NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Dopey is back BB
kerwil62's Avatar
Dopey is back BB Originally Posted by TheDon
Yep, and Tate re-injured his ribs. Done for the season.

This will be a scrimmage game for the Broncos. Hell they may try to put up 60 points just because of the wounds that were created by losing to the Chargers.
kerwil62's Avatar
Keenum sprained his right thumb. That's why Schaub is starting.
Solemate62's Avatar
Have not heard from Daddio for a looooong time, how about weighing in here!
TheDon's Avatar
Damn, some good news for 610 (Satin), Sean MotherFucking Pendergast is going to have a show for them now, love him on 1560. Sucks he's leaving, I'm sure his pay will be much better.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 12-20-2013, 07:16 AM
Damn, some good news for 610 (Satin), Sean MotherFucking Pendergast is going to have a show for them now, love him on 1560. Sucks he's leaving, I'm sure his pay will be much better. Originally Posted by TheDon
Yeah I read that in the morning rag today. Cool. He's the best! Looking forward to hearing him in the 610 group.
I think Sean teamed up with rich lord will be pretty good. What is 1560 going to do on afternoons? I don't think Granato can run a show all on his own.
Solemate62's Avatar
I read that your guys interviewed Lovie Smith! Could one of you football brainiacs explain the attraction? As I recall, when he was with the Bears, his overall record was in the area of 50/50 and his sideline demeanor seems serene, at best! Thoughts? Is this guy the perfect fit you all are seeking?
Lovie smith would be just Kubiak part two as far as I am concerned. I am hoping for the Penn State Coach or the Stanford Coach. Not thrilled with any of the NFL retreads but there might be a good coordinator who is waiting in the wings. But they need the opposite of Kubiak, someone with some real fire, I would like a Jim Harbaugh type personality.
TheDon's Avatar
Lovie's teams played way harder than our what we got out of our teams that we've had under Kubs, the the players loved Smith. He's a great coach on the defensive side of the ball, and that's something I don't mind at all. As long as he has someone else running the offense, this should be a pretty damn good hire. He also had a really good special teams in Chicago. He's a Texan and good Christian man as well, perfect fit. The guy knows what he's doing from everything I know about him.
TheDon's Avatar
And what are you guys gonna do this weekend?.....WHAT YOU GONNA DO WHEN BEARDED DOPEY, RUNS WILD ON YOU BROTHERS??!!

Lovie's teams played way harder than our what we got out of our teams that we've had under Kubs, the the players loved Smith. He's a great coach on the defensive side of the ball, and that's something I don't mind at all. As long as he has someone else running the offense, this should be a pretty damn good hire. He also had a really good special teams in Chicago. He's a Texan and good Christian man as well, perfect fit. The guy knows what he's doing from everything I know about him. Originally Posted by TheDon
Ok, I really don't give a flying finger fuck if he is a texan native or a good guy or whatever. AND I really dont give a shit if the player like him.

I JUST WANT TO WIN...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother fucker Nick Sabin has grown men crying like babies around him because he is a hateful little shit, but guess what? he wins.
Yeah for Dopey. I hope he plays his ass off and we can trade his ass for a jock strap and some cheerleaders panties and dump his fucking salary

Fuck Lovie Smith. I don't want him because of his pansy ass nice. He can't coach for shit. His bears teams were great and what did he do with them. Fucking nothing!!!

We need a Parcels like mother fucker. Mean and nasty. Somebody the players fear. I am tired of being the pussy Texans. I want to be the fearsome foursome.
Solemate62's Avatar
Daddio , glad you came out of hibernation and spoke the Gospel with reference to Lovie Smirh! If the Giants part ways with Coughlin, he would fit into the template you have in mind for a hardass coach, IMHO!!
BigLouie's Avatar

We need a Parcels like mother fucker. Mean and nasty. Somebody the players fear. Originally Posted by Daddio
Mean and nasty does not last long and burns out rather quickly. Look at Rob Ryan ain't no one given him a second thought about being head coach although he is mean nasty and nuts like his father. Teams are wising up.