When Will You Get The COVID19 Vaccine?

I fast so I don't have to move around a lot.

My job is to sit on my ass, anyway.

I don't do shit. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
This world has gotten to be so goofy. I can't help but ask, do you align yourself with being a house pet, like a Dog?
  • oeb11
  • 07-27-2021, 06:03 AM
Well, Zakaria is an extreme Democratic Party partisan behind an intellectual facade, like Paul Krugman. That said, do you really have an argument with my point, that getting the vaccine is a no brainer?

This is semi-related to your post, about herd immunity and whether it makes sense to get vaccinated if you've been infected -- I think you might find it interesting,


You have places where 70%+ of the population already tests positive for COVID antibodies, and then COVID goes on a tear and infects a lot more people. Originally Posted by Tiny

Thank you - tiny - an interesting - but anecdotal article. They 'estimate' a 76% seropositivity rate ( for wuhan virus antibodies) - yet Manus is brazil - and much is third world with poverty, malnutrition, poor hygiene, and lousy medical care - all of which predisposes to poor outcomes of disease.

Not to say there is not an issue - But It may be new variants of Wuhan virus , some variants may be less affected by natural resistance from previous infection or vaccination, There is a great deal not known.

Including what constitutes herd immunity for this virus.

and - in response - do you really have an argument with my point, that getting the vaccine is a no brainer?

yes - vaccination is an individual medial decision of a free People - not a mandate forced on a controlled captive population such as China, Venezuela - ( if they had any vaccine) - and other totalitarian countries. It is a considered decision based on factual information ( not what comes from the LSM and Xinn).

It is Not a no-brainer -IMHO. That is what the maoist DPST's want -a non-thinking populace to control .
According to Dr. Fauci, herd immunity is 60%.

And you can wait it out, if you socially isolate, not just distance.

I've hardly gotten out of bed in the last two weeks.

I never got vaccinated out of sheer laziness.

I'm also 100% protected from COVID for the same reason.

AND I stimulate the economy by purchasing random shit off the internet.

So, if anyone should be "holier than thou," it's me.

Even the vaccinated can potentially spread COVID.

I'm not spreading shit. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You need a B12 shot not a vaccine. Originally Posted by Levianon17
My father would say "You just need a swoof kick in the ass."

I think I uncopied the hpv post. There's a vaccine for that.
Gov Perry "mandated" that Texas young women get it. He was basically overruled. There's vaccines I believe for meningitis, shingles, Hepatitis A & B and probably a bunch of other diseases we should get. But most people don't even though are sexually promiscious and these illegals are bringing them into the country. So where's the big political outrage?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Think of this ,,these Vaccines are not really vaccines --they are biological agents that act in a new and virtually untested way, injecting a lipid-encased artificial molecule . So we the people are the ginnie pigs
for Big pharma so NO .
  • Tiny
  • 07-27-2021, 07:05 AM
I don’t see how it’s anecdotal Oeb. They’re not talking about outcomes, like the number of deaths or number hospitalized. They’re talking about the percentage of the population infected. Furthermore, the same thing happened in Iquitos, Peru, as in Manaus. 70% of the population was seropositive, but the peak number of infections didn’t occur until March, 2021, after the article was published.

With additional time and without the vaccine, why wouldn’t we end up in the same situation as Brazil and Peru? Yeah, we’d have fewer deaths, but just as many people would be infected, unless all the unvaccinated do a Strokey McDingDong.

Please note I said getting the vaccine is a no brainer. I didn’t say forcing people to get the vaccine is a no brainer. My post was directed to our fellow contributors. I wish them good health. Also please note that Blackman is right, kind of. More of The Texans who are going unvaccinated would prefer John Cornyn as Senator than Beto O’Rourke.

Did you get the vaccine? If I were a betting man I’d wager a hefty sum that you did.
  • oeb11
  • 07-27-2021, 10:18 AM
Tiny - the Manaus paper was relatively small numbers and limiting confounding variables - as i listed.

It is interesting - but such publications are basically written to call for more definitive research - ie - large number controlled studies.

I look at it as anecdotal - but perhaps a harbinger of the delta variant. we shall see.

' No brainer' - i took that to mean mandatory from teh maoist DPST control freak - to whom there is only One way - mandatory - or punish the masses.

There are numerous DPST articles of 'unvaccinated republicans" - I am no fan of the medical mis-information that comes from Both Sides - and teh DPST pressure to vaccinate everyone regardless of antibody status. Including babies in cribs.

There is a contingent of anti-vaxxxers who still believe vaccines cause autism - medically disproven - but once some (females usually) make up their mind - scientific arguments are useless.

I protest against two things "
1 Mandatory vaccination requirements - which ignore medical and religious exemptions. and those folks who have natural antibody immunity from teh disease.

2. politicization of the vaccine - it is not smallpox, polio, typhoid, - but more like an Influenza a in morbidity and mortality - yet teh screeching leftists control freaks cannot see that.

i had teh disease last year - 2 weeks -did not feel good, 2 days pretty rotten. Now back to normal. I have antibodies - and see no reason to be vaccinated to prove fealty to teh DPST mandates.

you would lose that bet.

No evidence that vaccinations improves clinical course in those who had the disease. If someOne finds some studies - let me know - Please!

while true that a thinking individual , who desires to control his own course in Life - will prefer Cornyn over beta beto gun grabber - particularly in texas - I see that more as a political choice based on many issues of difference between the two politicians.

i decry the politicization of medical care in America!@!
the Political parties - BPTH - have made a miserable mess of this - and should let the Physicians take care of teh disease ( not fauci - who is now a political shill ).

exception - the Trump Operation Warp speed - which helped create the vaccine by expediting bureaucratic regulations and procedure - so far so good as far as a safe adn effective vaccine. A Trump contribution denied and Lied about by maoist DPST's - knowingly and deliberately gaslighting - as fiden was immunized prior to inauguration.

That is disgusting!
winn dixie's Avatar
Still aint got the vaccine!

Must be something to my --

Dr. Pepper
Fried Pies

Not about to have nano tech in my body!
winn dixie's Avatar
But hey.

If you want to be "chipped" and tracked get that experimental vaccine! Shit get every god damned booster fauxi tells you to
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
These will be a HIT at the next H I M rally/protest tailgate party/super spreader event.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Still aint got the vaccine!

Must be something to my --

Dr. Pepper
Fried Pies

Not about to have nano tech in my body! Originally Posted by winn dixie
I wouldn't worry about nano tech. its just scifi at least for now. the technology we have isn't advanced enough to do this.

they're hard to manufacture and slow given they are about 7nm in size

gene engineering on the other hand is something to watch out for.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
These will be a HIT at the next H I M rally/protest tailgate party/super spreader event.
Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
those meat pies look yummy. lol
rexdutchman's Avatar
politicization of virus and the vaccine ,,, Bingo ,,,, for control

I just drink Knob Creek