TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

That whooshing sound is the space between your ears. What 25 counts of sexual assult. There are no criminal counts against him. Just accusations. But go ahead and keep talking out of your ass if it makes you feel better. Perhaps you might want to find a safe space to hide in.I can already tell your little feelings are going to get hurt.

Yeah, church lady, we know: (((THE DEVIL!!!)))

Isn't that conveeenient, that your guy can quote 2 Corinthians and still be "God's choice" for president despite 25 counts of sexual assault, professing his love for Kim Jong Un, capitulating to Putin, and seeking foreign help in rigging an election.

Just goes to show that the party of religious fanaticism is so gullible that they'll tolerate the most corrupt liar and pussy grabber on the planet for the sake of a quick win, even if it costs them the good-will and trust of true conservatives for decades.

You hear that giant whooshing sound? That's the sound of disgusted 2016 Trump voters switching sides for 2020. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Precious_b's Avatar
Annnnnnnnd it's up. Trump is pitching a tax cut and the markets reacted. Overall the economy is in great shape except from the effects of the virus. And it's in better shape than under Obama. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Better shape? Obama wasn't around when SARS hit.
Was there for MERS, which has a higher mortality rate than the latest Coronavirus, but had fewer deaths. I'm not saying that he had a better pandemic team but he had a team.
And if you are relating to the economy, look what the repubs left him when he started. Chokes you to say how he left the economy as to when he inherited the crap from previous admin.
Dev Null's Avatar
That whooshing sound is the space between your ears. What 25 counts of sexual assult. There are no criminal counts against him. Just accusations. But go ahead and keep talking out of your ass if it makes you feel better. Perhaps you might want to find a safe space to hide in.I can already tell your little feelings are going to get hurt. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Awww, poor little snowflake Ellie May got triggered again.

Must be from watching Old Pussy Grabber freaking out over the stock market tumbling. He takes all the credit when the market is up, then blames it on everyone but himself when it takes a dive. Someone needs to break the news to him that when you live by the Dow, you die by the Dow.

Not to mention how he got rooked into a shitty deal with the Taliban, where he gave them everything they wanted and got nothing in return.

Now he's so desperate to get re-elected, he's trying to buy everyone's love with a moratorium on payroll taxes. Congress isn't buying it though, in a rare show of bipartisan unity.

And people were taking a dump on Biden because of his stutter, until they starting seeing the Donald in full meltdown mode. The White House reeks of desperation and flop sweat these days.
sportfisherman's Avatar
You tell'em DN !! The Chumpsters are kinda quiet. I guess that inspiring address last night has them in a state of euphoria. Either that or they are trying to get in to see their broker.
Who is he blaming the virus and the stock market crash on ? ; Let me see Hillary,Obama,the media,the world etc. Did I forget the dreaded Deep State ? Also I want a corona virus test and he said several days back that anyone who wanted one could have one. Where is that ?
Dev Null's Avatar
You tell'em DN !! The Chumpsters are kinda quiet. I guess that inspiring address last night has them in a state of euphoria. Either that or they are trying to get in to see their broker.
Who is he blaming the virus and the stock market crash on ? ; Let me see Hillary,Obama,the media,the world etc. Did I forget the dreaded Deep State ? Also I want a corona virus test and he said several days back that anyone who wanted one could have one. Where is that ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Inspiring indeed. He looked like he was at death's door and sounded like he was already on the express elevator.

No wonder the Dow dropped like a rock.
Precious_b's Avatar
Watching Colbert sans audience he pulled up graph of the market and highlighted in red, which was when trump gave the speech, you could see the floor fall out of the market.

Oh, and the CSPAN clips (can't say that's fake news since it is essentially a camera pointed at someone) show what the big cheeto was doing when he didn't realize the camera was on. People need to google that.
And the hypocrite of the year goes to...Biden. And this is just the start
Precious_b's Avatar
I like how Biden can at least face someone and tell it straight.
Cheeto has to hide behind a bathroom door and twitter on the shitter.

