Ukraine invasion ?

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Using the analogy of the helpful neighbor, FDR lent 50 old destroyers to the British during the Battle of the Northern Atlantic. He did that to get around isolation legislation. We could the same. Our national guard planes are functional but somewhat less than our frontline aircraft. We could easily ferry over 50-100 fighters, bombers, or electronic warfare planes to be picked up in Poland by Ukrainian pilots. Since the Air Guard would have fewer planes, they could even give up all the supporting equipment for them including munitions and repair parts. That could be done immediately.

And like those 50 destroyers, the federal government could start replacing what was given away.

Hell, a private person could probably go buy a lot of weapons from the Taliban and ship them to Ukraine. The Taliban has no love for Russia. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Russia will see this as an act of war, which it is, technicalities aside. IMO we need to back off and let these guys slug it out until they’re finished.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Russia will see this as an act of war, which it is, technicalities aside. IMO we need to back off and let these guys slug it out until they’re finished. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

exactly. someone needs to shut that punk Zelenky up so he'll stop yelling for a no-fly zone. Biden is stupid enough to do it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
intentionally or not, little precious is making a false association, he claims that because the Beacon and that fatcat repub Trump hater hired Fusion GPS, the Beacon and the republicans are therefore responsible for all content produced by Fusion GPS no matter who paid for it.

this of course is total nonsense and it turns out Fusion GPS was playing both sides. there was a brief overlap where for about 2 months Fusion GPS was working for both the Beacon and the DNC/Clinton campaign, independently.

Trump opposition research

Main article: Trump–Russia dossier

From September 2015 to May 2016, Simpson was retained by a conservative newspaper, the Washington Free Beacon, to collect information on many of the Republican presidential candidates, including Donald Trump.[8][9][3][10]

In April 2016, the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign's law firm, Perkins Coie, retained Simpson's company Fusion GPS.[9] From April 2016 into early May, the Washington Free Beacon and the Clinton Campaign/DNC were independently both clients of Fusion GPS. In June 2016, Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent, to obtain information on Trump. Steele used his "old contacts and farmed out other research to native Russian speakers who made phone calls on his behalf".[11] After November 2016, funding from the Democratic Party ceased, and Simpson reportedly spent his own money to fund further work on the dossier.[12]

notice the dates. the Beacon ended its contract with Fusion GPS in May 2016. in April 2016 the DNC/Clinton campaign also retained Fusion GPS where as i said for about 2 months Fusion GPS was working for both parties independently.

the proof positive that proves little precious wrong is that it was not until June, after the Beacon dropped out, Steele was contacted on behalf of their only remaining client ....

The DNC/Clinton campaign

game set match precious ... you can apologize to HF at your earliest convenience. unless you intend on welching ...

the forum awaits your reply

BAAHHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Now you see why I gave up. I was hoping someone would back me up with a better source than those I used even though all of mine and everything I have ever read backs up what I posted. Yeah, Republicans started opo research into candidate Trump. So if he got that right than just extrapolate the damn thing and insist it was "started" by Republicans when every single article on this topic, at some point says, "and then when Trump became the nominee, they dropped their research", and Democrats "picked it up" which in his mind, I guess means continued what was being researched. This is not true. Democrats might as well have started from scratch because Christopher Steele was never working for Republicans. He hated Republicans. He hated Trump though it was never clear to me why other than just an "opinion" he held for a long time.

The people at Fusion admit this openly but this is just to good a bone in the eyes of Democrats to let go because there is a "kernel of truth" to their narrative that falls apart very quickly but they will not let go of that bone. Kinda like one of their favorites "there are very good people on both sides" argument. Trump was referring to both sides of the discussion to remove certain Confederate statues which is what the first group of people were doing before the "Tiki torch" people came on the scene. Trump never said that some Nazi's are good people but hey, such an easy thing to "narrate" your way if you choose and boy did they ever. Or that "Trump recommended drinking bleach" to help with Covid. What he did was ask, what now goes on a list of the dumbest "questions" a President ever asked when he turned to one of the scientist and ask that his idea be "looked into". But why not hang the truth around his neck instead of doing a "Clinesmith" and alter the words from "asking a dumb question" to "he recommended". Why not just tell the damn truth as it was bad enough.

This other wise intelligent person and I think he is, just wants to fuck with people and try to make them mad. His sole purpose in being here, it sounds like to me.

And now it is obvious that no amount of proof in the world on such an easy topic, will make him admit he was wrong on again, such an easily provable topic.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes, I consider it an unreliable source around political or affiliated topics especially. On other matters it is a somewhat reliable source or at least a comparable source to gauge other sources. BTW: The former CEO/Founder of it shares similar opinion.

