The Bills : )

lilylivered's Avatar
Nice first drive : )
winn dixie's Avatar
Down here Im stuck watching either the texans v chicago or eagles v washington. Sucks.
Go Bills

220- 80 Da Bills!
Plastic Man's Avatar
ya gots beat ans yer tight ...pants freaks done gonna keeps ...gettin beats
winn dixie's Avatar
Okay. Alright. 16-1

da Bills
lilylivered's Avatar
: (
The bills bubble head was bursted with this loss
lilylivered's Avatar
The bills bubble head was bursted with this loss Originally Posted by BOSSVPLOW
First one off the wagon? lol
buffalomw10's Avatar
One of the hottest games I’ve ever attended. Many Bills players were cramping up especially in the second half. Bills were favored in this game but Dolphins had the advantage with less injuries, home field and the heat conditions which they were acclimated to.
The Drummer's Avatar
This, obviously, was a game of attrition. (Next man up, next man up, ad nauseam.)

We won't go into Bills' mistakes and play-calling.

The Dolphins are no slouches with a great offensive-minded coach in Mike Macdonald and plenty of talent.

Playing in a league with the 1,696 best players in the world -- teams *will* lose games.

This wasn't a perfect game, but one of the most exciting I've seen in quite a while!

In short; both teams that day played their hearts out.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Or maybe the Bills are not as good as the hype says they are?
winn dixie's Avatar
Or maybe the Bills are not as good as the hype says they are? Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Blasphemy! And in this thread!!!

I like this team. Super Bowl contender for sure.

Its early, but Im seeing more parity thus far.
buffalomw10's Avatar
If Milano holds on to the pick6 and Davis holds on to the touchdown pass we’re not having this conversation. Bills are as good as advertised but these injuries can derail any championship dreams, we shall see. Ravens are coming to Buffalo next game which will be a tough but winnable gm.
buffalomw10's Avatar
Errr, Bills going to the Ravens home…another tough gm but at least the weather won’t be an issue.
Errr, Bills going to the Ravens home…another tough gm but at least the weather won’t be an issue. Originally Posted by buffalomw10
a monsoon isn't an issue?
buffalomw10's Avatar
Maybe I should have said heat related issues from 100 degree temps like in Miami game won’t be an issue in Baltimore on Sunday. I’d play in the rain,a torrential downpour or a monsoon then what I personally witnessed on Sunday in Miami.