Enough is Enough

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-18-2013, 10:47 AM
How does the bullshit said here fuck with the chicks selling pussy?
chicagoboy's Avatar
How does the bullshit said here fuck with the chicks slinging pussy? Originally Posted by Trey
Fixed it for you.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
But on those other boards it isn't affecting peoples' livings. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

I fail to see how wakeup saying whores affects peoples livings, and that seems to be the focus of this thread.
Wakeup's Avatar
Wait for it...
How does the bullshit said here fuck with the chicks selling pussy? Originally Posted by Trey
I fail to see how wakeup saying whores affects peoples livings, and that seems to be the focus of this thread. Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
Saying whore doesn't affect peoples' livings. I say whore all the time and I can assure you I am not to affect someone's living. I know you aren't naïve enough to think that snipping doesn't affect how or if women earn a living using this board. People who don't return "their" phone calls; people that don't live up to "their" expectations of what the ideal whore is for that particular monger; people that others like; and so on ad nauseum because it's hard to tell what the fickle mind thinks - sometimes get a little too much of "their" attention. And THAT is what can affect their money.

Look, I don't care that people are assholes here. There's assholes everywhere. What I do care is that some, and I'm not just talking about Peaches, here pick on what they think is an easy target. For some, that attention dramatically affects their income. I don't think niceties need to be policed. That's subjective anyway.

This is a place of commerce for prostitution, and therefore the boards is about prostitution - which means the women need to be here. But in order for the board to be here for women to ply their trade, the owners need to make money. Controversy drives hits (Just look at the hits on this thread.) Hits drive money for the owners of this board. But this place is like Ladies' Night. Without the ladies all you have is a room fully of men looking for women.

It's a double edged sword for the owners. They can either have a dead board or are in danger of killing the goose that laid the golden eggs. Fortunately for the board owners, there is a new crop of women arriving everyday with their hooker hat in their hands looking to hang out a shingle and make some money.

Be nice; don't be nice. It didn't care when I was working, and I for God damn sure don't care now. But don't get all surprised and play dumb when people call you on your shit.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
How does the bullshit said here fuck with the chicks selling pussy? Originally Posted by Trey
Having a Hooker board effect your pussy slinging business adversely and getting banned from this board boil down to the same reason...... it's done by your own self. No one else is to blame if and when it happens.
Having a Hooker board effect your pussy slinging business adversely and getting banned from this board boil down to the same reason...... it's done by your own self. No one else is to blame if and when it happens. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Mmmmmm, kinda. I agree meltdowns, getting banned or just general dumbassness on the part of anyone is their own doing. There's more to the equation, and you're smart enough to know that.

On the other hand, I knew a very successful lady that was perma-banned from ASPD, and she did just fine. As in really well. So....
dearhunter's Avatar
The proof of what works is in front of you........setting aside the complicated pieces on the chess board that was HungDogs undoing........

ASPD was unfriendly to certain folk (Hellraisers for example) and forced them off of the board. ASPDs actions led to the creation of HumpDogs........HD was not very successful......but, it was successful enough to co-exist with ASPD.

ASPD turned on itself and imploded........HD was in a position to attract retards who were looking for a new home.......their competition for the masses (in Houston) was ECCIE.

ECCIE had an open door policy.......everyone was welcome with a clean slate.......the reason for HDs existence just went the fuck out the window........HD became a ghost town.

ECCIE is faced with the same assholery that led ASPD down the idiotic path of exclusion and perma-banning........and some of you retards want them to follow ASPDs failed example......no wonder the owners ignore your ignorant driveling........ijs

There is a simple way for hooktards not to be effected by Wakeup and others around here.......shut the fuck up and sell the pussy........this board is not for hooktards........this board is about hooktards.........fat ones, skinny ones, ones who cost alot, tall ones, short ones, even ones who talk too much
Wakeup's Avatar
Don't tell them that this board isn't for whores...they get offended by that...

This is a "Hooker Board"? No Shit?
ECCIE is faced with the same assholery that led ASPD down the idiotic path of exclusion and perma-banning........and some of you retards want them to follow ASPDs failed example......no wonder the owners ignore your ignorant driveling........ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter

And I addressed that. It's a fine line. Ghost town or running off the ladies. As it is now, the board must find new female membership because that demographic churns. Lucky for them the world is full of future working girls.

Don't tell them that this board isn't for whores...they get offended by that...

:snicker: Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I don't. It's a board where men can shop for companionship whatever that means to you or the next guy. Period. If there's a little fun had along the way, all the better.

There is a simple way for hooktards not to be effected by Wakeup and others around here.......shut the fuck up and sell the pussy........this board is not for hooktards........this board is about hooktards.........fat ones, skinny ones, ones who cost alot, tall ones, short ones, even ones who talk too much Originally Posted by dearhunter

Without the women, there’d be no men and their money. Period. The end. Ladies’ Night is about women and not for women too, but it doesn’t mean the whole deal is about the men. It’s about the men’s money and the ass that their moey buys. That’s the long and fucking short of it.

