Daughter of Random Thoughts

biomed1's Avatar
Let's go Brandon!! Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
Welcome back Frank. Things were really getting dull in here without you around. And Let's go Brandon!!! Originally Posted by arealone
Should you Gentlemen wish to continue your discussion encouraging Brandon, please do so in the appropriate Forum.


Political Discussions; particularly those pertaining to the National Political arena, have no place in the Local Forums.
Should you Gentlemen wish to continue your discussion encouraging Brandon, please do so in the appropriate Forum.


Political Discussions; particularly those pertaining to the National Political arena, have no place in the Local Forums. Originally Posted by biomed1
Correct me if I'm wrong but but didn't we to hear about one person's opinion about 911 to protect his rights.
Jack Scheidt's Avatar
Sensitive feelings are for pussies and you know who they are! There's no crying in chasing pussy Originally Posted by Baconman
Wait a minute! I have sensitive feelings……
sandbox, random thoughts thread, no politics??? asking for a friend
sandbox, random thoughts thread, no politics??? asking for a friend Originally Posted by Johnsson
There's another option but I will let others figure that out.
Exchequer's Avatar
sandbox, random thoughts thread, no politics??? asking for a friend Originally Posted by Johnsson

When two people in a row say the same thing, it's less random.

I'm still waiting for my invite to the spidey hole...
I'm randomly confused, but that's not random either

Laurenspencer's Avatar
Welcome back Frank. Things were really getting dull in here without you around. And Let's go Brandon!!! Originally Posted by arealone
Things have been dull on here without you Arealone maybe you can bring some of your wonderful positivity
Gets dusty after a while, those cobwebs need a broom.
Gets dusty after a while, those cobwebs need a broom. Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
Hopefully the broom has splinters.
biomed1's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong but but didn't we to hear about one person's opinion about 911 to protect his rights. Originally Posted by Baconman
Thanks for replying to my PM asking which thread you were speaking about.

The Thread in Question is 20th Anniversary of 9/11. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2802471

A review of the Thread reveals that members were speaking about their memories of that day and the tragedies that occurred.

There was one lone voice of dissent and many wanted to quell his memories and a differing point of view.

While the dissenting opinion was unpopular, the dissenting Member was on topic and stayed on topic.

As noted then
Any Member is entitled to disagree with a post made in the Forums.

Additionally; if they are on topic (tangentially or otherwise) so long as they may do so in a manner compliant with the Guidelines they can post their disagreement in the Thread.
The 2 Quotes I mentioned have nothing to do with previous posts in the Random Thoughts Thread.

They were posted in an effort to stir up crap.

As noted earlier, National Politics and posts concerning them belong in the Nation Politics Forum.

So if you wish to further encourage Brandon or discuss the groundswell of support this previously unknown individual, this should be done in the Political Forum.
Thanks for replying to my PM asking which thread you were speaking about.

The Thread in Question is 20th Anniversary of 9/11. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2802471

A review of the Thread reveals that members were speaking about their memories of that day and the tragedies that occurred.

There was one lone voice of dissent and many wanted to quell his memories and a differing point of view.

While the dissenting opinion was unpopular, the dissenting Member was on topic and stayed on topic.

As noted then
Any Member is entitled to disagree with a post made in the Forums.

Additionally; if they are on topic (tangentially or otherwise) so long as they may do so in a manner compliant with the Guidelines they can post their disagreement in the Thread.
The 2 Quotes I mentioned have nothing to do with previous posts in the Random Thoughts Thread.

They were posted in an effort to stir up crap.

As noted earlier, National Politics and posts concerning them belong in the Nation Politics Forum.

So if you wish to further encourage Brandon or discuss the groundswell of support this previously unknown individual, this should be done in the Political Forum. Originally Posted by biomed1
Gotcha thanks for the response. I agree with you about politics and in this forum no place for it. I'm more worried about the flavor of the week ladies.
Exchequer's Avatar
WMJ4657's Avatar
Don't anyone notice I am throwing this stone while I accuse you of throwing that stone yesterday!!!