NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Ok Fucktards, sorry for my absence but I am back and my venom is raging.

Fuck that bitch Kuntiak. I love it that the brain dead dumbfuck called a timeout to figure out his great last play, the one where he obviously told the line not to block anybody so Kase would get sacked. Then it was easier for the Pats to run out the clock. If he doesn't get fired I am going to hire the North Shore dad to rub his ass out, maybe give him a tip if he gives me McNuttless as a 2 for 1 hit!!

What should happen is they should fire the bitch boy now and let Wade fat fuck Phillips take the reigns to see what he can get out of the sad sacks that have been coached to "make a play" to win the game. Here's a mother fucking idea, why don't you make several mother fucking plays to win the game instead of waiting to maybe make one play like your bitch ass limp dick brain dead jizz stain of a coach tells you.

It's hard to even pay attention to this band of poorly coached no covering, no QB pressuring, no O line blocking, no RB rushing, no special teams playmaking, fucking losers.

It all starts at the top and the end is near for the Butt Plug named Kubiak!!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Yeah, you have been MIA lately but you have not lost your magic touch it would seem!
The General John McClain the Houston Chronicle sports writer can suck a fat dick just like Ike Taylor. His article in the paper today says they should not fire Kuntiak and Long Dong Silver GM Rick Smith, well I say choke on a big fat cock!!! I sure hope this isn't McNuttlesses line of thinking although the article did lean that it could be. He Said only a fool would fire the whole front office and coaching staff and McNuttless is no fool. Heaven help me if they don't fire that defeated little bitch jock strap sniffing butt plug of a coach. I will make General Sherman's run thru Atlanta during the Cival War look like a fucking picnic by burning Reliant Stadium to the ground and pecker slapping McNuttless and the General along the way!!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-04-2013, 10:20 AM
LMFAO...!!!!!!!!! Daddio, you are too much dude.... lol
TheDon's Avatar
He's right though, McClain is just a cock-sucking nuthugger that has no knowledge about anything and just says what the Texans management wants him to say, same for 610 and all of their douche-bag radio personalities. None of them have any balls and are just puppets.

The argument for keeping them is Fucking retarded too, BTW. We're in the same position from 2010, so that's why we should keep them? If our ceiling is just to win another division tittle in this sorry ass division and be one and done again in the playoffs, than sure, keeping Kubs would be brilliant!...But no one Fucking wants that, we want a REAL FUCKING TEAM. With guys who actually know a God-damned thing or two about the game.

Look at Kub's mentor in Washington, he is being FAR more open minded in terms of handing RG3 the keys to the offense and they are still a shit team. This whole mentality of how they see the game is dead and over with. We need some guys with some vision and Fucking innovation.

And Rick Smith, outside of Watt, what the Fuck has he done? Y'all see Seatle's secondary the other night? They were all late round draft picks with the exception of Elam. What have our picks done for the most part? Fucking nothing, that's what. This moron wasn't even smart enough to give that bum Ed Reed a physical before having him join the team. Took him countless year's just to get someone opposite Dre, this guy hasn't done shit outside of Watt! He had to BUY a secondary in 2010 because the Fucker doesn't know how to draft guys.

This franchise is just dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

I'm the one always trying to be positive, but I might be off this bandwagon at some point. Hell, I might not even care about the league unless there's money involved in some capacity I'm not even mad or anything, I honestly don't need to follow this shit, there's plenty of college to watch. And it has been awesome this season.

I might be taking my talents up to the Dallas section and tear shit up with The Waco Kid next season in the college thread's if our team's management doesn't get their head's out of their asses.
Come to the Dark Side Don!!! I actually like the General but that article was major bullshit!!

Love the rant Don, true true true. I am as die hard as it gets and I can't even watch the mother fuckers on TV anymore without taking a fucking nap during the game.
Solemate62's Avatar
i thought McClain had more savvy than to come out with shit like that in the paper! Damn!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Lance Z is the only one in town with real NFL knowledge, rest are shit and Fat Boy aka the General aka John McClain comes across as just a shrill for the Texans. On draft day his guesses on who everyone will draft are so off it is embarrassing. Lance usually nails almost every pick. Rick Smith has hit on maybe 4 picks, the rest have been complete bust.
Solemate62's Avatar
Lol, just watching the NFL network, talking about the game tonight and all of the chattering 'experts' have picked the Jags to prevail! This bodes well for the Texans being these fucktards are so often wrong!!
TheDon's Avatar
Lance Z is the only one in town with real NFL knowledge, rest are shit and Fat Boy aka the General aka John McClain comes across as just a shrill for the Texans. On draft day his guesses on who everyone will draft are so off it is embarrassing. Lance usually nails almost every pick. Rick Smith has hit on maybe 4 picks, the rest have been complete bust. Originally Posted by BigLouie
John Harris says sup.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
-Thursday Night Football-
A.K.A. The #1 Draft Pick Bowl

1st QTR.

Hou- 00
Jax- 07

Marcedes Lewis 1 Yard Pass From Chad Henne.
Drive info: 13 plays, 80 yds, 6:12mins

2nd QTR.

*2 mins into 2nd Qtr. & Hou.... 4 penalties. 50 yards.*

Hou- 00
Jax- 14

Cecil Shorts III 6 Yard Pass From Chad Henne.
Drive info: 4 plays, 86 yds, 1:30

*8 mins left in the 2nd QTR. Hou has 85 yards worth of penalties & 62 yards worth of offense.*

Hou- 07
Jax- 14
Keshawn Martin 8 Yard Pass From Case Keenum.
Drive info: 12 plays, 91 yds, 6:57
BigLouie's Avatar
Jacksonville is coming on strong. Watch them win out. They come across as better all around than Pats
jstone420's Avatar
Sorry muthafuckers
Dorian Gray's Avatar
DJ Swearinger needs to sit his ass down. How you gonna get a taunting penalty & your ass is losing?!

BTW. 10 penalties for 110 yards.... In the 1st half!!!

2nd QTR.

Hou- 07
Jax- 17

Josh Scobee 40 Yard Field Goal.
Drive info: 6 plays, 37 yds, 0:51
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Why the fuck is Schaub in the game?!