Enough is Enough

Eccie Addict's Avatar
All I can say is you have some major fucking issues. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
DJ most all of us here have issues including yourself
chicagoboy's Avatar
Hey wakeup, rockerrick is (for all intents and purposes) calling you a bitch and is insinuating you can't handle your business on your own. Is he 'blocking' for you? Is he, along with chicagoboy and deerhunter, speaking for you because they perceive a weakness? Are they saying you can't handle your business with anybody, so they'll help out? Are you their Fredo Corleone? Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Wakeup's Avatar
DJ...I was just telling the truth...and I love the fact that my comment got in just before the lock, thanks mojojojojo8675309...

Is he, along with chicagoboy and deerhunter... Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
That deerhunter guy...I swear...
dearhunter's Avatar
Is this where Adabear is supposed to step in and tell you mean bitches which guideline you are violating........nicely, of course.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 09-18-2013, 07:52 AM
^^^ I think so.
Right on que. Wolves will be wolves & sheep will be sheep.

rockerrick, is saying goodbye to a friend (yankee7 had many friends in the Houston forums) making me a Jesus freak?

It takes a pretty fucked up person to 'shit' on a thread saying goodbye to a person who just passed away. Especially a classy and standup guy like yankee7.

I also had a hard time believing the hell Fancy in Heels went through when her dog was dying. A couple of guys shit all over her threads also............and why................what good came of it? Shit like this, I just don't understand.

Then again, you and wakeup probably won't ever be called standup and classy...........but that's OK. I understand if that concept is over your head. Saying goodbye to yankee7 was also about showing respect, which is another concept you and wakeup will not comprehend. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
D_J, dude, you're just playing back to him. He says all these stupid things because there is no countering his points in a manner that doesn’t harm others and boost his, we’ll call it ego though he does not have one. He is rewarded by your contempt and thinks it makes himself somebody in someone's eyes to say socially deviant things. Not sure who, but somebody will. He’s a weakling that wants his betters to think he’s tough. He’s said it over and over and over he detests emotional vulnerability and hypocrisy which isn’t even ironic, because most people hate, because they fear, their own weaknesses. Stick with needling him about his hypocrisy. There’s much less collateral damage to those that don’t deserve it. No matter how noble, when you try to defend the emotional vulnerable in this environment, it gives him an audience and a canvas to further hurt the weak; and correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m sure that is not your intent.

If he wants to say he doesn't care about someone dying, so be it. It's an emotional issue that has no right or wrong beyond the social norms, and more to the point no way of quantifying it with regard to Peaches and his life. To illustrate, a, we have no idea if he has or has not lost anyone close to him, and if so, did he have any emotional conditioning positively or negatively with that person / persons. And b, do I care that Yankee7 died, kinda. I understand that piety is important to people. Marking the passing of someone is important. Beyond that, I never knew the man, but understand your, and others, need to mourn so I will take the time to respect your mourning and reflection. Most people with a weak marker such as Peaches just shut up, but anonymity and a modicum of backing have given this particular weakling a voice. That’s why you always hear, but Peaches is such a nice guy in real life. No he isn’t. He just doesn’t have the balls it takes to be socially deviant in real life.

This is why I stick to his hypocrisy when I play with him. When I pick on any bully for that matter, I stick with want can be measured by THEIR life not what should or should not be based on social conditioning or quantifiable in one way or another based on someone else's or societies values. His hypocrisy is something quantifiable I can benchmark him by and the collateral damage isn’t as high. Who’s it going to hurt Val? Na, she’s smart, tough and doing just fine. Whores are all the same except his Precious? What a fucking joke. She’s already gotten what she wants out of him anyway. Now she’s just sucking the life out of him. One day she’ll move on and not need him anymore. I’d love to be around to see that. But if I’m not it really doesn’t matter. The Big Dogs whose attention he craves will be and that will hurt even more. See?

At the end of the day here on ECCIE you won’t make any difference. It’s all about the hits. People like him, and me for that matter, bring in the hits and that brings in the money.

Now watch. He’s going to come back with whores with their PhD hats on – and we all know how touchy he is about not having a Phd. Or fat, old, stupid whores need to shut up……or now their place……or know their time has come and gone…….or some such face saving bullshit. He’s a looser with some brains and a keyboard. Who cares? The only reason I ever do is he goes out his way to effect the livings of ladies just trying to earn a living. I’ve always said if he really believes all women are whores or whatever, he needs to bring that shit up where it has some bering to him like at work. But he won’t…………………..he’s a bully not a patriot.
dearhunter's Avatar
Is DJ a sheep in wolves clothing?
Is DJ a sheep in wolves clothing? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I have no idea.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I call bullshit.........there is no way he has photos of me with Mikki Fine........I have standards. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Video only huh? Knew it.
dearhunter's Avatar
JaD, that is just plain ole mean..........Adabear, tell him he is being mean and violating a guideline....and don't be too nice about it.
SMH, the young punk assholes talk tough but they wear their self loathing tattooed on their foreheads. They can't hide it in their posts. Ignore.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
People are acting like this is unique to just SHMBs. There is a sports board that I go to that is just as bad if not worse as far as the way some posters treat other people.There are assholes everywhere....
People are acting like this is unique to just SHMBs. There is a sports board that I go to that is just as bad if not worse as far as the way some posters treat other people.There are assholes everywhere.... Originally Posted by CarolinaGent

But on those other boards it isn't affecting peoples' livings.