields? NOOOO!!!

Was the plane found at those two points within 500 miles? NOOOO!!!!

Was the plane found even at a 3500 foot runway? NOOOO!!!!!!

Why hasn't a terror group claimed credit? Or do you still think the terrorist operation is still "ongoing"? How exactly can a terrorist group hide a plane that covers most of a football field? Oh, wait, I remember now. Potted plants, right?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How do you know? We're taking the word of the Malaysians now? Everyone seems to be hiding something over there.

You asked if I could identify ANY runways like I described. I did and the people did as well. I never said that I knew where the plane was. You said that.

As I have said two times previously, if this is an ongoing terrorist operation then it is not time to take credit is it? Actually potted trees. Ever see a movie set or even a landscapers supply center? You can get numerous 10-20 feet trees already balled and ready to move. You need to get out more.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-22-2014, 09:58 PM
How do you know? We're taking the word of the Malaysians now? Everyone seems to be hiding something over there.

You asked if I could identify ANY runways like I described. I did and the people did as well. I never said that I knew where the plane was. You said that.

As I have said two times previously, if this is an ongoing terrorist operation then it is not time to take credit is it? Actually potted trees. Ever see a movie set or even a landscapers supply center? You can get numerous 10-20 feet trees already balled and ready to move. You need to get out more. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

only problem you have is the tail of a 200ER stands 60 feet ... durrrrrrrrrrr

tell ya what sport, I'll give you the 3500 foot your so called experts said where the 200ER can land

you give me one of your experts saying a 200ER can take off on a 3500 foot runway ... an exact quote if you please

at least your comical anyay..

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

This is how it's done. I've seen much larger (you've probably heard that before CJ). Now place them on a cart to be wheeled off and on a makeshift or abandoned runway. It only has to fool satellites and only long enough to paint over the logo and change the transponder code. You don't even have to create a jungle. It just has to look like someplace a plane can't land safely. The plane leaves and heads for a regular airport with the fuel left in the tanks. This is so simple and yet somehow beyond you.....sad.

Face it, by the time anyone started looking for this plane a day later it could have already been repainted and moved. It just needed a place to sit down for a few hours.
LexusLover's Avatar
JD, we are talking about the 2003 Iraq war....the one with no WMD's. Originally Posted by WTF
For a Barnes and Noble lurker, WTF sure doesn't read well, or at all.

May be that's why he changes the subject ... to his latest rant. FLUSH.
For a Barnes and Noble lurker, WTF sure doesn't read well, or at all.

May be that's why he changes the subject ... to his latest rant. FLUSH. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Damn LexiLiar, do you hate everyone?

Or just those who are not your mirror image, such as Darth Cheney?
  • Fozzy
  • 03-23-2014, 07:00 AM
It's called English. You should try it sometime in Texas. Of course I was in DFW. Maybe they speak a different version there. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Proper English would be to phrase it as a question not just use a question mark.
Is this the rise of Al Queada?
Proper English would be to phrase it as a question not just use a question mark.
Is this the rise of Al Queada?
Fozzy Originally Posted by Fozzy

English is not JD Idiot's native language.

JD is a disgraced Seaman who specialized in cleaning toilets on Russian aircraft carriers. He is presently hanging out in Crimea, hoping to get in the good graces of his beloved Comrade "Vlady". Perhaps he will soon be reinstated in the Russian Navy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-23-2014, 08:20 AM
For a Barnes and Noble lurker, WTF sure doesn't read well, or at all.

May be that's why he changes the subject ... to his latest rant. FLUSH. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I didn't change the subject Mr Hypocrite, I just commented on it. Hey aren't you the one deriding folks speculating on the Zimmerman trial and now are speculating on the fate of this plane? Which case do you think we had more information to go on?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd say he's a dried up old semen...

That this plane crash is the focal point of another firey rant by JDIdiot is further proof that he's more than slightly off his fucking nut.
LexusLover's Avatar
Damn LexiLiar, do you hate everyone? Originally Posted by bigtex
Actually (that is "reality" to you), I can't think of anyone I "hate."

BTW .. have called Powell a "liar" yet?