Assholes's Speech

You know I had to pick one - And I picked the Donald. There were only 2 choices. And I like Trump. I don't agree with everything he has done but the other choice would have been worse - in my opinion. When I support someone - I'm loyal to the end. Hopefully, in this case---that doesn't include my end too. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Now you are flopping. In one post, Trump is the best thing since sliced bread and the best thing to happen to our country. And now he's the better of two choices. And you don't agree with everything he has done.
Milly I am not flopping. I've always supported President Trump. As with all individuals - he has good and bad character traits - so you gotta take the good with the bad.
And yes, overall I think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have never been so interested in politics since he came down that elevator to announce his candidacy. You know, I never understood why people loved John F. Kennedy because no candidate has touched me like that - but now I understand.

Now you are flopping. In one post, Trump is the best thing since sliced bread and the best thing to happen to our country. And now he's the better of two choices. And you don't agree with everything he has done. Originally Posted by Milly23
pussycat's Avatar
WOW, he just made Little Monster's point. pussycat has nothing!

pussycat's ass is so beat on issue after issue, he can only repond with "it's called WINNING!" But he cannot say WHAT that winning is, because that would expose him to the actual issues he gets crushed on! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Oh yeah I have nothing. Trump has nothing. We are both people who have nothing.

And you, sitting in your underwear for hours of each day, 365 days a year, in your mom's basement posting obsessively on a hooker board...

Milly I am not flopping. I've always supported President Trump. As with all individuals - he has good and bad character traits - so you gotta take the good with the bad.
And yes, overall I think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have never been so interested in politics since he came down that elevator to announce his candidacy. You know, I never understood why people loved John F. Kennedy because no candidate has touched me like that - but now I understand. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Wait so you were serious about that? You are serious about Trump being the greatest thing to happen to our country? Like I said before things like ending slavery, women's suffrage, etc. Those are greater things to happen to our country. He's not even the best thing to happen to our country politically or government wise. I'm glad the guy got you more interesting in politics. But he hasn't done anything great yet and he's done nothing to unite a country that overwhelmingly voted against him. And he has yet to apologize for offending so many people. That's not a character trait that will work well for him.
  • DSK
  • 04-21-2017, 01:00 PM
"Campaign rhetoric"???? People vote for candidates based on what they say they will do if elected. Trump made many more campaign promises to the people of this country than Clinton did and won the election because of those promises. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Eradicate ISIS. Repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better. Significantly lower taxes. Deport ALL illegal immigrants. Bring jobs back to the U.S.

I reluctantly voted for Clinton because I did not trust Trump and so far he has lived up to my expectations. He has a long time remaining in office to erase my current feelings towards him. Hopefully he will. Assuming you did not vote AGAINST Clinton but FOR Trump, what were your reasons for doing so? I ask because Trump has done a 180 on so many major issues that the reasons many of his supporters voted for him have already disappeared. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He was elected to pack the Supremes with ultra right wing conservatives. So far, so good, though I consider Gorsuch only right wing, not ultra right wing, like Scalia.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Oh yeah I have nothing. Trump has nothing. We are both people who have nothing. Originally Posted by pussycat
pussycat is a fraud on many fronts. Like his pathetic claim that he is a Democrat.

He so desperately wants you to believe the shit that flies from his mouth.

He bullshits and hopes people won't catch on. BTW, where are the respected University studies that prove 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary? We are still waiting... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
pussycat too embarrassed to confront his proclamation of utter bullshit?

BTW, where are the respected University studies that prove 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary?

pussycat gets spanked every issue. Spanked right on his fake butt implants
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He was elected to pack the Supremes with ultra right wing conservatives. So far, so good, though I consider Gorsuch only right wing, not ultra right wing, like Scalia. Originally Posted by DSK
I agree with you. Gorsuch is not ultra right wing. But he is further to the right than Merrick Garland. I'm still pissed at Republicans, and I am a registered Republican, for not voting on Garland to replace Scalia. Simply no justification for that. Just bring it to a vote. If Garland is rejected, fine. But to not vote was a disgrace.
I agree with you on this one. Sometimes they act like kids up there in Washington.

