The Bills : )

alphonse1948's Avatar
Big D,how you doing?
The Drummer's Avatar
Doing okay, thanks.

Hope you are too!
obnoxiousram's Avatar
I say they go 13-4. And the playoffs go through Buffalo.
lilylivered's Avatar
That would be nice. It hurt them last year...
rooster's Avatar
Big D,how you doing? Originally Posted by alphonse1948
A-man, how TF are ya? (I already paid respects to D a short while back)

winn dixie's Avatar
Monday Night! da' Bills
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Wait a min,
Where's the 'cuse Big O thread??
ECG's tickets are being used by her friends
lilylivered's Avatar
Orange played good today
winn dixie's Avatar
Game Day! 220 - 80 da bills
buffalomw10's Avatar
The Jets ,Giants ,Mets and Yankees all won yesterday so the Bills need to complete the winning cycle lol. Oh yeah, the Orange men won on Saturday. Go Bills!!
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep its GAME DAY!!!
GO BILLS!!!!!!!
lilylivered's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar

Da Bills!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
May they have good on week 3 of 18 trip
The Drummer's Avatar
Blew the doors off 'em Monday night. Bittersweet victory as a result of injuries.

Nonetheless, total annihilation.