Rules on Outing

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  • 03-13-2017, 01:47 PM
And have you looked at what someone who is BSC can find about us as clients by doing a simple Google search? Or Social media sites?

! Originally Posted by Fltru
I've heard this form of digging up clients information is encouraged in infoshare and powder puff room.

Maybe Fancy and ElizabethWhispers can chime in. Hell Natalia Mori seems to know it all hopefilly she'll explain how one goes about abusing the system!

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  • 03-13-2017, 03:03 PM
Of course he can say. Where would you get the idea that it's forbidden? Makes no sense.

If someone has been outed by all means put the outer on blast! As long as he doesn't mention her own Real World Info in the process there's no issue.

He can bang that outer drum and hang the Scarlet O around her neck as much as he wants.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Remind the silly fuckers that if the provider has changed handles(guested), he can not link it to the new handle without getting a vacation!
LexusLover's Avatar
Of course he can say. Where would you get the idea that it's forbidden? Makes no sense.

If someone has been outed by all means put the outer on blast! As long as he doesn't mention her own Real World Info in the process there's no issue.

He can bang that outer drum and hang the Scarlet O around her neck as much as he wants.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
The "as long as" phrases are a bitch when it follows ...

...... "Of course he can"!

As long as GlobalSpotter is talking about disclosing a "handle," right, and "as long as" the "handle" is not being connected to "RW" information. Isn't that the "philosophy" behind not mentioning LMT's whether it be an inquiry or a review?

To answer your question, I got it from observations!

For instance .. inadvertently "quoting" a "quote of a quote" containing the "offending information" ... linked together, but not carried forward as substance by the "outing poster"! It's apparently sometimes a matter of "rule interpretation," which end up having disparate results.
That's why it's important to protect yourself , stop trying fo save these hoes. This is a business transaction... The providers certainly see it that way , hobbyists should to. It does not matter how many kissing emojis she sends you or "bae", "babe" , "love" , " honey" texts she sends you... She cares about one thing and 1 thing only...straight cash homie $$...If you get outed it's probably your fault. If you follow the general rules you should be ok.
1. Treat all the providers with respect at all times especially the BSC ones
2. Don't share personal info... Why give your ID when you aren't asking for theirs?
3. Don't give out work info, personal info, real names .., nothing that connects you to the real world. The providers perfect themselves , hobbyists should to.
4. Get a hobby phone or number
5. Why does a provider need to know your occupation outside of being a pimp or LE? Is it because they have such a reputable career?
6. Don't schedule outcalls to your home ...I know people may find this crazy ...but just pay for a Notel. My source of employment and personal life is way more important than the thousands I've spent hobbying.
7. No matter how good her services may be, even if you take off the market...always remember she's in it for the cash.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's why it's important to protect yourself , stop trying fo save these hoes. This is a business transaction... The providers certainly see it that way , hobbyists should to. It does not matter how many kissing emojis she sends you or "bae", "babe" , "love" , " honey" texts she sends you... She cares about one thing and 1 thing only...straight cash homie $$...If you get outed it's probably your fault. If you follow the general rules you should be ok.
1. Treat all the providers with respect at all times especially the BSC ones
2. Don't share personal info... Why give your ID when you aren't asking for theirs?
3. Don't give out work info, personal info, real names .., nothing that connects you to the real world. The providers perfect themselves , hobbyists should to.
4. Get a hobby phone or number
5. Why does a provider need to know your occupation outside of being a pimp or LE? Is it because they have such a reputable career?
6. Don't schedule outcalls to your home ...I know people may find this crazy ...but just pay for a Notel. My source of employment and personal life is way more important than the thousands I've spent hobbying.
7. No matter how good her services may be, even if you take off the market...always remember she's in it for the cash. Originally Posted by Headman
Sir, the bottom line is if she's done her "gee-whiz" screening she already has enough personal information to "do you in," so if she doesn't have enough personal information TO KNOW you are "NOT A PIMP OR LE" then she's a risk for you to see in the first place.

The "secondary" risk is what happens to the "screening information" after an initial meeting at which everything goes well and everyone is comfortable enough to have a 2nd meeting.

That is of a greater concern, because "storing" that information extends the risk of "outing" whether the provider INTENDS to or not: stolen data base, hacking, LE confiscation, and/or jealous BF, SO, or Spouse of the provider.....the list is almost endless ... and if you don't think so ... you can't hear the news!

When I see providers (and hobbyists) on here making loose accusations and suggestions without any FACTUAL BASIS then I see the risks they pose ... The old saying:

"A dog that will bring a bone will carry a bone"!
Maybe you didn't read my post, but I don't give out personal info or anything that can trace my info.
Maybe you didn't read my post, but I don't give out personal info or anything that can trace my info. Originally Posted by Headman
How do you explain when a whore outs another provider? Please help me understand because she has also outted providers...

She obviously has ways of getting personal information even though it's not given to her.. You might as well say you support outting whores the way you're coming towards others on this thread..

Yea were in it for the money but that doesn't give anyone the right to destroy someone's life especially when it's a client & you're not going to gain anything from it period..

Yes they shouldn't have given there personal information but that still doesn't excuse her behavior as a professional...
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-13-2017, 07:29 PM
How do you explain when a whore outs another provider? Please help me understand because she has also outted providers...

She obviously has ways of getting personal information even though it's not given to her.. You might as well say you support outting whores the way you're coming towards others on this thread..

Yea were in it for the money but that doesn't give anyone the right to destroy someone's life especially when it's a client & you're not going to gain anything from it period..

Yes they shouldn't have given there personal information but that still doesn't excuse her behavior as a professional... Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
I been telling providers to mind their own business and stfu for years....that way when one of these crazy chicks/tricks cracks up, you and others will not be in their sights.

That is just a factual observation, not a judgement.

I been telling providers to mind their own business and stfu for years....that way when one of these crazy chicks/tricks cracks up, you and others will not be in their sights.

That is just a factual observation, not a judgement.

. Originally Posted by WTF
That still doesn't answer my question of how she got information about other providers... Idgaf what another whore has to say about me or etc I wouldn't ever think of outting anyone especially when I know it could ruin there life forever... There's no excuse for this type of behavior towards anyone... PERIOD

I understand your perspective but it's the point...
N.M.'s Avatar
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  • 03-13-2017, 08:17 PM
I got lost in all the stupidity of some of these posts...

So, did Cuban Shanene "relocate" ?

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  • 03-13-2017, 08:39 PM
Girl you been lost since 21 Jumpstreet.

"Be careful what you wish for".....

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
You are so kind NM. You warned her to be careful. She shoulda listened ....
TryWeakly's Avatar
I got lost in all the stupidity of some of these posts...

So, did Cuban Shanene "relocate" ?

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
Latest ad shows in Washington DC ...

Kinda ironic, really.
Latest ad shows in Washington DC ...

Kinda ironic, really. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
yeah well let's see some legit reviews from that area
You know he can't say! It's a rule violation of "outing" of sorts. Originally Posted by LexusLover
he said she was banned....... not guested