I agree with you. Gorsuch is not ultra right wing. But he is further to the right than Merrick Garland. I'm still pissed at Republicans, and I am a registered Republican, for not voting on Garland to replace Scalia. Simply no justification for that. Just bring it to a vote. If Garland is rejected, fine. But to not vote was a disgrace. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Oh this just in - ABC poll - 96 percent of Trump supporters still support him. ( well, of course, duh) That his base is emotionally connected to him. I guess that's what I've been trying to say all along - I am emotionally connected to him. It's an emotional thing. And it is for a large part of the country - I don't include California or New York. Texans love him. So proud to be from this great state.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh this just in - ABC poll - 96 percent of Trump supporters still support him. ( well, of course, duh) That his base is emotionally connected to him. I guess that's what I've been trying to say all along - I am emotionally connected to him. It's an emotional thing. And it is for a large part of the country - I don't include California or New York. Texans love him. So proud to be from this great state. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I don't know how reliable this source is but according to it many more Texans disapprove of Trump's presidency so far than approve.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Texans love him. So proud to be from this great state. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump won Texas by less than 9%, with Clinton garnering more than 43% of Texas. Hardly overwhelming support.

BUT... even more telling is a recent Texas poll:

Poll: Trump approval rating underwater in Texas

More Texans disapprove of the job President Trump is doing than approve, according to a Texas Lyceum poll released Wednesday. 54 percent DISAPPROVE of Trump compared with the 42 percent minority of Texans who approve of him.

And mind you, this is TEXAS! So proud of how this great state is starting to change!

So... to conclude: Texans love him? LOL no.
Oh this just in - ABC poll - 96 percent of Trump supporters still support him. ( well, of course, duh) That his base is emotionally connected to him. I guess that's what I've been trying to say all along - I am emotionally connected to him. It's an emotional thing. And it is for a large part of the country - I don't include California or New York. Texans love him. So proud to be from this great state. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Well of course he is base loves him. But do the math, his base isn't the whole Republican party, it's smaller subset. And then there is a large number or independents, moderates and democrats who don't support his agenda. So that's great but there's is a reason that he had such low approval ratings. You are must mean a large part of the country in land, not population because those two states have a large amount of population. And again Trump lost by 3 million votes. Hard to say a large part of the country. As for as Texas, I would like to see the numbers on that. Because I'm a Texan and my family and friends are Texans. And we don't love him. So don't say Texans like it's all encompassing. Glad you are emotionally connected to him. But your feelings and his supporters don't represent this state or this country.
I stand corrected on that poll. I was going more on my personal experience. Every time I go on base at Ft. Hood and start talking to the guys out there - it's positive conversation about Trump. - not like here in Austin. Same up in Dallas/Ft. Worth and the surrounding area. Austin is the worst at always bashing him and telling everybody how unenlightened the Trump supporters are.

The only thing that Bill Mahr said --that I agree with is -- the democrats need to cut that out or they will lose again. Btw - President Trump already filed paperwork for the 2020 election. Just thought I'd throw that nugget of information in.

I don't know how reliable this source is but according to it many more Texans disapprove of Trump's presidency so far than approve. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Milly - I know how you feel. Really.
When people were telling me - everybody loves Obama - oh we love Obama - I thought the same thing too - I don't love him and neither do my friends and family. And I had to listen to it for 8 long years!!! So ok - I won 't do it to you again.

Well of course he is base loves him. But do the math, his base isn't the whole Republican party, it's smaller subset. And then there is a large number or independents, moderates and democrats who don't support his agenda. So that's great but there's is a reason that he had such low approval ratings. You are must mean a large part of the country in land, not population because those two states have a large amount of population. And again Trump lost by 3 million votes. Hard to say a large part of the country. As for as Texas, I would like to see the numbers on that. Because I'm a Texan and my family and friends are Texans. And we don't love him. So don't say Texans like it's all encompassing. Glad you are emotionally connected to him. But your feelings and his supporters don't represent this state or this country. Originally Posted by Milly23
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  • Gamer
  • 04-23-2017, 03:50 PM
Oh this just in - ABC poll - 96 percent of Trump supporters still support him. ( well, of course, duh) Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Obvious thing to do is provide a link to this poll.

I stand corrected on that poll. I was going more on my personal experience. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ah. So there was no poll, and you're just making shit up? Well, of course, duh.