The 2020 Presidential Election

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If you cannot visit a library you can consult a librarian online OR search various empirical studies and government statistics online. You seem like a bright individual. I'm almost positive you will be able to sort it all out. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

So, you have zero empirical data to support your claim, plain and simple. Show the numbers that actually show suppression. You claim them - show them.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Here! Here! I second that motion. Let's end this global embarrassing shit show circus of flying monkeys increasing the Gulf of racial division in America, inspiring an uptick in racial hate crimes as well as heinous acts of cowardly domestic terrorism. Remember Black Wall Street.....Never Forget! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Lemme guess, you have no empirical data to support your racial hate crimes uptick either. AmIright?

There are a lot of things I do not forget that happened over a hundred years ago. Knock, knock - it's almost 2020. Keep up with us here.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Lemme guess, you have no empirical data to support your racial hate crimes uptick either. AmIright?

There are a lot of things I do not forget that happened over a hundred years ago. Knock, knock - it's almost 2020. Keep up with us here. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
LOL! Let me guess....YOU have no idea what a metadata analysis is or how to perform one and too lazy to search the relevant peer reviewed journals. Its's almost 2020 and white supremacists and domestic terrorists are still the greatest threat to non-whites in America. Change my mind! Keep up with US here.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
LOL! Let me guess....YOU have no idea what a metadata analysis is or how to perform one and too lazy to search the relevant peer reviewed journals. Its's almost 2020 and white supremacists and domestic terrorists are still the greatest threat to non-whites in America. Change my mind! Keep up with US here. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

While I appreciate your outdated sentiments about the quaint use of a library (side note, a public library is one of the best places where your privacy is supremely respected), I have access to the entirety of the Library of Alexandria and more on my wrist watch. And yes Virginia, I do know the numbers and no, I suspect you do not. Hence, your inability to source your claims.

Tidbit for you: In the past couple weeks, there have been ~36 mass shootings. Two were perpetrated by white people. You can look it up at the library I 'spose
Whisky_1's Avatar
While I appreciate your outdated sentiments about the quaint use of a library (side note, a public library is one of the best places where your privacy is supremely respected), I have access to the entirety of the Library of Alexandria and more on my wrist watch. And yes Virginia, I do know the numbers and no, I suspect you do not. Hence, your inability to source your claims.

Tidbit for you: In the past couple weeks, there have been ~36 mass shootings. Two were perpetrated by white people. You can look it up at the library I 'spose Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Good for you! My watch just tells time but it is waterproof and suitable for mixed gas and bell/sat diving. I claimed the current administration is a shit show of a flying monkey circus and 45 is the head coach for the American white supremacy team. If you desire to refute my statement then please post empirical evidence to support your rebuttal. Since you have the numbers on domestic terrorism....Show us your metadata analysis or shut up. I predict 45 will be re-elected for another 4 years ushering America into a new dark age of racial division and economic dispair. I also predict history will nt be kind to 45. 45 will most likely be remembered in the same contemptuous manner as Governor George Wallace.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Good for you! My watch just tells time but it is waterproof and suitable for mixed gas and bell/sat diving. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Good thing too, 'cause you are way under water with your unsubstantiated claims. Though you might want to get that watch re-calibrated if it's not indicating an elevated concentration of Nitrous Oxide in your blood stream.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Good thing too, 'cause you are way under water with your unsubstantiated claims. Though you might want to get that watch re-calibrated if it's not indicating an elevated concentration of Nitrous Oxide in your blood stream. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You must be a graduate of the defunct Trump School of Diving. Trump and many of his followers don't believe in science. Your post on diving seems to imply you are of the same mentality. I recommend you use your watch to read a book on the physics and physiology of diving. It's common knowledge that 45 is the ringmaster of the American white nationalist circus. White nationalist is really just a more polite way of saying racist because some racists don't like calling themselves racists. By the way, exactly what unsubstantiated claim did I make? Please refute any unsubstantiated claims you think I made with your "empirical" evidence, pour yourself a cup of shut the fuck up then pat yourself on the butt for a job well done.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Please refute any unsubstantiated claims you think I made with your "empirical" evidence, pour yourself a cup of shut the fuck up then pat yourself on the butt for a job well done. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

