Open Challenge: If you think you can sue me... Please do

ManSlut's Avatar
OK now for the Readers Digest view of this thread. VI was outed by some dumb ass. She is in deep shit because the dumb ass outed her. She has been posting full face pictures which is a NO NO on any site like this. In her defense she is young and impulsive. She has made mistakes that other women have avoided.
Is it possible that with all of the hard asses that have dropped in to make snarky comments that some one can be of help or at least have some words of kindness?
I believe that all of us have made mistakes along the line and VI needs to adjust her way of handling her way of doing things. I wish her luck and if she wants some private advice that's worth what I would charge (nothing) Originally Posted by tucson
You really believe some dumb ass outed her? And so to get back at him she goes ALL-IN self-outing herself....You're the Dumb Ass and like Jules said, "You help her then".
#Black Socks Matter# Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
This is crazy. Can I get an AMEN? Vi has spun a web that now has 26 layers!!!
I am guilty of contributing, but, I just want to say this web / thread needs to end. She has shared everything about her family name and location and I hope they can find a way to move on with their lives. Her psychological issues are hers, not ours. Peace Be With You.
sean rider's Avatar
Sorry to those who feel this shouldn't be bumped...but...we know more now.

There is good reason to believe that the videos and self-outing and posts here were not actually done by !VI! at all.

It's related to this news story...

(Links to personal info removed - NYr)

See the thread in the Men's Lounge.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Your Damm right this shit should not be bumped
Shits old as Abe Lincoln by now
Instead of bumping old crap and making numerous posts about BS
Try some pussy and a review.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Sorry to those who feel this shouldn't be bumped...but...we know more now.

There is good reason to believe that the videos and self-outing and posts here were not actually done by !VI! at all.

It's related to this news story...

(Links to personal info removed - NYr)

See the thread in the Men's Lounge. Originally Posted by sean rider
I am sorry, but I don't fall for that. She had no qualms about posting those videos to her blog and bragging about them why wouldn't she post them to a porn site? I don't really fall for the whole pimped story either. Notice the guy has not been indicted on any charge related to forcing anyone into prostitution. She was not forced into anything imo. She's on her blog all sentimental over him and it was obviously a relationship. Just like she threatened guys here with saying they forced her. She is dirty like that. Call me a bitch but I'm calling it like I see it. If I'm proven wrong, then I will apologize, but I don't anticipate it.
sean rider's Avatar
There is a lot of evidence behind what I've said. It wouldn't be the first time a vengeful pimp did this kind of thing.
KittyLamour's Avatar
There is a lot of evidence in her own words that he was her boyfriend and she had him there by choice. Plus there are people that knew them both. The pimp story does not add up in this day and age in modern day America. No way she was pimped out of duress for 2 yrs and didn't get out of it. It's not like we're dealing with a language barrier or a real human trafficker. Look at the guy, he's barely legal himself. You saying he looks the part of a psycho pimp? I'm saying he doesn't he'd have to be psycho to force somebody that didn't want to be pimped and the story does not add up. She posted lincks to her blog publicly herself... Go read it and see if there is any mention of a pimp, or being forced... there isn't, just her being full of herself and mooney over this guy... then angry and threatening him just like she threatened hobbyists on this board. His life did get ruined behind her. Just how many people did she irrevocably damage with her train wreck of a life? How many more narrowly escaped having their lives ruined?
sean rider's Avatar
Well I've already gotten a warning even though everyone seems to be able to talk about this for page after page. Not sure what I'm allowed to say or not say. If I posted something in private, and then later posted it again outside of private, is that a violation? I've somehow blocked my ability to repeat myself to others?

I don't know.

So I'll just say do further research about criminal records and charges. It's public information in the news, and it's not what you think.
For the freakin love of God, Sean. It's simple: Don't bump old threads, especially any of hers. I mean, even you said you were sorry to those who didn't think it should be bumped. Fyi, no one does. The rules there for a reason.

If you thought you had new intel, you should've started a "new Intel on wak-job" thread instead of digging up this steaming pile. Hell, you even got kitty sharpening her claws on it.

I'm with Phoenix, just stop.
Boltfan's Avatar
There is no rule about bumping old threads. If the editor of your post warned you, he is wrong for doing so.

You cannot bump reviews more than 30 days old, or past the last post, but bump away in here.

But this added info was already discussed in here.
FunInDFW's Avatar
For the freakin love of God, Sean. It's simple: Don't bump old threads, especially any of hers. I mean, even you said you were sorry to those who didn't think it should be bumped. Fyi, no one does. The rules there for a reason.

If you thought you had new intel, you should've started a "new Intel on wak-job" thread instead of digging up this steaming pile. Hell, you even got kitty sharpening her claws on it.

I'm with Phoenix, just stop. Originally Posted by LoveNHorny
How about you be the one that stops.

For something that's 'simple', you're doing an awfully good job of screwing it up.
Why the fuck was this bumped? This bitch was not forced and i can vouch for that. Ugh leave this shit alone. Happy fuck day.
Why the fuck was this bumped? This bitch was not forced and i can vouch for that. Ugh leave this shit alone. Happy fuck day. Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
Maybe people who have some firsthand knowledge of her willingness to participate could go the extra mile and help get those trafficking charges dropped.

Just thinking out loud.
After carefully reviewing all of the material in this case I have came to the same conclusion that I have been saying all along. !VI! has said nor done absolutely nothing wrong in any of these situations. !VI! is clearly the victim here, and always has been.

We can all hope and pray that she is able to get back on her feet and get her life back to normal, and put this tragic situation behind her once and for all. I am sure that all of you are in full support of this.