While I consider it's unreliability a feature of it, it is also our own damned fault. It is user edited with inputs. Many of us are "burdened" with real life pursuits of working, raising a family and generally doing productive things. There is a growing class of loons that are not saddled with those burdens and dedicate a lot of time to colorize the history on Wikipedia to their dystopian myopic viewpoint. I typically refer to those as the "Barista-class" citizens, though I think "Loafer-class" may be more accurate and very likely they are also the "Gamer-class" types. As such, it is unreliable.

As a hunch, you might find PB to be a dedicated contributor to it even. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Which is why, I assume, he used multiple sources as I did. In this instance Wiki got it right because so many sources said the same thing. Where is the source that says Republicans hired Christopher Steele and not Hillary Clinton? Anybody care to show me that?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Russia will see this as an act of war, which it is, technicalities aside. IMO we need to back off and let these guys slug it out until they’re finished. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Putin already say that the West providing arms to be used against Russia was an act of war?

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Western sanctions were akin to war as his forces pressed their assault on Ukraine on Saturday for a 10th day

Putin says Western sanctions are akin to declaration of war

So, did he attack a NATO country? I think he is just bluffing. He can't use nuclear weapons because that would be the end of Putin and the end of Russia and he has to know this.

Isn't sending Javelins and Stinger to kill Russian soldiers an "act of war"? How would shooting down a Russia aircraft with a MIG flown by a Ukrainian pilot be any different?

I think Putin is bluffing, easy for me to say yeah, but would he really use a nuclear weapon and insure his death and the death of Russia and destruction of much of if not the entire world when his goal is glory?

We still don't have to put boots on the ground. Step one, give Ukraine the MIGs, a "no fly zone" is not necessary until we see what that step brings. Step two would be to send in A-10's and wipe out his tanks like we did to Saddam's tanks. Wouldn't be any where near as easy but it could be done. And with this, the tide of war could easily change as the world condemnation on Putin and Russia continue to build.

No boots on the ground will ever be necessary if we, NATO, did this right. We have a chance to end the rule of Putin. Are we really going to let this historical chance slip away? Of course we will.
Precious_b's Avatar
You have supported my statement.

Feel free to supply a link to where I use that paper for anything else than to state its origins.
... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Thanks to Waco, he supplied to the link that says my statements true. He even supplied the name of the group. And it isn't Hillary Clinton. She did not start the report. Only picked it up later.

No body has supplied the link i'm asking for that I quote.

Y'all letting it live rent free in your minds.

Read waco link again. Report was started by a conservative organization.

Apparently it means alot more to y'all than it does to me. It's meaning beyond its inception I don't care about. Again, show me a link where i'm lying about its usefulness to me.

Thanks for the show y'all
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is a serious question, are you insane? Everyone does oppo research but the Steele Dossier came from the machinations of Hillary Clinton and her alone. They were smart enough to know that coming directly from the Clinton camp would make it suspect so they fed it to a willing McCain. Have no doubt, the law firm, Fusion GPS, Steele, Russian operatives, and the FBI just lying down for the lie; it was a liberal hit job and very likely sedition. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
it was sedition.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks to Waco, he supplied to the link that says my statements true. He even supplied the name of the group. And it isn't Hillary Clinton. She did not start the report. Only picked it up later.

No body has supplied the link i'm asking for that I quote.

Y'all letting it live rent free in your minds.

Read waco link again. Report was started by a conservative organization.

Apparently it means alot more to y'all than it does to me. It's meaning beyond its inception I don't care about. Again, show me a link where i'm lying about its usefulness to me.

Thanks for the show y'all Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so little precious
Precious_b's Avatar
rumor has it that our very own little precious is actually a democratic operative compromised by the russkies

bhahahahhahhaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Well Comrade, you do good to shine light on conservatives who originally funded paper.
Too bad they not follow example of orange man and pay for paper than hide it.

tsk tsk.
More vodka for your tear?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Well Comrade, you do good to shine light on conservatives who originally funded paper.
Too bad they not follow example of orange man and pay for paper than hide it.

tsk tsk.
More vodka for your tear? Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so precious trollio

Precious_b's Avatar
if you say so little precious Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Than show me a date before September 2015 where Hillary Clinton was involved with the report that eventually was called the Steele Dossier. I'll believe you than. Fusion was the inception.

You have not proved that wrong. Only supported it.
That dossier got stuck to it down the road.

If Fusion never started it, you would be correct.
Precious_b's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Than show me a date before September 2015 where Hillary Clinton was involved with the report that eventually was called the Steele Dossier. I'll believe you than. Fusion was the inception.

You have not proved that wrong. Only supported it.
That dossier got stuck to it down the road.

If Fusion never started it, you would be correct. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Chris Steele is a gay alcoholic russkie mole