The bio made me laugh pretty good...
Originally Posted by happybanana
Hi. I'm awesome. Also, you're welcome. I use punctuation well, as I have several degrees? Which I don't use or pay for. I'm the ultimate gfe; its kind of my thing. Pm me if you'd like to chat and see if we are a good fit. I see all of the categories below but I have a hard time answering generic questions, so I apologize in advance. However, I do enjoy real covnversation, real sensuality and I enjoy the company of men. K
Originally Posted by Sylvia13 (Her Bio)
Hmm. Regarding the "several degrees" she discusses, she should ask for her money back. If you're going to brag about your supposed grammar, I would kind of expect you to get the grammar correct. In her bio there are two run-on sentences (she needs a comma before the coordinating conjunctions to separate two independent clauses), and she misspelled conversation.