NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
That would not be very smart or even possible. There is NO player in this draft worth that much.
BigLouie's Avatar
The main problem us that McNair thinks thing are fine and all we need is a coach and QB. Nope. With few exceptions Rick Smiths drafts have been poor. Now McNair is limiting the search for a new coach. Does he realize that 8 of the last 10 Super Bowl winning coaches do not meet his criteria? And everyone needs to think like the Texan staff and the new coach. If you think things are fine why trade for more picks. Just go for a new QB and things will be ok. Plus no new coach in the NFL will go into the season with Case as starting QB. He will demand taking QB with first pick. No new coach will accept the job if they don't get a QB as first pic. All you fanboys need to flow down and think as the New coach.
TheDon's Avatar
Big ben an joe flacco played against weak talent in college an see what happen one got two rings an flacco just got his. If you can play you play. Originally Posted by jstone420
Joe Flacco sucks, would not want that guy being my QB in a million years, that entire SB run he had was a fluke, he got hot for 3 games, that's all that happened. He will never win one again most likely. He has the worst contract in all of football right now.

I'll give you Ben, but that was 10 years ago, you will occasionally get some of these small school guys who tear it up, but it's hardly a given.
Solemate62's Avatar
At the risk of sounding like an idiot I never heard of Derek Carr until this super thread / WTF does he play for? U of H?

The Don, maybe Flacco had a fluke run but the Ravens did end up as SB champs, fluke or otherwise! Plus the Ravens have TWO SB trophies in the past 15 years and their other QB who won the first one had less talent then Flacco by a mile! Trent Dilfer, I think!?
jstone420's Avatar
Since flacco been in the league he made the playoffs he out played brady punk ass three times but you texan fans dont know nothing about that keep losing
TheDon's Avatar
Anyone in this thread could have started at QB for the Ravens when they had those defenses in the past few years and could have made the playoffs. Having Ray Rice doesn't hurt either.

He outplayed Brady because the pats defense has been shit the last few years, I believe they were ranked dead last when they played the Giants in 2011. Brady goes out there with RB's and WR's no one has ever heard of and makes them competitive year in and year out.

Give the Ravens credit for capitalizing on their situations and winning, but patterning our team after theirs would be dumb.
Solemate62's Avatar
...Don, all I am saying is this: I grew up in upstate NY and most of my good friends were from Buffalo, where I went to college - I was a Jets fan and a Joe Willie Namath fan and of course, Joe and the Jets won SB III over the 'invincible' Colts - all my Buffalo buds ragged my ass about the fluke victory back then, and since that year, the Bills went to Four straight S - Bowls and lost all four! Don't tell me that all of my dear friends from that era (some now departed) would not take just ONE Super Bowl victory along with the Rings, whether the Win be dubbed as a Fluke or not! Today, the Jets suck but they have one World Championship to their credit - the Bills have zip!
TheDon's Avatar
Hey, if Flacco was our guy and won us a SB, I'd love the guy. But outside of that run I don't think he's all that special. I also think Eli Manning is an average QB who just lucked into two SB wins. That's just my take. I'd rather have a potential great QB than a guy who just gets hot at the right time. Not every team can have a Peyton Manning/Brady/Rodgers, but having the first pick in the draft, we might have a shot at a great QB.

But I don't see any comparisons at all between them and Bridewater, I'd much rather take Bridgewater.

I don't really see too much of a difference between Teddy and Johnny. I just know Johnny clearly has more of an edge to him, and that's something that has always lacked from our team.
Solemate62's Avatar
Well, I just hope that all of my football buds in Houston are happy with the new coach and ecstatic with the draft, but come what may, it is a pretty sure thing that the Texans' Win-Loss Record in 2014 will be much better than 2013!
Solemate62's Avatar
Anyone with the exception of myself seeing the possibility of Houston picking up Kirk Cousins, QB, during the offseason and giving him a shot?
I like that the Redskins/Foreskins are giving Cousins a good audition. It will be interesting to see how he looks. I have liked the way he looked in the past and probably would take him over who we already have. Rumors keep swirling that Jay Cuntler will be available also. I can't see us having the $$$ to pay him as much as he would demand after Long Dong Silver Rick Smith fucks up again.

Don, I would take Flaco over anybody mentioned thus far about the new Texans QB. He throws a good deep ball and is very accurate for the most part. He has a little bit of pocket presense and can escape an run a little too. He is not real exciting to watch but he has the arm and smarts. he also has a good coach unlike the dumbass we have had.

For the draft next year what teams will need QB's?

Bears maybe
Rams maybe

This list is longer than I first thought. I was thinking we might be able to get Teddy Bridgetitty, or Johnny Foosball with the first pick in the 2nd round but probably not. Maybe Brett Hundly from UCLA but I have not seen him play.
BigLouie's Avatar
KC does NOT need a QB! And NO is Cutlier coming to Houston. Next year he is a 10 mil cap hit and we already are on the hook for 10 mil to Schaub. Team cannot afford him. Plus he is old and becoming more injury prone.
Solemate62's Avatar
BigL, what do you mean 'KC does not need a QB?" to which I above post floats the idea of Cousins moving to your Texans team!!
TheDon's Avatar
We already tried taking another team's backup and making him our guy, we don't need to copy the same failed plan.

We're either getting Manziel or Bridgewater, nothing else makes sense.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
KC does NOT need a QB! And NO is Cutlier coming to Houston. Next year he is a 10 mil cap hit and we already are on the hook for 10 mil to Schaub. Team cannot afford him. Plus he is old and becoming more injury prone. Originally Posted by BigLouie
That's part is so funny and sad at the same time I just had to quote it.