Obaminable's War on Cops Continues in Dallas

LexusLover's Avatar
There might be only one benefit of a race war. Somewhere along the line someone might just put you out of your misery.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Because he would wander into Clarksville without realizing it was Clarksville!
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of "long, hot summers" ...


There's got to be more fun things to do than kill each other .....

... unless it involves being fucked to death!
MT Pockets's Avatar
He has had an increase, and still is having an increase. But you go ahead and play the number's game all you want. Assaults on police officers are up .... and they are continuing. Like the war ongoing with Muslim Terrorists Obaminable chooses to pretend it doesn't exist and hasn't been telling citizens to comply with what they are requested to do by police. The knuckleheads fighting with the police take it as a green light from "their Man in the White House" ....

The Government's own stats under Obaminable show the increase. But the proponents of violence against the police want to claim there is a DECREASE in violence against law enforcement officers.

In other words: "We don't assault as many police officers as we did last year!"

Like: "What's your problem man? I only committed ten rapes last year!!!!"

Of the two guests above: Which one was WRONG? Here's what Know-Nothing said:

On July 22, 2009 (6 months into office) President Barack Obama said:

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

"Disproportionately" to what? Do officers have a "race quota"? An arrest quota?

And this guy not only pretends to be a lawyer, but he also pretended to be a "constitutional law" professor, not to mention a "community organizer"!!!!

He encouraged this shit .... but now he doesn't want to deal with it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LOL! First you say you don't know because the answer is in the emails now you suddenly know? Whatever. Like I said I have read quite a few of your post and see how you go at everything. Just one big cloud of Hyperbole. Your rape analogy is pointless unless you can show me where you were more concerned when past POTUS were in office than you are now. Another example of the Klan mentality.

LexusLover's Avatar
LOL! First you say ....[/url] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Go argue with your boyfriend.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Go argue with your boyfriend. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I found an article that describes your Mode of Operation. Unlike you, I wont call names or insult someones intellect. I am curious as to whom my "boyfriend" might be. I assume that is just another insult hurled like the proverbial monkey shit you like to throw. Here is a excerpt I ran across that describes your style.

" I did learn after years of studying advanced logic theory is that proficiency in argument can easily be used to overpower others, even when you are dead wrong. If you learn a few tricks of logic and debate, you can refute the obvious, and defend the ridiculous. If the people you’re arguing with aren’t as comfortable in the tactics of argument, or aren’t as arrogant as you are, they may even give in and agree with you."

You seem to operate mainly with the " Schrödinger's cat" logic by dismissing any evidence that disputes your stance on a topic. That way you can say things like your date is wrong so mine is right. Doesn't really say you are right but a lesser person would fall for your sociopathic scheme. I on the other hand don't really care to converse with someone that has no means to enlighten me on anything. That being said have a good time panhandling the new members.
LexusLover's Avatar
I found an article that describes your Mode of Operation. [/B] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Look. If you don't have a boyfriend, take some time away from the keyboard.

And find one!
Look. If you don't have a boyfriend, take some time away from the keyboard.

And find one! Originally Posted by LexusLover
EKIM and assup are ALWAYS available !
LexusLover's Avatar
EKIM and assup are ALWAYS available ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

He probably doesn't like "to share"!

I was hoping he would simply start up an argument with his current boyfriend, but that one apparently dumped his ass, so now he comes in here and starts a girlish bickering session.

Not interested. If he keeps up his nagging he'll join the other girls below!
I B Hankering's Avatar
With all the technology we have, you would think there would be some statistics proving how much worse it is under Obama. I will look! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
FBI stats -- ie, the computer data base (the technology) you asked for -- show that the segment of society that constitutes only 13% of the population was responsible for some 26% of the fatal attacks on police officers in 2012.

Statistics also show that animus towards cops has been getting worse under Odumbo: "From 2008 to 2011, the number of officers murdered increased from its lowest figure in two decades (40) to the second highest in that time period (68), representing a 70% increase." That would be on Odumbo's watch, btw, for the chronologically challenged.

ATTN: masterdickmuncher, those graphs above, btw, are based on LEOKA data.

The report presents descriptive findings from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) in the Line of Duty data collection program. Two datasets are used: an incident-level supplemental dataset of serious injurious and fatal assaults against police; and an agency-level dataset that captures all assaults—non-injurious, injurious, and fatal—per agency. (SOURCE)
LexusLover's Avatar
FBI stats -- ie, the computer data base (the technology) you asked for -- show that the segment of society that constitutes only 13% of the population was responsible for some 26% of the fatal attacks on police officers in 2012.

Statistics also show that animus towards cops has been getting worse under Odumbo: "From 2008 to 2011, the number of officers murdered increased from its lowest figure in two decades (40) to the second highest in that time period (68), representing a 70% increase." That would be on Odumbo's watch, btw, for the chronologically challenged.

ATTN: masterdickmuncher, those graphs above, btw, are based on LEOKA data. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I think Muncher may have found a new friend for "co-munching"!!!!

Creepy can make it a 3-some!

2014 ... BLS ... 39 HOMICIDES OF COPS
2015 ... FBI .....41 HOMICIDES OF COPS

Like Hillarious-No-More the Three Mush-K-Tears don't like the President's stats, because it's not consistent with their Lies, so they attempt to bury them in bullshit! ... like their President does the war against Muslim Terrorists.

Early stories have hidden lessons in them!!!! Guidance from parents is helpful!!!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Look. If you don't have a boyfriend, take some time away from the keyboard.

And find one! Originally Posted by LexusLover
EKIM and assup are ALWAYS available ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He probably doesn't like "to share"!

I was hoping he would simply start up an argument with his current boyfriend, but that one apparently dumped his ass, so now he comes in here and starts a girlish bickering session.

Not interested. If he keeps up his nagging he'll join the other girls below! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Again who is this boyfriend I supposed to have and why has yours decides to tag team me?
If you have nothing else to add to the conversation must you admit you lost by changing the subject to something you think will offend me. I am straight but not homophobic so you are wasting your time. I would let you buy me a drink and see where it goes if you like. Are you a bottom?
LexusLover's Avatar
Look. If you don't have a boyfriend, take some time away from the keyboard.

And find one! Originally Posted by LexusLover
EKIM and assup are ALWAYS available ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Rey, now he's acting like this is a dating board .... and wanting me to buy him a drink. I think he has us confused with the Truck Stop Duet ...

... He does talk shit a little like Iva-Little-One and declare himself a "winner"!

Maybe "EKIM and assup" will just accept him the way he is without hesitating.
Rey, now he's acting like this is a dating board .... and wanting me to buy him a drink. I think he has us confused with the Truck Stop Duet ...

... He does talk shit a little like Iva-Little-One and declare himself a "winner"!

Maybe "EKIM and assup" will just accept him the way he is without hesitating. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Especially if he's willing to "pumpjack " EKIM. He DID ask about "bottom ", which IS EKIM'S favorite position !
LexusLover's Avatar
He DID ask about "bottom ", which IS EKIM'S favorite position ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Frankly, I was "afraid" to ask.

Makes sense now that you associated it with "the Guys" at the stalls ...

.... that's a good reason not to socialize off an "anonymous" board ......

.... just never know what might show up!!!!!

Queen No-Pockets with a Mustache !!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of "long, hot summers" ...


There's got to be more fun things to do than kill each other .....

... unless it involves being fucked to death! Originally Posted by LexusLover