Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

Uncle Han's Avatar
he did nothing to deserve to be shot and killed that night. Originally Posted by austxjr
Sure he did you ass-clown.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2013, 04:08 PM

All of which makes WTF's theories about white racism particularly stupid. Originally Posted by ExNYer
.... expansively accurate ...

Since he is uncomfortable with his own racism, he is obsessed with finding it in other people so he will at least feel as though he is not isolated in his self-misery and guilt.

Notice his rage in his last post. It's on an upward spiral, as his flaws are exposed. Originally Posted by LexusLover

If you are white, you can be racist towards other whites. You can be racists towards anybody because of your past. Deny it all you want. Buttttttttt...understanding is half the battle against it.

And you are in classic denial....
One conclusion from this study is clear. For most of us, the racist/sexist/ageist inside us may not be a monster of our own making; s/he is not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of where we've been. Being faster to associate ‘black' with ‘violence' doesn't imply that you are a hardcore racist, it sadly just means you're American.
This conclusion is both reassuring and sad.
Reassuring, because now we can understand why we are all a little bit racist (and sexist, and ageist). And understanding is half the battle against it.

Originally Posted by WTF
For most of us, the racist/sexist/ageist inside us may not be a monster of our own making; s/he is not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of where we've been

Do you two not understand this statement? Being racist is a reflection on where we have been. You two seem to think you have been in this color blind society. Your posts seem to prove otherwise.
Budman's Avatar
His mother supposedly has some Afro-Peruvian ancestry as well so he is probably partly black. If you go by the old southern, "one drop of black blood makes you black" standard then I suppose you could call him black and say that this is black on black violence. Unfortunately that one drop of black blood only worked, even in the South, if you looked black like Obama does. If you didn't look black and had light skin you often "passed" meaning passed as white. It is a confusing mess and especially confuses Conservatives with their penchant for Manichean thinking.

What a crock of shit.

In any case, I thought you were innocent until proven guilty in our country? Or is it that if you are black or a thug you deserve to die unless proven innocent? Whether Trayvon was a thug or wanted to be a thug is immaterial (mostly all that stuff just shows him to be a suburban wanna be like almost any black, white or hispanic teenager).

GZ had means and opportunity so it is up to a jury to decide if he had motive to complete the three necessary elements. It really doesn't matter if the motive was racial or not, I think it only matters if they decide he had fear for his life (did Travon fear for his life and react because of it - we will never know) and used reasonable force. It is obvious he used bad judgment. There might be other mitigating or extenuating circumstances or there might be exacerbating circumstances such as following Travon and initiating a conflict. Again, that is up to a jury to decide based hopefully on evidence we know little or nothing about. IMHO, GZ deserves some punishment for killing an unarmed kid, but that is just my opinion and might not be right under the law, but Travon didn't deserve to be followed and gunned down by an armed adult when he was just armed with Skittles and Iced Tea, period. No matter what was on his phone, in his heart and mind or what he might have done in the future, he did nothing to deserve to be shot and killed that night. Originally Posted by austxjr
Are you fucking serious? Martin wasn't killed because he was black. He wasn't killed because he was a thug or thug wanna be. He wasn't killed because he was armed with Skittles and Iced tea. He was killed because he was beating the shit out of GZ and GZ had a gun. Period. What part of that can you not understand? Nothing TM did was a crime until he decided to beat GZ. GZ following TM was not a crime. GZ asking TM what he was doing in the neighborhood was not a crime. The criminal part of all of this started when the first punch was thrown and based on the current news reports TM started the physical violence. If the trial proves that GZ was the party that escalated this to physical violence then he should and will be punished but if TM was the aggressor and was indeed beating the shit out of GZ then he got what he deserved.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I have refrained from commenting on this thread until now, but I think Budman pretty much nailed it. What would any one on this forum do if some guy was on top of you and banging your head on the concrete and telling you, you are gonna die tonight. I would rather be tried by 12 of my fellow citizens than buried by 6 of my friends.

And the physical evidence (the pictures on the back of his head) supports Zimmerman's version of the story.

If you are white, you can be racist towards other whites. You can be racists towards anybody because of your past. Deny it all you want. Buttttttttt...understanding is half the battle against it.. Originally Posted by WTF
And not projecting your feelings onto others is the other half of the battle.

Nice use of the word "can", too. Makes your whole statement nothing but a bunch of mealy-mouthed bullshit - but also impossible to refute.

Of course, anybody "can" be this or that. Thanks for that spectacular insight into the human mind, Dr. Freud.

But you have gone MUCH farther than that.

You are insisting that IN THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE, anyone who doesn't unilaterally condemn George Zimmerman must be a racist and just can't confront it in themselves.

Blow it out your ass. This isn't some abstract discussion on the faults of human nature. We KNOW people are flawed. Also, we all work from imperfect knowledge.

