The 2020 Presidential Election

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Do you think Trump's comments about The Squad and Cummings have had a positive or negative impact on voters in this country? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Not sure what anyone is jabbering on about regarding Cummings. TRUMP stated actual facts. Maybe they are up in arms because he badly paraphrased Bernie Sanders remarks about Baltimore. Or from the Mayor of Baltimore (who resigned recently involving corruption/patronage investigation.. Or last year's film of the rat infestation in Baltimore, which ran this week on PBS. Or the study that showed Baltimore tops the 10 dirtiest cities in the country, annually. I dunno, maybe he was misquoting the report of the Top 20 most unsafe neighborhoods in the US, of which Baltimore earned 5 spots.

To be fair, at first I thought it was a back-handed slap at Cummings wife for her fraudulent "charity" that is under investigation. Or maybe he just singled out Baltimore as one of the Top 10 worst run cities. Though to be fair, the other 9 cities have also been run by Democrats for years.

As for the Squad, I currently view them as the gift that keeps giving.
Precious_b's Avatar
Of course millions share your POV. Your mind is so pro-Trump that you look at FACTS much differently than those who are open-minded. FACT: The majority of people in this country viewed Trump's statements as being racially motivated. FACT: In the last week Trump has dropped several points in approval ratings. FACT: Trump's approval rating among African Americans has declined significantly since he made comments about The Squad and Cummings.
... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't you realize facts stick to Ellen like she's teflon?
I swear they make her head hurt since she can't respond to facts in like. Only like Donny does....points another direction and mouth vomits words.

The truth - it does not tip the scales in either direction. Those who love Trump think positive - those who do not like Trump think negative.
And yes, I know what the polls say - but,sorry to have to repeat myself ---they do not include the secret Trump voters. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
love==positive, not like==negative. Sound like Mr T on how he addresses people.
Secret Trump voters?! Whispers, I think Ellen is calling you!

And really Speedracer - I'm not open minded? Just look at the board you are posting on and the type of clients I see. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And you Ellen. A John-n-Hooker board with a person who states she ain't seeing anyone currently. That's *open*.

That is quite the stereotype. Trump supporters think positive and those who don't support Trump think negative. Simply another unsupportable OPINION from you.

The people who love and hate Trump will not come into play in November 2020. Their votes are already decided. It is those who are undecided that will impact the election. And the comments made by Trump are being viewed negatively across the nation. I find it hard to believe that any open-minded person can listen to the venom being spouted by Trump over the past 7 days or so and believe that it in any way will turn out positively for him.

"Secret Trump voters"?
... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
She like doing the stereotype thing. Always fishing for a kneejerk reaction and praying it is devoid of facts so she doesn't have to strain her neurons.

Notice she hasn't responded in kind with serious queries that counter her missive points. She still can't mouth the words Trump is a liar when it came to the Wall. I really wish she could prove me wrong so I can publicly retract my statements (if) I said Mexico wasn't paying for it.

What venom? That he said Baltimore is a shit hole? We live in the land called - REALITY - it is a shit hole. It's also crime ridden and rat infested. Hell, the former Mayor of Baltimore is on tape saying how she can smell the dead rats. Do you think that's venom?

And go ahead and laugh about the secret Trump voters. You laughed when I said it in 2015 - how did work out for ya? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So, I guess Marion Berry was a pillar of good? LOL!
Whispers! When you gonna tell us about all these supporters?
Ellen, it wasn't the voters that came out in 2015. It was the electoral college. The voters were for Hillary.

Trump will lose. A large block voted for because they didn't like Hillary, she is not running although he still brings up,the emails. Many people didn't vote because they hated both. If just 50% of the aforementioned vote against trump he will lose. Add this to the people who,have moved away from his you have a landslide win for the dems. Big question will he accept the results as Hillary did? Originally Posted by Dr Hackenbush
You know, the last election was not a good one for choosing a Prez. It was a pick of the lesser of two evils. Personally, I choose the evil that's most fun. But that wasn't happening. I still would have voted for Hillary.

Ellen, i'll give this to Trump: with Hillary, any shenanigans that she could/would do would have been a helluvalot harder to find since she is better at such. Ol' Donny is just a plain crook who has never learned in his life how to avoid shit. Just tries to intimidate people. I liken that to a bully. There is always a bigger person to put one in their place. But it has surprised me how many little people that shine a light on Donnies' BS.

