NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Keenum was struggling to handle the blitz. The Oline sucked tremendous ass and even Keenum's mobility couldn't save him. I found it funny as the Raiders stopped blitzing when Dopey came in. I guess they knew he wouldn't have the nuts to throw it in the end zone and try for this thing called a touchdown. Hey Kuntiak, just so you know a touchdown is worth 6 fucking points, that's twice as much as a field goal. FYI you dumb mother fucker!!!!

The General john McClain tweeted that Andre Johnson should say we were outplayed, out coached and out ownered. Lfmfao. Fuck the Texans.

Any providers want my tickets to next weeks game vs the Jags?? I have 4 tickets. Me and 3 providers would be the bomb!!
Kubiac is simply the worst coach to ever coach more than 3 seasons.
TheDon's Avatar
In the 2014 draft, it would be a coup if Houston could draft QB Aaron Murray of Georgia. I saw the 4th quarter of that Georgia/Auburn game last night and his performance was phenomenal. Georgia lost in the last few seconds only because they had a Houston-type defensive back who was playing volleyball out there instead of football! Originally Posted by Solemate62

Fuck That! All do respect, I've been watching him for a while, he is solid, no way in hell is that guy going to be a top notch QB in this league. We need either the guy in my avatar or Mariota/Bridgewater. Enough said.

You guys need to chill the Fuck out. Real talk, Kubiak did a great thing today by putting Schaub back in, do you guys really want us to win games?....Come on now, we all know we have to lose out to get that number one pick. This would have been a totally pointless game to win.

I know you guys thought I was bullshitting when I brought it up after the loss to the Colts, but I wasn't. We are totally capable of losing out and getting the number one pick! Once we do that, things will be better for us, make no mistake about it.

Keenum would have most likely won that game for us, every loss is critical in terms of getting that top pick, Kubes made the right call. It's obvious what the plan is, and I fully support it. Cleaning out house requires balls to the wall tank mode.

We got the Jags at home next week, the only team in the league worse than us, if we can drop that game, we are in the drivers seat! Get ya popcorn ready!!!
Oh by the way, if your QB is being blitzed out of his mind, there are things a smart coach can do like call a lot of quick slants and screens.
TheDOn, I buy your theory of losing out only if it results in the loss of Kubiac. If that same sorry bunch continue then what good will it be to have the #1 pick? I am sure they would just use it on a tight end.
I hope Andre gives Dopey a beat down like he did Finnegan a few years ago. I will tag team with Dre if Kubes teams up with his bitch. Death match of the century. Somebody call Don Mfing King!!!!
TheDon's Avatar
TheDOn, I buy your theory of losing out only if it results in the loss of Kubiac. If that same sorry bunch continue then what good will it be to have the #1 pick? I am sure they would just use it on a tight end. Originally Posted by spear88
Changes will come, that's all that matters. Look at the teams that have gotten the number one pick the last couple years and how they've done. Colts last year, Chiefs this year.

We will be next to turn it around.
BigLouie's Avatar
Case is not the starter next year because the new coach will want to bring in his QB. There are a number of QBs in this draft that make sense. Gonna be a lot of changes. And please don't anyone start calling for Grunden or Cowher (sp?) neither are realistic candidates.
Solemate62's Avatar
All you guys planning on a new Coach for next year: just how sure are you that he will get the pink slip? That does not seem like a sure thing from my POV
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Apparently AJ and Schaub got into a hollering match right before the game ended.

Here's what the cameras missed.

Fans reply

Schaubs reply

Kubiaks reply at the end of the regular season...

ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 11-17-2013, 07:59 PM
Fuck That! All do respect, I've been watching him for a while, he is solid, no way in hell is that guy going to be a top notch QB in this league. We need either the guy in my avatar or Mariota/Bridgewater. Enough said. Originally Posted by TheDon
Ohh hell no we are the Texans! McNair will have whomever draft Derek Carr. You know it's going to happen. After all his big brother has a ring.
Love the beatdown picture!!! I am gonna do that to Kubes after we lose to the jags this week. I saw a similar picture of Satin doing that to BT. Lol.
TheDon's Avatar
Ohh hell no we are the Texans! McNair will have whomever draft Derek Carr. You know it's going to happen. After all his big brother has a ring. Originally Posted by ness
Nah, he's gonna take either Mariota. Manziel, or Bridgewater. This is the easiest/safest draft class in a long, long time.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 11-17-2013, 10:17 PM
Your assuming they take a QB in the first round!
We have much bigger problems than the QB position. The whole secondary is horrid, Linebackers are shitty and the OLB/Rush ends are pathetic also. However, The biggest need is the Oline. QB is on the list too but I don't think it is as important as the other areas. The bad thing about QB is that is usually takes a few years for the QB to be NFL ready.

Our biggest and most important need is a new mother fucking coaching staff. As evidenced yesterday by Andre Johnson walking off the field, we have all seen enough of this staff's bullshit!!!
Too bad we can't change owners!!! I am ready to start the petition for a new owner like the Cowboy fans did, Pretty sad when Jerry Jones looks like a good option to the Butt Plug of an owner we have!! I still don't understand Houston, if this were Philly or NY or Chicago, Kubes, Rick, Fatty Wade, Marchmellowiano, and McNuttless would be getting crucified. But good ol friendly Houston, wait till next year attitude sucks big black dick and balls, I just wish they would suck on my Chinese Nuts!!! Fuck em, Go Jags!! I honestly hope now the embarrassment continues so the McNuttless owner will have no fucking choice but to punt the Texans brass!!