How many of us are left from ASPD?

LazurusLong's Avatar
I've never left.
(I like to hang in the shadows and watch)

The list of names I see brings back fun fun FUN times most indeed!

Anyone up for a "reunion"?

QS Originally Posted by QueenSophie
Only if there is another cruise where creepy vans parked down the street taking photos won't be a problem.
<<<<< Richland01 started in 2006. That's when I stopped paying strippers 100's of dollars for a hard on , then going home to jerk off . This place is great!
MajTom's Avatar
I was with the ASPD group since its inception, circa 2001. Before that I was one of the first members in the private lists that were run by a guy from Dallas, who used to call himself Dick O'Stone and later Papa Rotzi. We used to chat a lot on the Net, but I, unfortunately, never had a chance to meet him in person, to buy him a beer and shake his hand for all the great work he did. So if you happen to read this message, I'd be glad to hear from you.

At that time we used to take care and support our girls any way we could, because we realized that we need them no less (if not more) than they need us. In this regard I'm very disappointed by the current trend of this group (or at least one of its moderators) who perhaps out of sheer stupidity tends to dehumanize the providers.

MajorTom (former The Kind Stranger, The Chocolate Guy, and Alex)
mtabsw's Avatar
From 2005 till the melt down.
SexiKenni's Avatar
I miss aspd!!! Better late than never circa 2008
tongue lasher's Avatar
2005 or 2006, I can't remember. Not nearly as active now as I was back then.
pmdelites's Avatar
aspd from delphi days, then original aspd website.
first as slfairbanks, then renamed to pmdelites.

there until it went kerplunk, rose again, then shuttered.

here since apr 2009.

paraphrasing carole king "these are the deliteful days!"
raiseallin's Avatar
Found ASPD somewhere around the end of 2007
NearHauteRed's Avatar
I started hobbying back in the late 80s and used the phone book and ads in the newspaper back in the day to call escort services. ASPD was noticed when a friend had referred me and was a lurker on that site since 2006 before its owner died and its demise and have been a lurker on here for quite a while till recently signing up. I tend to keep my sessions with providers private and not do reviews and it has worked out tremendously for me.
I , also was on ASPD shortly before the shut down. That was all in the beginning of my days in the business !!! I almost thought it was over before it began. I was not happy about that , but discovered other sites such as this one and a few others i frequent.
joedazed2's Avatar
I was an ASPD'er from 2003 till it closed. Same handle there too. Actually same handle everywhere.
fireguydfw's Avatar
Started hobbying through Gina and her incredible girls back in the mid to late 90's. Found ASPD when I got back from my last deployment sometime after '99. Much more active back then. Good ole days!
Long time ASPD user and occasional reviewer. Found a similar site in the UK on business and lucked into ASPD afterwards. Early 2002 or so.
monkish's Avatar
joined in 2001. same handle there.
hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 10-21-2013, 09:35 AM
I go back to 2002. Had a sexy provider tell me about it...miss those days.