When Will You Get The COVID19 Vaccine?

Yes, I too really want everyone to get vaccinated too, but when I weigh the pros and cons for MYSELF to get vaccinated, the cons simply outweigh the pros. PLUS I have almost certainly already had COVID sometime in the last year anyhow. All my employees have had it. Most of the people I know who have been tested have had it, I NEVER took any real precautions to avoid getting it. If it is half as contagious as they say I MUST have had it at one point or the other and that can be my way of contributing to herd immunity. lol

That said, there is one way that I can be extorted into getting the shot and that is if other countries start requiring proof of vaccination before allowing me into their country, ESPECIALLY if it's countries that I consider my playground like Colombia, Panama or Costa Rica. If it comes to either getting the shot or staying at home, I am not really afraid of getting vaccinated, I just don't see the need for someone like me to risk getting sick for a day or two in an attempt to protect myself from a virus I almost certainly have already had. Originally Posted by GaGambler
I don't want everyone to get the COVID vaccine. I'll leave it up to them. At your company are you requiring a COVID test when people report that they have COVID? Some employees are scamming the employers.

When you cruise down to Rica, DR, wherever in the Caribbean how many of the natives have their regular vacs? Covid vacs? Brazil was supposedly getting ravaged a few weeks ago. This isn't a one way journey.

edit: BTW, I'm reading where people who've had the vaccine, like Bill Maher, still got COVID.
GaGambler's Avatar
I don't want everyone to get the COVID vaccine. I'll leave it up to them. At your company are you requiring a COVID test when people report that they have COVID? Some employees are scamming the employers.

When you cruise down to Rica, DR, wherever in the Caribbean how many of the natives have their regular vacs? Covid vacs? Brazil was supposedly getting ravaged a few weeks ago. This isn't a one way journey. Originally Posted by gnadfly
No, I don't require anything of the kind and considering only ONE of my employees lost so much as an hour of work (he lost a half day) there is ZERO motivation for them to be scamming me.

I haven't been to any of my "playgrounds" since COVID hit. Not because I am afraid, but because there is very little play to be had in my former playgrounds since most of them have been locked up so tight. I do understand that the DR is pretty much open, but I tend to travel to Central and South America and rarely do I go to the Caribbean. I know Colombia is almost completely locked down still so I think my next trip will most likely be CR in a couple of weeks or so, depending on how things are down there at the time of course.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2021, 09:43 PM
I've been to Mexico several times and it's pretty much business as usual. The restaurants, clubs and esteticas masculinas are open. Some Mexican states are stricter than others though. You see more people wearing masks than in my corner of Texas, and when you walk into a store or a mall they'll often take your temperature.
I stopped going to the Nuevo Laredo when the best club had a car bomb explode in front of it and the owners were executed in their drive way.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2021, 10:26 PM
I stopped going to the Nuevo Laredo when the best club had a car bomb explode in front of it and the owners were executed in their drive way. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Juarez and Ciudad Acuna are about as bad. I'm not averse to going to border towns, but since it takes me 5 hours to drive to one, it just made more sense to fly to someplace in the interior of Mexico or to go to Costa Rica or Panama.

Think of it this way Gnadfly. Juarez has historically been the most dangerous border town in Mexico. At its worst, the death rate there was 200 people per 100,000 per year. So say you spent two weeks in Juarez, during the worst of the violence. That means you'd have a 4 out of 100,000 chance of getting killed. That's not very high. Now on the other hand say you lived through the worst of the COVID pandemic in Texas, from June 1 of last year to May 30 of this year. The death rate in Texas during the year from COVID was 177 per 100,000.

