nothing reply anything you want

I see you like to plan for the future lily.
A good chunk of "upset NY" is almost a bullseye in a totality zone. Mid afternoon is totality in our area so I might take a couple minutes off for it, not a whole day. lol
Nice to see the echo back.....
Nice to see the echo back.....
Nice to see the echo back.....
Holee crap!
winn dixie's Avatar
Go Bills
lilylivered's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
I can't seem to find the Niagara reviews I'm looking for?
gman sold them to a foreign company.....
gman sold them to a foreign company.....
gman sold them to a foreign company.....
lovin the echo
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
lovin the echo Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I love how, to the WOKE crowd, Chiefs is acceptable.... but Indian's ain't......

Of course, a wokester is probably ready to fire off a response that Chiefs is unacceptable as well....

The only thing I now find offensive and unacceptable is anything coming out of a wokesters mouth