Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

catch, bitch!!!
matchingmole's Avatar
. Originally Posted by The_Waco_SKidMarks so bad that Tide won't remove
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BAN THE TROLL, matchingmole! Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so
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matchingmole's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Thus sayeth the Trumptard
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McConnell previews Senate impeachment trial and speculates it could end by Christmas

Moscow Mitch knows it’s coming
rexdutchman's Avatar
Pelossiiiyyy = Crazy old bitch ,,,,,,,
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McConnell previews Senate impeachment trial and speculates it could end by Christmas

Moscow Mitch knows it’s coming Originally Posted by Jaxson66

that's assuming Pussolini actually goes thru it.

I don't think that will happen. She's trying to avoid an actual impeachment session.

she's more interested in flinging lots of mud on Trump going into 2020 elections season.
Jaxson66's Avatar
. Mulvaney press conference made things 'much, much worse' for Trump

Sonland leaks are on the way

Viva La Whistleblowers
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
. Mulvaney press conference made things 'much, much worse' for Trump

Sonland leaks are on the way

Viva La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66

so when Obama had Biden withhold aid to Ukraine that was perfectly legal and when Trump does so it's not? that's you case?

you have no case.

let's look at the full article shall we?

Democrats on Thursday said acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s admission that President Trump held up aid money to Ukraine in relation to starting an investigation of whether foreign nations helped Democrats in the 2016 election is a grave new development for the impeachment inquiry.

“Mr. Mulvaney’s acknowledgment means things have gone from very, very bad to much, much worse,” said House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, California Democrat.
Another California Democrat, Rep. Eric Swalwell, said Mr. Mulvaney essentially “co-signed the president’s confession.” But he still believes Mr. Trump deserves “a fair process.”

Mr. Mulvaney said Thursday there was nothing improper about the withholding of aid to a foreign nation.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” he told reporters.

Republicans were largely mum Thursday regarding Mr. Mulvaney’s remarks. Some entering the U.S. Capitol room where U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland was testifying said they had not seen the press conference.

Rep. Mark Meadows, North Carolina Republican, said Democrats are getting ahead of themselves, as a lot of members were in the Sondland deposition during the press conference.

He said it was legitimate to look into whether Ukraine was involved in 2016 election interference, noting that was a longstanding concern of his. He said the origins of the so-called Steele Dossier were connected to Ukraine.

the Steele dossier was the work of a foreign agent Steele, with intent to influence a presidential election in favor of .. Clinton.

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.Ambassador Sondland Throws Trump Under the Bus
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BAHHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by mustymolehole