Have you ever been in Baltimore? Like most major cities, it has places I would not go near. There are also many beautiful and safe areas in Baltimore. Trump is accusing politicians in Baltimore of corruption, with absolutely NO proof. He is blaming it all on Cummings. The majority of Cummings political district is doing fine. Blame the mayor and politicians in Baltimore who have more to do with the problems there than Cummings. There are cities with higher crime rates than Baltimore. Bessemer, Al. East St. Louis, Il. Monroe, La. St. Louis, Mo. Detroit, Mi. But Trump picks on the House rep who happens to be anti-Trump. That is Trump's style.

And you neglect to mention the "venom" used against The Squad.

I really don't care if you believe Trump's comments have had a negative impact on undecided voters. 6% of blacks approve of Trump now???? Down from double digits in one week??? All I'm saying is this negativity will hurt Trump at the polls. Very little evidence if any to not support that statement.

I very much doubt that in 2015/2016 you cited "secret Trump voters" as to why Trump would win. You did call his victory, that I will give you. But I doubt that you gave reasons WHY he would win. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It was a victory via electoral college. Not by majority vote.

And now liberals are saying MaraLago has rats.
FAKE NEWS! SAD! Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson

Well, I was going to look for it until I realized I have alot of posts so never mind.

Yes, I don't see things the way you do. Trump is just calling out ---- that before you start running your mouth about something - just make sure your backyard is perfect. He doesn't care what color you are or who the fuck you think you are. He is not politically correct - he never will be.
If he hurts someones feelings - too bad - our country's future is more important then anybody's feelings.

But we shall see in 2020. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
He does a lot of calling. But he ignores the fire in his kitchen. Cause lady, his backyard ain't perfect. Lord knows you've been wearing these.
Everyone and anyone who still supports Trump is a racist and a fascist. Plain and simple.
Precious_b's Avatar
I wouldn't agree to that SC1
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not sure what anyone is jabbering on about regarding Cummings. TRUMP stated actual facts. Maybe they are up in arms because he badly paraphrased Bernie Sanders remarks about Baltimore. Or from the Mayor of Baltimore (who resigned recently involving corruption/patronage investigation.. Or last year's film of the rat infestation in Baltimore, which ran this week on PBS. Or the study that showed Baltimore tops the 10 dirtiest cities in the country, annually. I dunno, maybe he was misquoting the report of the Top 20 most unsafe neighborhoods in the US, of which Baltimore earned 5 spot

To be fair, at first I thought it was a back-handed slap at Cummings wife for her fraudulent "charity" that is under investigation. Or maybe he just singled out Baltimore as one of the Top 10 worst run cities. Though to be fair, the other 9 cities have also been run by Democrats for years.

As for the Squad, I currently view them as the gift that keeps giving. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why did Trump focus his negative comments on Cummings and Baltimore? There are other cities much worse off than Baltimore. His characterization, without evidence, that city officials in Baltimore are corrupt was not right.

The city officials of Baltimore are responsible for the city of Baltimore, not the House rep. If I have a problem in the city in which I live, I first go to my city council rep. Then the mayor/city council. Then my representative in the Texas House. Then my representative in the Texas Senate. Only after those avenues are exhausted do I go to John Carter, my representative in the House.

The point is Cummings has very little control over what goes on in Baltimore on a day-to-day basis. Cummings represents his district at the Federal level and his responsibilities are much different than the mayor and city council of Baltimore. For Trump to single out Cummings as the reason why Baltimore is in the state it is is simply Trump slashing back at someone who usually opposes him politically.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why did Trump focus his negative comments on Cummings and Baltimore? There are other cities much worse off than Baltimore. His characterization, without evidence, that city officials in Baltimore are corrupt was not right. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I gave some examples already; self gratuity by laundering $$ through a charity, self enrichment while in office. BTW: Read recently that Nancy Pelosi's father and brother were former Baltimore mayors. Not sure if true, but go figure.

IDK, Maybe he is trying to get the ball rolling on rebuilding inner city infrastructure. Big campaign promise if I recall correctly. I think Baltimore received something like $16B last year, yet it continues to spiral downward. Anyway, could have just as easily been a Cali chitehole or NJ or wherever. Had to land somewhere I guess. As far as I know, any city worse off than Baltimore has likely been run by Democrats for decades as well.

Was a great article recently about the consequences of urban renewal and the unintended, yet predictable, consequences and impacts on homelessness. Think Austin was mentioned in it even. It delved into the whole land grab to produce higher tax revenues aspect and how it reduces "affordable" housing and alternative housing systems.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump is not racist Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Appears that *was* factually correct - until he ran and won as a Republican apparently. But you do have to keep up with the new agey-cists. If you don't agree with someone it is because they are a racist nowadays. I 'spose it's much easier and fits on a bumper sticker better than actually discussing a person or topic with facts and opinion.

