For those who need proof of election fraud....

DECEMBER 23, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Has it been at all noticed that I offered to debate anybody, on television or otherwise, about the RIGGED Presidential Election of 2020. This was a publicly stated challenge—I have been called a "ratings machine," and therefore would be good for television economics—which have not been doing so well lately. With all the bravado out there, I have not had one credible person willing to stand up and debate me in order to defend the CROOKED election. All involved, like those on the Unselect Committee of January 6th, know that it is a losing proposition for them. The election numbers are not defensible. Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, and probably New Hampshire, Minnesota, New Mexico, and others were all won, and in some cases big, by a certain Republican Presidential Candidate, me. So, after one month, a very public offer to debate, I have no takers—not even the sleazebags you see on the January 6th Commission who speak with such fake reverence about the day. This is Cancel Culture. They think they got away with the Crime of the Century, and they don't want it to be talked about or discussed. Look at what has happened to our Country, and what a shame it is!

### | @GEORGENEWS Originally Posted by bambino
... Yep, ... I surely mentioned this weeks ago.

NO TAKERS YET - Why is that?

... Surely gonna be different in 2023 when Republicans
control the House o' Congress and prolly The Senate.

How will they stop the investigations then.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a statesman! Name-calling, schoolyard bully tactics. All play beautifully into the hands of the irresponsible posters in this forum.

Trump whines more about getting his ass handed to him than anybody on ECCIE, except for you-know-who.

I suppose we can't ignore his mewling without first ignoring his mouthpieces.

Maybe it's time to put ElmerFudd back on ignore.
bambino's Avatar
What a statesman! Name-calling, schoolyard bully tactics. All play beautifully into the hands of the irresponsible posters in this forum.

Trump whines more about getting his ass handed to him than anybody on ECCIE, except for you-know-who.

I suppose we can't ignore his mewling without first ignoring his mouthpieces.

Maybe it's time to put ElmerFudd back on ignore. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You’ve been bullied your whole life. I can see why you’re so sensitive.
... I surely believe Yssup should ring-up his closest
Democratic Congress or Senate person - and surely
ask them to take TRUMP up on His CHALLENGE!

... You liberal lads keep crying that there was NO voter fraud.
We hear it everyday.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’ve been bullied your whole life. I can see why you’re so sensitive. Originally Posted by bambino
And you know this because...

Speaking of sensitive. Pound that button, jolly saint *ick.

Maybe you ought to apply for a job with the Trump organization. They'd stiff you of course, but you'd have "deputy DPST" on your resume when you applied for your next job down at the mine shaft.

BTW - did you hear that you coal mining pals told Manchin to quit sucking?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... I surely believe Yssup should ring-up his closest
Democratic Congress or Senate person - and surely
ask them to take TRUMP up on His CHALLENGE!

... You liberal lads keep crying that there was NO voter fraud.
We hear it everyday.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You "conservative" lads continue to cry that there was massive, widespread voater. BUT HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO PRODUCE SHIT.

We hear you and your elk crying every day. Maybe you ought to feed it.


You're fooling nobody btw.
bambino's Avatar
And you know this because...

Speaking of sensitive. Pound that button, jolly saint *ick.

You’re an expert at that. Because you’re being bullied.
... You're making me laugh, mate...

YOU surely couldn't match me or any other conservative
here in a debate on the issues ON YER BEST DAY.

You come 'round once a week or so - with no desire
to discuss issure - all you wanna do is attack the
Trump supporters... You're surely ALL TALK - NO COCK.

You wanna have a Trump discussion on issues, let's you and
me start our own thread - and we'll see, without insults
- just which of us is telling the truth.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I don't debate the obviously intellectually challenged.

I will however mock someone who makes this claim and then won't stand behind it:

"We've explained this to you at least three times already.
The DOJ had government agents handing out weapons to
people and encouraging to enter the capitol.

Got 'em on camera doing it... You'll see it in January."

Kinda reminds me of the guy in an 80's Datsun pickup who had hand spray painted on the tailgate "Fuck Biden and fuck you to for voting for him"

I can admire his dedication, but I did want to follow him and ask how he knew everyone that passed him had voted for Biden. And to point out he had missed a "o". You see, I knew the basic logic would be lost on him, so not worth the effort.

Cheers mate!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’re an expert at that. Because you’re being bullied. Originally Posted by bambino
By whom? You?


bambino's Avatar
41% of Dems Now Believe 2020 Election Was Stolen

“41% of DEMS now believe 2020 was a fraud. Up from 34%. This likely means the minority working class is coming awake - doubt it’s the double mask white liberals.

59% overall. Reaching near what I would consider apogee point (60-65%).

Truly an incredible number. No Republic can survive 3/5 of the electorate no longer trusting its method of determining its leaders.”

- Captain Seth Keshel

“A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 70% of Likely U.S. voters believe it was a bad thing for American democracy for Zuckerberg to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Only eight percent (8%) think Zuckerberg’s election spending was good for democracy.”

- Rasmussen Reports

Read�� Rasmussen Survey
Tweet�� Rasmussen Reports


Yssup Rider's Avatar
"national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports"

Might as well be ElmerFudd, eh?

Did they find any evidence?

And why no link bambino? What are you afraid of?

The truth?

bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope. That's not the link that proves your post.

Try again.

Or admit you're lying again.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
DECEMBER 23, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The people being persecuted by the January 6th Unselect Committee should simply tell the truth, that they are angry about the RIGGED Presidential Election of 2020. People are entitled to Freedom of Speech, and perhaps there has been no time in our Country's history where Freedom of Speech has been so totally violated. They don't want to talk about election results because they know they can't win.