But, it is irrelevant that all humans have some bias. Everyone of us still has to make judgements. We still have to get on with our lives. We still have to hire people. We still have to pick neighborhoods to live in. We still have to sit on juries.

The fact that a person has biases does not mean they cannot rise above them in particularly important instances and render fair judgements.

Like it or not, we have to have that as the basis of our legal system.

Because if we take your idiocy to its logical extreme, then no one can ever be allowed to make a decision about another person, because the person making the judgement is always biased.

In that case, how do we ever convict a criminal?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I have refrained from commenting on this thread until now, but I think Budman pretty much nailed it. What would any one on this forum do if some guy was on top of you and banging your head on the concrete and telling you, you are gonna die tonight. I would rather be tried by 12 of my fellow citizens than buried by 6 of my friends.

And the physical evidence (the pictures on the back of his head) supports Zimmerman's version of the story. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
So you start shit get your ass kicked then you shoot the person you started fucking with and it's ok.,
You know if Zimmy would of been fucking with a real stone cold thug, zimmy would of caught a bullet to the dome, wouldn't of been a fight, so all you lames talking about trayvon's a thug this a thug that, don't have a clue what a thug is, that kid was soft as a marshmellow, a really thug won't give you the opportuinity to step up on them, their always on a swivel.
LexusLover's Avatar
... so all you lames talking about trayvon's a thug this a thug that, don't have a clue what a thug is, that kid was soft as a marshmellow, a really thug won't give you the opportuinity to step up on them, their always on a swivel. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
A want-a-be is more dangerous than a "real one" since the want-a-be is trying to prove he is one and the real one doesn't need to prove anything.

My impression has been that Martin was a "want-a-be" ...

..... and trying to "play" the role.
It is just a case of stalking gone bad.
LexusLover's Avatar
The fact that a person has biases does not mean they cannot rise above them in particularly important instances and render fair judgement. Originally Posted by ExNYer
They do it every day in jury boxes all over this country. If WTF made to "the box" ...

... he was either lying then or his lying now.... when he was asked if he could set aside his biases and render a decision based on the evidence presented in the courtroom.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
So you start shit get your ass kicked then you shoot the person you started fucking with and it's ok.,
You know if Zimmy would of been fucking with a real stone cold thug, zimmy would of caught a bullet to the dome, wouldn't of been a fight, so all you lames talking about trayvon's a thug this a thug that, don't have a clue what a thug is, that kid was soft as a marshmellow, a really thug won't give you the opportuinity to step up on them, their always on a swivel. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates

The only problem with your version of events is that there has been no evidence presented so far that shows that Zimmerman started the physical violence. The soft marshmellow here was Zimmerman, letting a 17 year old kid kick his ass.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
The only problem with your version of events is that there has been no evidence presented so far that shows that Zimmerman started the physical violence. The soft marshmellow here was Zimmerman, letting a 17 year old kid kick his ass. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
And there is evidence that show Martin started the physical violence, or are you just going off what Zimmerman said. sorrta like the old mafia proverb, Three can keep a secret if two are dead.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
A want-a-be is more dangerous than a "real one" since the want-a-be is trying to prove he is one and the real one doesn't need to prove anything.

My impression has been that Martin was a "want-a-be" ...

..... and trying to "play" the role. Originally Posted by LexusLover
a wanna be will hesitate and may not, a real one won't hesitate and will, Martin tried to get way, a real one would of SYG, and either Zimmy would of back the fuck, or there would of been two people shooting that day, really I don't think he would of stepped up to him if he remotely thought this was the real deal,
NiceGuy53's Avatar
And there is evidence that show Martin started the physical violence, or are you just going off what Zimmerman said. sorrta like the old mafia proverb, Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Zimmerman is claiming self defense and the pictures of the back of his head back up his story. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder. And unless they have some evidence or a witness we don't know about (and they would be required to share this with the defense), good luck with that.
JCM800's Avatar
so all you lames talking about trayvon's a thug this a thug that, don't have a clue what a thug is, a really thug won't give you the opportuinity to step up on them, their always on a swivel. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Zimmerman is claiming self defense and the pictures of the back of his head back up his story. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder. And unless they have some evidence or a witness we don't know about (and they would be required to share this with the defense), good luck with that. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
The picture only proves he got his head banged up it doesn't show who started what,
as far as his head injury, I seen guys get their heads bounced off concrete, it ain't a pretty sight, and Zimmermans head ani't banged up, remember a small cut to the scalpe will cause a lot of blood, remember when wrestler would use small razors to cut their head in a match back in the day, lots of blood. Zimmerman head should of looked like hamburger if he was being trounced like he said, and they would of x-rayed his dome for a concussion at the hospital,