I would LOVE to see those two go at it in a debate. My $$$ is on Joe if they ever stepped into the ring.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Large and in charge - yet not responsible for anything !! What a fucking loser. Anybody else notice that whatever crisis comes up his first concern is himself. How it affects the economy,his political standing,and him personally the way he views himself in his mind.
I have not once heard him voice any empathy for anyone sick with the virus. Also if for once they are listening to experts and staff ; it will be the first time. Usually he blows off the intel and everyone else. I'm surprised he let anyone off that boat ; cause he liked his numbers where they were !!
sportfisherman's Avatar
How come we are so far behind in testing ? Some of these what have been called "shit-hole countries" are so far ahead of us on testing. How come he keeps feeding us bogus info on everything including something about a google website ? One reason our cases are low ; We aren't testing.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
How come we are so far behind in testing ? Some of these what have been called "shit-hole countries" are so far ahead of us on testing. How come he keeps feeding us bogus info on everything including something about a google website ? One reason our cases are low ; We aren't testing. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Testing for What ? Oh you mean that "hoax" put forth by the Dems regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.
It wasn't more than a few days ago that Trump stated that its something and nothing, just a few cases and it will all go away by April. That its one of those "foreign" viruses, nothing to do with us and its ALL under control.
But just tobe on the safe side Trump has disregarded what the WHO recommends and their Testing kits aren't "certified"
thats because Trump and his infinite wisdom has given the job of kits to his corporate buddies Quest and Labcorp and we know all about Trump and his goal to profit from any thing resembling $$$.
Bottom line is that Trump has no interest in being a leader and showing any kind of compassion, or proaction. Its all about HIM, HIM and HIM. Countries like Thailand Singapore and Shanghai have been able to quell the spread of the disease.
But Trump....NAH, he's too busy Tweeting or itching play golf. Oh and he's really
good at blaming somebody else for his incompetence. Thats what ALL failures do.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
That whooshing sound is the space between your ears. What 25 counts of sexual assult. There are no criminal counts against him. Just accusations. But go ahead and keep talking out of your ass if it makes you feel better. Perhaps you might want to find a safe space to hide in.I can already tell your little feelings are going to get hurt. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
its been noted that Trump can't be indicted while in office so for now these accusations are off the table but there's nobody more ignorant than you Ellen when it comes to the facts about Trump and his sexual exploits.
So what you are saying is that 25 women are liars and that Trump is telling the truth? Ha Hilarious.
I suppose then that you're going to tell me that Trump never paid off that porn star hooker Stormy Daniels, to keep her quiet, or the others he's grabbed. And even then he had to get one of his "gopher slaves" to do his dirty work to the tune of $130 grand. Trump is nothing more than a dirty old man, a groper and "pussy grabber" He's bragged about his conquests. So what will happen once we get rid of him is that he's going to be tied up in litigation for years and hopefully he will be brought to justice like all criminals should be. Trouble with you Ellen, is you are just a washed up tired old "you-know-what" thats way past your sell by date. You will NOT be missed.
Precious_b's Avatar
BWK, you know she can't handle facts. Why torture her with responding to them? You should be merciful and just direct her to the national section for politics where they don't have to support what they state.
It's also been noted that a provider said you raped her when in session. You're a rapist - you might want to address that before pointing fingers at others. By the way - I believe her.

its been noted that Trump can't be indicted while in office so for now these accusations are off the table but there's nobody more ignorant than you Ellen when it comes to the facts about Trump and his sexual exploits.
So what you are saying is that 25 women are liars and that Trump is telling the truth? Ha Hilarious.
I suppose then that you're going to tell me that Trump never paid off that porn star hooker Stormy Daniels, to keep her quiet, or the others he's grabbed. And even then he had to get one of his "gopher slaves" to do his dirty work to the tune of $130 grand. Trump is nothing more than a dirty old man, a groper and "pussy grabber" He's bragged about his conquests. So what will happen once we get rid of him is that he's going to be tied up in litigation for years and hopefully he will be brought to justice like all criminals should be. Trouble with you Ellen, is you are just a washed up tired old "you-know-what" thats way past your sell by date. You will NOT be missed. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss