Top Reviewed Ladies on ECCIE

That's quite a list lol
I do not know who is on this list but... I would like to put in lanalegs!!!
I still haven't made the list.....bummer...I guess I need to work harder!
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Thanks babe!
DallasRain's Avatar is an honor to be posted with such sexy ladies
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Thanks ��
Lots of pretty ladies...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2017, 03:27 PM
Thanks ��
Lots of pretty ladies... Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Yes there are. And you are as pretty as any of them! You are definitely one of the things I miss most about Texas.
So many beautiful women so little time
Amberance's Avatar
Wow, thank you so much. Definitely honored
borderx's Avatar
WOW what else can one say !
Thanks for the update & honorable mention, Cockalatte!

I wish the guys who owe me reviews would get off their butts... I’d be #2! Lol
The only time I was asked if I was going to write a review was when the two of us just didn't mesh and the session was a bust. Not her fault just one of those things. I wait a day or so to write a review so I can digest what happened. Please ask for a review while we are in session. Some providers would rather no review be written as it may indicate she is high volume.
I appreciate the time you put into this endeavor!!
fun2come's Avatar
What he said !!!
And I wanna do, errrr meat, errrr meet them all