Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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Turns out the WTFs were bused in by Soros and Styner... 7
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Turns out the WTFs were bused in by Soros and Styner... 7 Originally Posted by Redhot1960

she's cute!
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Originally Posted by matchingmole

Pussolini had a meltdown. the meeting was more civil after both pussolini & schemer left.
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The California Cancer - A Rant 8
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-21-2019, 09:19 AM
Turns out the WTFs were bused in by Soros and Styner... 7

[] Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Turns out you're not a real American.

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WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-21-2019, 10:40 AM
Redhot1960's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-22-2019, 07:01 AM
A WTF gets a physical...

] Originally Posted by Redhot1960
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Redhot1960's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
But your "0pinion" does not matter to me, WTF