NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Diabolo's Avatar
Defense got us out of trouble today, but if Leinart's injury is serious and he's IR'd, we're in MAJOR trouble.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Well we got this win in the book today.

Looks like it'll be another L O N G week between games.

I guess tomorrow we will find out how bad Matt2's shoulder is.

We need more than Clemens and Yates to advance further than one game in the playoffs. I wonder who they'll bring in this week to play quarterback?

I don't see us beating Cincinnati or Atlanta with Yates or Clemens. We should play with Tennessee, and beat the Colts and the Panthers, however if we get into a shootout with Cam, it could be a bad day.
Yikes! I like TJ but fuck!!!! An Inexperienced QB is not good. Man we are having some bad luck this year.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Yikes! I like TJ but fuck!!!! An Inexperienced QB is not good. Man we are having some bad luck this year. Originally Posted by Daddio
The team is becoming the Bloods(dfense) and the Crips(injured offence).

Matt Leinart: "I think there's probably a pretty strong possibility I won't be coming back this season." ??

Well shit!... I wanna throw to Dre, Foster, Tate, and OD. Can I play? I'll do it for free. Just give me a good insurance plan and a #1 Jersey with my name "One-Eyed Willy" on the back... I'll just follow Satin's advice and throw check downs to Hustle and Flow all day... And if Dre's in single coverage and runs beyond my range, I can kick it to him right? He'll still catch it, I'm sure...But don't expect me to throw more than 20 yrd with any kind of zip. I'll probably look more like Tbow running scared shitless out of my mind but I think I can run the right way.

Do you still get penalized for banging the cheerleaders??

I'm old for NFL but young compared to Favre. And BTW if we can change the names of the plays to names of strippers/providers it will help me learn playbook even faster...hehehe

Kubes on Leinart: "doesn't look good, well see when we get back."

Kubes on TJ: "he did a good job, I was cautious with him in the 2nd half 'cause he was all we had." (would have been OD throwing if TJ went down since the new guy was inactive today)

I'm trying not to panic here fellas but I am wondering what Mikky D's I need to go to for those informed fry cooks... I don't know shit about Yates and am looking for some info...

has 8-3 ever felt this bad?..
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
With Leinart at qb going into the Jacksonville game I didn't feel it was desperation time, but now I do. I'm not that big of a Favre fan, but at this time we know he can read defenses and run a basic plus offense. Yates and Clemens will only take us so far. It's desperation time and time to roll the dice.

I told my buddies this week I would stop Foster and Tate and force Leinart to beat the Jaguars through the air, which they pretty much did. So many people are drinking the running game kool-aid that they think the running game can't be stopped, but it could and did.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-27-2011, 04:19 PM
Ahh man that was a crazy game. All the lead in with the new qb, only to get hurt 2 quarters in. Now the talk of the old man coming to town sounds pretty good.

So now i say fuck the kool-aid and just go for straight vodka. Not even the good stuff I'm talkin plastic bottles.
Yikes! I like TJ but fuck!!!! An Inexperienced QB is not good. Man we are having some bad luck this year. Originally Posted by Daddio

What is everyone panicked about? We could get any peg-leg Jake to do as good of a job as that damn Schaub. All Jake has to do is hand the ball off. Everything else will take care of itself. NOT!!!!!

It just goes to show that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Until you get over there! Shhh, don't tell anybody but we are in a heap of trouble!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Nice post there BT... but the season is not over yet... there may be blood in the water here in H-Town but our Sharks on Defense are the biggest sharks in the water. Although were not used to it, looks like we'll be having some old fashioned battles from here on out and that is fine by me... Did you watch that T-Day 49er/Raven game?? My future predictions for Texan games will follow that format... lots of FG's and lots of 3-n-outs... hence no more 20pt leads or 150+yrds rushing... But heap of trouble? NAH... Game changer?? DEFINITELY!! lets hope our O-line will stay healthy as other teams will now be blitzing like crazy!

P.S. bet Dre really misses his best buddy right now...

