nothing reply anything you want

Hunter Biden, for Upset NY modtard
so we here can get a sweet deal like zero icky jail time Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I'm not saying right or wrong but the facts are this is all arranged by a republican special counsel appointed by Trump while he was in office. Millions of $ spent on a 5 year investigation only to turn up 2 misdemeanor tax filing offenses and 1 charge of lying on a gun application.

I'm sure the republican led NRA will hire the best law firm to get the gun charge dismissed and wiped from his record. After all, it's what they do!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Hunter Biden, for Upset NY modtard so we here can get a sweet deal like zero icky Bannd Practice time Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
winn dixie's Avatar
Anyone notice those annoying pop ups are back?
I'm not getting pop ups. Running Chrome if it matters.
ben dover's Avatar
None here, also running Chrome.
lilylivered's Avatar
I get one once in a while with chrome
They are annoying.
winn dixie's Avatar
Wondering if eccie will now be selling premium membership at a discount?
Asking for a friend
lilylivered's Avatar
hell I think Im good to 2028 or some damn thing.
I figure this place will be belly up before I run out... lol
winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe belly up before fall
offshoredrilling's Avatar
you can teats that fresh Canadian air today
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
More pine than the car deodorizer
lilylivered's Avatar
Every time ya light yer lighter, yer lighter gets lighter.

Til yer lighter gets so light it wont light.

Confucius...many years back
winn dixie's Avatar
That's a good un'
lilylivered's Avatar
Stole it, aint that smart

professional girls make your wallet lighter too : )