Oh, one other thing about the new agey-cists; apparently anything you say after you are called a racist is racist as well, even if it's a recipe for blueberry muffins. Plus, you have the be the first to call someone it. Lots of kooky rules around it. One more rule - apparently only white people are racist. Shoot, forgot another rule, once you're called a racists, you''re supposed to apologize as well - and definitely are NOT allowed to use actual facts or opinion or even engage at all to prove them wrong.

Hey, dems da new agey rulz...
Thank you Precious.

I wouldn't agree to that SC1 Originally Posted by Precious_b
And everybody that hates Trump is a racist.

No, I don't want to say that to you because well - it's a stupid,uneducated thing to say,it pisses people off and it will never solve anything.

Good luck to you - with that attitude - you will need it.

Everyone and anyone who still supports Trump is a racist and a fascist. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by supercold1
Explain to me why there are swastikas and confederate flags at his rallies. Explain to me why his supporters still believe the same lies about immigration. I'll tell you why: Because they're racists.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Alrighty folks.... let's knock off the racism angle from either side. That may be tolerated to a certain extent in the political forum it's not cool in the sandbox. Tread softly....
Dev Null's Avatar
I think it's interesting that Trump is calling out Baltimore officials for rat-infested properties when some of them are owned by his own son-in-law.

Maybe he should consider going back where he came from and cleaning up his own mess before he lashes out about how much he hates America.

Not that I subscribe to that line of discourse, but people like him are always so intent on blaming others for the consequences of their own piss-poor decisions.
Ok so moving on. Did anybody watch the debates last night? I was very impressed with Andrew Yang - the Asia guy who likes math. That is a good slogan. And you can tell - he is very good at math. He was right about automation in America and he is right that lifting Americans out of poverty so they have a better chance in our society. I liked him the best.

Biden was painful to watch - I really don't think he is going to make it. And at the end when he gave out the wrong text number was just plain sad. I find it amazing that the democratic party cant see that.

I also liked Tulsi Gabbard. Very intelligent,not afraid to ask the hard questions, and a patriot.

The most obnoxious candidate in my view was Bill De Blasio.
He was just plain nauseating trying to play moderator.

The rest of the field was just more of blah,blah,blah.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ok so moving on. Did anybody watch the debates last night? I was very impressed with Andrew Yang - the Asia guy who likes math. That is a good slogan. And you can tell - he is very good at math. He was right about automation in America and he is right that lifting Americans out of poverty so they have a better chance in our society. I liked him the best.

Biden was painful to watch - I really don't think he is going to make it. And at the end when he gave out the wrong text number was just plain sad. I find it amazing that the democratic party cant see that.

I also liked Tulsi Gabbard. Very intelligent,not afraid to ask the hard questions, and a patriot.

The most obnoxious candidate in my view was Bill De Blasio.
He was just plain nauseating trying to play moderator.

The rest of the field was just more of blah,blah,blah. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yang was good but if you think he was the best of the 10 on stage you were not paying close attention. It will be interesting to see whether or not he is on the stage in the next debate when the field is cut.

Corey Booker was by far the most impressive person on the stage. He did his best to impress upon the others that it was in the best interest of all to remember the primary objective -- beating Trump in November 2020. Try not to destroy one another along the way. All his responses were concise and on-point. Defended himself very well against criticism.

I agree DeBlasio was the worst.

I'm interested to see if there was a big change in the polling. Should be out in the next couple of days. Here is the opinion of Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight on the 2 nights of debates.
Precious_b's Avatar
What venom? That he said Baltimore is a shit hole? We live in the land called - REALITY - it is a shit hole. It's also crime ridden and rat infested. Hell, the former Mayor of Baltimore is on tape saying how she can smell the dead rats. Do you think that's venom?

And go ahead and laugh about the secret Trump voters. You laughed when I said it in 2015 - how did work out for ya? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I think it's interesting that Trump is calling out Baltimore officials for rat-infested properties when some of them are owned by his own son-in-law.

Maybe he should consider going back where he came from and cleaning up his own mess before he lashes out about how much he hates America.

Not that I subscribe to that line of discourse, but people like him are always so intent on blaming others for the consequences of their own piss-poor decisions. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Ok so moving on.
... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Bring it up, others respond, now you want to ignore their replies
Status Quo.

Otherwise, Ron Emanuel (sp) was on Colbert and I like his reply to how Biden was getting smacked around. Literally said it is just practice for when you get to office. Than it is one punch after another. And quoted Kennedy saying the choices you pick are bad or worse, nothing else.