Favre i don't think would do us any favros.. oops i mean favors.. I love him and still own his GB jersey since the 90's and would be a dream come true to have him here 10 YEARS AGO!!... Right now, I think he would be more of a distraction than anything else..

This isn't Madden here fellas, you can't just pull an old-timer HOF QB out ur ass, get him signed, and expect him to play at a high level on short notice... If, however, it was possible, I say Kurt Warner as he recently retired after leading Cards to SB. He is also buddies w/Leinart and would be less of a distraction than Favre. The possiblities of getting either one would be like P Manning coming off IR, getting released and signing with TXNS to lead them to SB in back in INDY.... hehehe

Jeff Garcia may be the only route if they're looking for a Vet with playoff experience as trade deadline ended...

Overall though, as long as TJ works hard and Schaubler helps to coach him through the rough spots, I say stick with him... SB hopes are diminishing each week even though we've won a franchise record 5 straight... But mark my words,

Here is a look at upcoming games for us and the Finergans (they are 1-2 in div we are 4-0 in div so tie will go to us so far)

wk13 @ BUF (5-6)
wk14 vs NO (7-3)
wk14 @ IND (0-for)
wk16 vs Jax (3-8)
wk17 @ HOU!!!!

wk13 vs ATL (7-4)
wk14 @ CIN (7-4)
wk15 vs CAR (3-8)
wk16 @ IND (0-for)
wk17 vs Finnergans

Word is.....Brett Farve is being contacted.
I aid that tongue in cheek, but really that may not be a bad choice. All you really need is somone to manage the game. This late in the season experience is a must. Who else is out there?????? Damarcus Russell

Actually, i felt like today the Texans took the Jags lightly and almost got their hats handed to them. Making McCown look prolific was gut-wrenching to say the least! Were it not for some stellar paly by the defensive front four, this game would have gone into the loss column.

JUst my observations since the Cowboy's already had bagged their turkey for the week!!!
GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
I bet U do wan't us to get Favre huh?
GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Easye
And Romo was awesome in that game btw (cough cough) hehehe
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-27-2011, 08:04 PM
I just got chance to see a replay of the game...damn...(they don't give a damn about the Texans up here in Chicago)..

Seedy, man nice to finally have you my brother. Maybe you can talk some sense into my buddy BT so he can stop There is no Thai pussy here man so you will get bored here real fast...

Good to see my main man Easye back too. What up player? Got something for you when I get back. It's amazing you Cowgirl fans come around when they finally win. You were sweating Thursday though weren't you? Almost threw up that turkey huh? I guess my boy Ike will be back too...lmao.

Man you guys are the most half empty glass type dudes I have ever seen. All we need to do is follow the Satin gameplay and everything will be fine. Again, we did not lose Peyton Manning. Like BT says, anyone can run our offense...even my man Cat-Man can do it if we can get his ass out the strip clubs trying to ruin my

The Old Gunslinger? Man I loved him to death many moons ago, but I DO NOT wanna see him with a Texans jersey on. He would make me more nervous than Dopey throwing a pick 6 or an INT on the last play of the game...

Come on Yates, it's all you now big fella....
Wakeup's Avatar
heh heh heh
O'Mike's Avatar
WTF is wrong with bigtex?? We got almost an entire page without any UH news. Well I will do it...........................

Coogs are #6 in BCS Rankings

Plus Vegas has them as 14 point favorites next Saturday. So there is a good chance of an undefeated regular season and a date with destiny in the Sugar Bowl. Possibly playing #16 ranked Michigan in NOLA.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-27-2011, 09:16 PM
We need more then somone to hand the ball off. Everyone thinks we can live on run alone, I don't see how that will work.
TheDon's Avatar
Teams are just going to start putting 11 guys in the box, and they're just going to run blitz.

If we can just manage to beat Indy and Carolina, Tenn would have to run the table in order to get in. I think it would be pretty hilarious if Manning decided to play that Christmas game, and lead the Colts to their first win against us. It would be the ultimate "Fuck You" in the history of this franchise. And they are at a point to where they can win at least 2 games, and will still have the first pick.