TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

Precious_b's Avatar
Let's see her supply a link for that accusation.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Fake Pres Chump - so out of his depth ; Amateur Hour.
He is right about one thing though ; There is a mis-information campaign being conducted which is exacerbating fear and anxiety !!
The only thing is it is coming from him - the White House.
How does it look like his Hunch has played out ?
He talks about H1N1 from 10 years ago. How long did they cancel NBA,NCAA,MLB,and Las Vegas back then ?
Next thing he will say " I had The Perfect Response ".
Precious_b's Avatar
Waiting for ellen to say what a good job he's doing for her 401k, how Obama sacrificed those that died during the swine flu to get him out of the economy that he inherited under 8 years of a repub admin.

I don't know what the big deal is here. Every State of the Union I hear that they are going to improve the infrastructure of this country. THIS is a damn good time to do it.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey,some of you scientists out there help me out here ; Do infectious organisms such as viruses,bacteria,and fungi or yeasts have nationalities ?
Trump now wants to give every American 1K bucks in the hopes he can buy reelection. He can. All his earstwhile supporters are dopey, and poor, enough to fall for it.
sportfisherman's Avatar
There is still no testing to the extent the public is being led to believe. Several weeks ago the Chump said "Anybody wants a test gets a test". Not so.
Speaking with a highly placed Medical Officer of a large Hospital chain today ;
Until this week they have been sending their few tests to a State lab whose capacity for tests has been 25 per day.They have now increased to 50 per day.
Just this week private commercial labs,Lab Corp,CPL,and Quest are beginning to do so as well.The problem is two-fold ; Having a test kit and a lab to run it.
There are so few kits and lab capacity to run them that now the restrictions on getting a test are extreme ; basically mostly for people already really sick.
The criteria are as follows;
1.Temp > 100.4
2.Evidence of Lower Respiratory disease (as opposed to Upper Respiratory)
4.Exposure to index case
This precludes widespread testing that would invariably lead to greatly increased case numbers.
And to think a " Shithole" country like South Korea did way better than we to get out in front on this.
Those Drive Thru testing places require a call and screening to see if you can come. This man said they are several days behind on the phone call aspect and the lab time is long for this test at present.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Scientifically speaking, the Wuhong corona virus came from China. It was carried mainly by Chinese people to other lands. GEPOTUS had the courage to restrict travel from China in late January. Hence our impacts have been less and somewhat delayed. Subsequently, he has restricted travel from other places which did not have the courage or insight to restrict travel from the source of the spread, i.e. China.

FWIW: GEOPTUS is handling this like the BOSS that he is. Doing all the right things that a leader should do, such as calling in groups of experts and industry executives and mining their collective wisdom to put in place tactical moves to combat the spread of the Chinese virus. Not to mention leveraging existing laws to focus the entire capability of this great country to wage war on the Chinese Corona virus.

So if licking the balls of the Chinese nation is your thing and you are blatantly ignorant enough to believe whatever a Chinese dictator tells you then carry on. Just don't be kissing your parents or grand parents with that mouth. Also, don't be surprised if people perceive you be the a-holio that you are. But if saving Americans from the perils of the Chinese Corona virus is more your thing - carry on, with all alacrity. Pitch in, do adult and sensible things that are clearly enumerated in a sensible way.

Hey,some of you scientists out there help me out here ; Do infectious organisms such as viruses,bacteria,and fungi or yeasts have nationalities ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Oh how the lunatic Dems are now for closed borders. And I guess some moronic people have never heard of the "Spanish Flu." Thank God Trump is in the White House. That is all.
sportfisherman's Avatar
So "Scientifically speaking" your assertion is that infectious organisms do have nationalities.
I notice you run up the flagpole the same Chump bullshit about the "one" thing he did early on in Jan regarding restricting travel from China.Followed by the delusion that it has delayed and lessened the impact here.That is only an illusion because we have not tested a significant number of people here.Once we do you will see the numbers increase.
The latest data I have seen revealed ~ 32,000 tested with over 8000 cases.That yields ~ 25% + results.Which means our testing criteria and capabilities are grossly insufficient.
You also roll out the "war" thing.I wonder if he is going to show up for this one or "Draft Dodge" it like he did Viet Nam.
It seems Jethro and Granny done went and got'em a "PhD".I wonder if they obtained them at Chump University ?
I'm so glad to hear from such educated and smart people.Cause I am so ignorant and a lunatic and a moron.
I guess if I was smart I would have the same faith as others in a sketchy bullshittin New York condo salesman.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Pres ...- so out of his depth ; Amateur Hour. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Watch his pressers and briefings you absolute and total tool. He is handling it like a frick'n BOSS. Also, try to imagine Creepy Joe or Comrade Bernie in the hot seat. Then you can get right on back to licking Xiping's nut sack.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I'm so glad to hear from such educated and smart people.Cause I am so ignorant and a lunatic and a moron.... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Finally, a few things we can all agree on, for a change. See? Even a blind, nut sack licking, squirrel, such as yourself, finds a nut now and then. All that's left to know is if you're a quitter or a spitter. My $$ is on you being a swallower.. Go ahead. Gulp it all down Lucy...
sportfisherman's Avatar
You know I acknowledged being ignorant,lunatic,and moron. I forgot to mention a-holio which I assume means ass-hole.
Just an observation ; Chump supporters are much like him ; not very bright,very immature (resorting to name-calling and such),and also do not like to be challenged or questioned on anything.
I'm sure they are much more intelligent and educated than me (but I doubt it),but even with my feeble intellect I feel it is my right,my obligation,and my duty to exercise independent thought and judgement.
I am not much for getting patted on the head and told that others know best and just be a good poor Dem and trust them to handle things.
So I take it you re-assert that viruses have nationalities.
I didn't see a post regarding the testing debacle which borders on being criminal.
Nor did I see addressed the Draft Dodging War President.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I see news from Chump ; possible beneficial drug available "almost immediately".
I wonder if that means it will be available after the millions of tests we have been supposed to get for weeks or perhaps before them,cause the tests seem to be delayed ?
sportfisherman's Avatar
I see Fox News is making note of an over 500% increase in cases in just a week. They cite a study by Johns Hopkins. They must have some brilliant reporters over at Fox News cause they make note that the spike is due to the fact that we have begun to " test a little more " this week.
Imagine that ! I would have never thought ! Would you ?

Did I forget to say I can also be an "absolute and total tool" ??
Agent220's Avatar
Oh how the lunatic Dems are now for closed borders. And I guess some moronic people have never heard of the "Spanish Flu." Thank God Trump is in the White House. That is all. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
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