I enjoy the debate and drama, but the main and only reason I was here was to sling pussy, and I did that by posting. Advertising in the weekly lineup on ECCIE is inviting time waters, hagglers, cops and in general phone ringing without the monetary gains of advertising elsewhere. I didn’t need some fuckstick offering to take pictures of me or offering me whatever else they could think of to waste my time. What is the other alternative? Buy a banner. Not on your life. I certainly wasn’t going to advertise on a banner just to get lost amongst all the free pussy ads. In other words, my marketing arrangement for lack of a better word with ECCIE was to post not advertise unless I was traveling.

There were some drawbacks to posting a lot. The endless cyber-staling that’s allowed on here in general, but specifically for me by doove and He Who Must Not Be Named (Mostly because I like him.), wasn’t good for business either. I didn’t want clients to be able to Google my name that found me on P411, TER (You’re right hooktards do love TER, but you are wrong in that it’s a dead board. It’s just not used much in this market.) and Eros to find me always defending insipid and constant snipping attacks. I also wasn’t too keen for them to find the bullshit reviews so my handle is OliviaHoward – on word not two. I don’t know how much it helped.

I’ve never had a bad review. I’ve also never read one of my reviews – even on TER. But I can assure you, because it’s human nature, if the women can’t read the reviews, there is going to be some tall tales told.

Edited to add something from Wakeup above.
Wakeup's Avatar
Let's get back to explaining how my "bullying" women affects their business...I love that schtick...
Having a Hooker board effect your pussy slinging business adversely and getting banned from this board boil down to the same reason...... it's done by your own self. No one else is to blame if and when it happens. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

On the other hand, I knew a very successful lady that was perma-banned from ASPD, and she did just fine. As in really well. So.... Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
exactly, even when I'm banned I still work, hell sometimes even more. If you are losing business, the only person to look at is yourself. If what you are doing is not working, stop doing whatever the heck it is you're doing, or do more of what you're not doing. But aside from falsely accusing you of a hobby no-no, nothing anyone says here is the reason why anyone is missing work.

exactly, even when I'm banned I still work, hell sometimes even more. If you are losing business, the only person to look at is yourself. If what you are doing is not working, stop doing whatever the heck it is you're doing, or do more of what you're not doing. But aside from falsely accusing you of a hobby no-no, nothing anyone says here is the reason why anyone is missing work. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
I've never been banned. I've only gotten points twice that I knew of, and one time I got them and didn't know it for placing an ad incorrectly - whatever. There have been times I've gone weeks or months really without posting here except for to drop in and get my name heard in threads with a lot of hits. I guess that's the same as when you've been banned. My business would fall off a bit, but as soon as I dropped in for a moment, business from here would take an uptick.

Oh there are plenty of ways to affect someone's business if they aren't women like you and me. You know that as well as I do. Some of these guys phish for information or leave insulating comments that may or may not be true just to cause trouble. It doesn't work all the time. But the times it does work makes it worth it to certain assholes. Some women are just too timid to post here for fear of being singled out. They start stupid threads about about this or that and the truth of the matter has no merit whatsoever. They hang out together and talk shit about people. It's the same the same blackballing process in the real world. Please don't be naïve or play Peaches checker's game LD, you're better than that.

The lady in question was perma-banned for outing people. She was famous for it.

Some ladies don't have the money for a $550 a month advertising budget like I did so this is one of the few places to advertise. I know P411 is free, but you're one of 300 some if you don't pay for top placement. So this place is it for them. I don't see anything wrong with a true review saying she doesn't look like her pictures. But when a lady posts something on some thread and someone goes in and types "Fat.....", that's not right. It's bulling and it causes people to remove themselves from the situation whether they are really fat or not.
Adabear's Avatar
Things seem to have taken a left turn somewhere. Go back to my original post and you will see that I was simply asking for more respect and courtesy for all. If you noticed, I never said all the drama would/should go. I realize that there will be flare ups. I was/am more concerned about the bullying that takes place, people being honest in their postings (ladies with their descriptions and guys with reviews), and maybe a little common courtesy.

I am not trying to put together a "watch list" or ban someone forever. I just ask that when people see others get flamed for no reason, they speak up. My follow up point was that we can still have fun and enjoy the site without kicking people for sport. Help them if you can, ignore them if you must, and all will be well.

BTW - to answer SofaKingFun, I know for a fact there are people that do not post due to fear of backlash, people that have thin skin, and people that just do not want to deal with the drama. In fact, I got messages from 5 ladies and 4 gentlemen in just the last couple of days. In the grand scheme of the population of Eccie, that does not seem like a lot of people. However, that is just a small taste of the people that stay off the boards for these reasons.

All these pages in and I think everyone knows what I am talking about and other than a couple spots, people have been mostly civil. I appreciate the conversations and hope that maybe we all will be a little nicer.