Confederate flag was the flag of traitors

Proving you and the racist dumb-fuck Yankee jackass to be factually ignorant and intellectual buffoons, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, is not being a "traitor". BTW, you were being called an "ass", you dumb-fuck golem jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keep posting your nonsense, you tranny fuckee.

Please not the updated use of "tranny fuckee" in place of "tranny fucker".

Explanation here:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
this thread is done, now its just building a crap tower

Time to whistle Dixie and walk into the setting southern sky !

this thread is done, now its just building a crap tower Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yssup Rider's Avatar
this thread is done, now its just building a crap tower Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who died and left you keys to the kitchen JDIdiot? This crap tower began rising a long time ago... With the first "you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass."

Whirlyfag continues to pile it on top with his childish flag waving display.
At least we know what a attention whore he is!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You can fool anybody, Corpy. Your ranting smacks of blatant homosexual tendencies.... All the talk about other men's recti, gay plays, female relatives.

Classic self-loathing homo shit, methane mouth!

You have yet to make a salient point in this discussion ... As usual ... Just slid into your default behavior of frothing at the mouth.

Seek help or don't. Just go the fuck away already. Maybe you can find a home in the queer/weirdo forum. Or better yet, why not submit a review or two and talk about pussy.

Just go the fuck away.

You hijack every thread you post in. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're the "flaming faggot" with blatant homosexual tendencies since you're the one that claimed you knew the "endings" of "gay plays", you dumb-fuck golem jackass, and your dumb-fuck golem ass already admitted as much, you dumb-fuck golem jackass:
Have you ever seen a more storybook ending to a bad gay play? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Further, it's demonstrably your side of the aisle that bends over to accommodate the LBGT agenda, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, and the only "salient points" your dumb-fuck golem ass recognizes are the pricks you take in your ass and in your mouth, you dumb-fuck golem jackass.

Mr. Lincoln and the "rump" Congress said the war was about Union in 1861.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Originally Posted by ExNYer

Mr. Lincoln and the "rump" Congress said the war was about Union in 1861.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keep posting your nonsense, you tranny fuckee.

Please not the updated use of "tranny fuckee" in place of "tranny fucker".

Explanation here: Originally Posted by ExNYer
Nothing else for the ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass to do but deflect.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Corpy? Corpy? Anyone in there?

If you quit talking about other guys' asses, gay plays (you've used that term at least a dozen times), flaming faggots and RUMP, then maybe you can get your Mommy to clean up your dirty little hiney and tell you everything's gonna be OK.

You're obsessed with shit, ass, rump, gays, etc.

And, oh yeah, RACISM.

It's all you talk about, redneck idiot.

Flame out!
Nothing else for the ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass to do but deflect. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You have already been definitively rebutted on every point you tried to make about why the South seceded, which is why you keep trying to change the subject to what Lincoln was doing to stop secession AFTER secession had already begun.

Tranny fuckee.

You have already been definitively rebutted on every point you tried to make about why the South seceded, which is why you keep trying to change the subject to what Lincoln was doing to stop secession AFTER secession had already begun.

Tranny fuckee.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
"Flamer" the Tranny Fluffer of New York who voted for Bacock ....LOL

"Flamer" the Tranny Fluffer of New York who voted for Bacock ....LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You should try using complete sentences, banjo boy.
You should try using complete sentences, banjo boy. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You should try voting for a Republican, Flamer the tranny fluffer who voted for Bacock.
You should try voting for a Republican. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I don't have to try.

I have many times.

You should try voting for a Republican, too. And by that, I don't mean some mouth-breathing religious conservative mope or some unelectable redneck bigot.
I don't have to try.

I have many times.

You should try voting for a Republican, too. And by that, I don't mean some mouth-breathing religious conservative mope or some unelectable redneck bigot. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I like this thread... It shows your pettiness... LOL
I like this thread... It shows your pettiness... LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I like this thread, too.

It shows your stupidity and bigotry.
I'm always reluctant to post on the Confederate battle flag controversies. And, this one has descended into the muck that has nothing to do with that flag and the shit that currently surrounds it.

I can't condemn that flag. I understand the sentiment that allows some folks to do so. But, at Gettysburg, and countless other places, the soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia didn't give one rat's ass about slavery as 15,000 of them walked across that open field during Pickett's Charge in lockstep in a line 1/4 of a mile long....can you see it?....the glory of it.....walking straight into the Yankee positions..... in front of the heavily fortified Cemetery Ridge as they assaulted the Union positions on that ridge through a half mile of absolutely open terrain where they were exposed to fire the entire length of the way.. And, they walked through that storm of union musketry, artillery, and grapeshot with the battle flag in front of them. They had cannon firing at them from the left and the right. They had thousands of Union soldiers firing at them from behind stone wall positions on the ridge. Estimates vary, but the generally accepted version is that they suffered somewhere around 10,000 casualties in 15 to 20 minutes. Think about that.....650 to 750 casualties per minute. My math skills aren't good but that equals out to about ten men going down every second as I calculate it. And, they almost carried the line at the High Water Mark near the trees in the center of the line. They made it all the way to the ridge before the line finally broke due to casualties.

Valor deserves recognition and there was no higher valor than that exhibited by the soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia that day. And, the flag they followed into that firestorm was the Confederate Battle Flag. Not because the stars and bars represented slavery, although that may be the case today. Because of the man next to them was following that flag, not for slavery but for it's military symbolism... and willing to give his life for it, the same way they were and gave their lives they did, by the thousands that day.

Stupid dramatic shit I know. But, I believe it.

So, post up your stupid videos, call each other names, argue about every stupid thing you can think of.....but....don't forget the mostly poor, mostly no-slave-owning, mostly ignorant and uneducated boys and men who viewed that Confederate Battle Flag as something worth dying for. Not just as the topic of some silly internet argument 150 years later.