So your inability to substantiate your wild claim of voter suppression in the past 6 years with data is my problem how? Still love me some tolerant lefties though
Whisky_1's Avatar
So your inability to substantiate your wild claim of voter suppression in the past 6 years with data is my problem how? Still love me some tolerant lefties though Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I did not originally make the claim. However, I do concur with the statement based on my vantage point as a Southerner and lifelong resident of a former Confederate state. Obviously, you have been living under a rock for the last 60 years. If you disagree with the statement the onus is on YOU to impeach the claim of voter suppression. A nearly impossible task in a nation built on a racial class system with a long history of explicit and institutional racism as well as the supression of voting rights for certain segments of the American population. Why should I waste my time gathering empirical evidence for someone who is a delusional science denier and practitioner of identity politics? If YOU claim to have creditable empirical evidence that refutes my position then please post it in an appropriate thread. Otherwise, please feel free to help yourself to another cup of shut the hell up...on me.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If you disagree with the statement the onus is on YOU to impeach the claim of voter suppression.

If YOU claim to have creditable empirical evidence that refutes my position then please post it in an appropriate thread. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Not really. You can flap your gums and keyboard all day long with your bluster. Clearly, it is just opinion, not rooted in fact, as you so clearly demonstrate. I notice the classic BS signs: Point finger, fold like a cheap and rusty deck chair, resort to labels, name calling and bumper sticker slogans. And ultimately to prove my opinion wrong schict I''m not here to carry your water. You carry it yo fine self.

It's fine to have or be given an opinion. It's not fine to pass it off as fact. Quit choosing Truth over Facts. And what ever you do, don't vote for someone that says choosing Truth over Facts.
Agent220's Avatar
Seems like they are trying to push for a Biden v Trump runoff which isn't any better than 2016.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Not really. You can flap your gums and keyboard all day long with your bluster. Clearly, it is just opinion, not rooted in fact, as you so clearly demonstrate. I notice the classic BS signs: Point finger, fold like a cheap and rusty deck chair, resort to labels, name calling and bumper sticker slogans. And ultimately to prove my opinion wrong schict I''m not here to carry your water. You carry it yo fine self.

It's fine to have or be given an opinion. It's not fine to pass it off as fact. Quit choosing Truth over Facts. And what ever you do, don't vote for someone that says choosing Truth over Facts. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You make no sense. You can believe anything you want.....empirically true or not. However, just because YOU believe it does not mean it is factual. I suggest YOU direct your comments to the individual who initially made the statement.

And yes, I agree with the statement because it is true based on my observations of recent American History (last 60 years). I was not trying to change your mind nor am I accepting homework assignments to produce empirical evidence for science deniers who worship the pathological lier 45.

All YOU need to confirm the accuracy of the claim in question is to read a historically accurate American History book (not the neo-confederate versions) or peer review journals on the subject. Moreover, YOU stated that you have some "numbers".

If you have any evidence to refute the statement or "numbers" to support your opinion then please post it in an appropriate thread. I'll probably get around to it when I'm done flirting. Otherwise, we are done here.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Otherwise, we are done here. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Sure will miss ya. Wait, no I won't.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Only in America could a shooter write a complete manifesto on why he did it... Originally Posted by supercold1

Only a drone worker bee could put that in big block letters on a color background and believe it to be critical thinking.

Seriously, it was a Socialist, utopian dream and globalist agenda manifesto. Better yet, compare that writing to the writings of the Ohio dead-perp in his friend's (sic) journal, which seems like incoherent chicken scratch to me. I don't know much about the kid's background yet, but I don't think he majored in philosophy or political science or was an English major..

Not to mention, I don't see how you can leap to the conclusion that he wrote it unless you saw him do it, or someone credible saw him do it or you proofread it for him before it was posted.