So I can go to Juarez, hit the massage parlors, the titty bars, and mileroticos for two weeks a year, and my chance of getting killed would be less than 1/40th of my chance of dying from COVID during the last year. I'd rather wear an N95 mask, get vaccinated, and go someplace like Juarez and bang hot Latinas, eat ceviche and drink Margaritas for two weeks. It's a no brainer.
Not a valid comparison. I didn't hear of a car bomb going off in the Zona in Acuna. Last I heard, the gangs chased off many of the major clubs in NL. Papagayos closed which was a fixture for decades. This is all pre-pandemic.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Oh yea and after the shots don't go through a metal detector at the airport unless you like strip searches LOL Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Heh.. also false. I literally hopped on a plane 2 days after my 2nd dose (real world job).
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ I was poking fun at the Tick tok videos ^^ What the LSM and CDC don't tell you is the facts ,experimental , un-tested , no long term idea of effects .
  • Tiny
  • 05-26-2021, 08:05 AM
Not a valid comparison. I didn't hear of a car bomb going off in the Zona in Acuna. Last I heard, the gangs chased off many of the major clubs in NL. Papagayos closed which was a fixture for decades. This is all pre-pandemic. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Ten years ago Ciudad Acuna was pretty bad. There were lots of murders and some kidnappings. It got worse when the Zetas started to fragment. I’m not sure about now. Gringos stopped going to boystown but I think part of it was psychological. It’s a somewhat spooky drive to get there from downtown especially at night when there aren’t many people around. And the police were always looking for a chance to stop a vehicle with Texas plates and shake down a gringo. Anyway I believe Hunters, which is the premier club in boys town, is still open but the Rio and a lot of the small clubs are closed. That was the case a few years ago anyway. These days most gringos don’t make it any farther than downtown. There are providers in downtown and historically they’ve been cheaper than Hunters
Grace Preston's Avatar
^^ I was poking fun at the Tick tok videos ^^ What the LSM and CDC don't tell you is the facts ,experimental , un-tested , no long term idea of effects . Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Which.. was also true for most other vaccines that we relied on back in the day... from Polio to Smallpox and beyond...many of then were in use long before "FDA approved". That's the nature of vaccinations in general. Heck-- how many folks use medications for "off label" purposes?

None of my children have received the vaccine-- but they are far lower risk and much more comfortable with waiting and seeing what the vaccine does. With me, I'm a higher risk group and already have breathing issues without running the risk of a nasty COVID run.
GaGambler's Avatar
Juarez and Ciudad Acuna are about as bad. I'm not averse to going to border towns, but since it takes me 5 hours to drive to one, it just made more sense to fly to someplace in the interior of Mexico or to go to Costa Rica or Panama.

Think of it this way Gnadfly. Juarez has historically been the most dangerous border town in Mexico. At its worst, the death rate there was 200 people per 100,000 per year. So say you spent two weeks in Juarez, during the worst of the violence. That means you'd have a 4 out of 100,000 chance of getting killed. That's not very high. Now on the other hand say you lived through the worst of the COVID pandemic in Texas, from June 1 of last year to May 30 of this year. The death rate in Texas during the year from COVID was 177 per 100,000.

So I can go to Juarez, hit the massage parlors, the titty bars, and mileroticos for two weeks a year, and my chance of getting killed would be less than 1/40th of my chance of dying from COVID during the last year. I'd rather wear an N95 mask, get vaccinated, and go someplace like Juarez and bang hot Latinas, eat ceviche and drink Margaritas for two weeks. It's a no brainer. Originally Posted by Tiny

You could be like me and do BOTH.

Right now my chances of dying from COVID during the last year are absolutely ZERO. and I didn't have to wear some silly mask all day or give up pussy for months at a time to survive the last year.

Now who is feeling foolish? Or at least "should be" feeling that way. lmao
  • Tiny
  • 05-26-2021, 04:08 PM

You could be like me and do BOTH.

Right now my chances of dying from COVID during the last year are absolutely ZERO. and I didn't have to wear some silly mask all day or give up pussy for months at a time to survive the last year.

Now who is feeling foolish? Or at least "should be" feeling that way. lmao Originally Posted by GaGambler
Again, You said you haven't traveled to Latin America since the start of COVID. I have, multiple times. I have not given up pussy. I have worn a mask, which has become an effective part of my peacocking technique to attract women.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Very big side note " other vaccines were tested and based on Cowpox, (start of all vac)
This one new type RNA , experiment with no other vaccines to compare
Also what should concern everybody is the emergency use by the fda /cdc which use to mean if your gonna die better then nothing approach Hum for a flu yeah okay No
  • Tiny
  • 06-16-2021, 03:21 PM
What do virtually all hospitalized COVID patients have in common? They're unvaccinated. This includes children under 12.


  • Tiny
  • 07-26-2021, 11:27 AM
Dr. Devi Sridhar, who holds the Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, was on the Fareed Zakaria show yesterday. She said some researchers believe the level to reach herd immunity may be 98%, because of the spread of the highly infectious Delta variant.

If that's true, the choice is simple. You can choose to get the vaccine or you can choose to get the disease. You're probably not going to be able to wait it out until everyone else has gotten vaccinated or infected. This is a no brainer.