TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh how the lunatic Dems are now for closed borders. And I guess some moronic people have never heard of the "Spanish Flu." Thank God Trump is in the White House. That is all. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump denied the potential negative impact of the coronavirus in this country from January until early in March. That caused a delay of several weeks during which this country could have better prepared itself for the impending impact of the coronavirus.

"In the course of a few weeks, President Donald Trump veered from confidently assuring Americans his administration had the coronavirus outbreak “very well under control” to declaring a national emergency and tweeting all-caps caution about the pandemic that has upended every facet of American life.

Trump meandered from denial to grudging acceptance, and he seeded conflicting, inaccurate and eyebrow-raising commentary on a country desperate for unvarnished, even shock-to-the-system, guidance.

Throughout the global coronavirus crisis, Trump’s statements have been colored by baseless optimism. Sometimes, his commentary has been flatly wrong. Frequently, it’s been amplified by aides and allies with the help of conservative media."

FINALLY, in mid-March, probably knowing that a lack of action on his part could do irreperable harm to his reelection, Trump took actions that ANY person occupying the Oval Office in the White House would have done. Many cities and states had already imposed rules that Trump finally supported.

And how do the people in this country view Trump's response to the pandemic? Support for what he finally did but negative overall.

Analysis: Coronavirus erodes Trump's re-election prospects

Poll: Trump earns mixed grades on coronavirus response

Voters overwhelmingly support President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency over the coronavirus outbreak — but are significantly less impressed by Trump’s overall handling of the crisis, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Trump's approval rating dips amid coronavirus crisis

President Trump's approval rating has seen a 5 percentage point decline from its recent all-time high amid the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, a new Gallup poll has found.

Trump's favorite polling company, Rasmussen, which is pro-Republican, saw Trump's approval rating go from +5 to -7 in the space of about 1 week.

The coronavirus is an act of God, but it is an act that will, in all likelihood, end Trump's time in office come November if conditions do not drastically change.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Watch his pressers and briefings you absolute and total tool. He is handling it like a frick'n BOSS. Also, try to imagine Creepy Joe or Comrade Bernie in the hot seat. Then you can get right on back to licking Xipineg's nut sack. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I have been very impressed with Trump during his press conferences. He is FINALLY listening to those who are knowledgeable on the coronavirus instead of denying its probable negative impact on this country since January.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I have been very impressed with Trump... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I see him as being an actual leader that is willing to pull in our best experts and driving them towards needs assessments and multi-faceted solutions. I am impressed on how wide a net he is casting across government entities, the business communities, governors, etc., etc. That's what I would expect from a CEO type.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I see him as being an actual leader that is willing to pull in our best experts and driving them towards needs assessments and multi-faceted solutions. I am impressed on how wide a net he is casting across government entities, the business communities, governors, etc., etc. That's what I would expect from a CEO type. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Unfortunately this is the FIRST time during his presidency that he has done so. Up until now he has been a maverick and rarely listened to the input from others on his staff before making decisions. Tariffs are a perfect example. And those on his staff that disagreed with him were fired.

Had Trump continued denying the probable negative impact of the coronavirus his reelection chances would have been nil. He woke up and listened.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Tariffs are a perfect example. And those on his staff that disagreed with him were fired. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Try this at home: Tell your CEO that they are full of chite and you disagree thoroughly with their orders and/or go out in public (social media, etc) and lambast them about it and report back to us on your results. Don't worry, you'll after plenty of free time on your hands afterwards. As to tariffs - He was spot on!

...Had Trump continued denying the probable negative impact of the coronavirus his reelection chances would have been nil. He woke up and listened. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So your theory seems to be that he doesn't give a rat's pah-toot about America and American citizens at all. Is that your theory? So if 1,000,000 Americans die, it is OK by him so long as he gets reelected. Does it ever bother you that you think that way?
sportfisherman's Avatar
What he does care about is his over-sized ego and his political future. Don't be swayed too much by his actions now. He obviously fucked up on this thing from the start. He realized that between the devastation from the virus medically that is yet to come and the financial devastation that is already here his re-election prospects were done.
His approach has been 2-fold.
One has been a very transparent attempt to frame it as a "Chinese Virus". This makes it something that has been done to us by a foreign agent so to speak. Something he can blame. This somewhat absolves him of responsibility. An illegal immigrant virus.
The second has led to him for the first time,to listen some and accept some guidance from government experts,scientists,doctors,etc . Agencies and such that in a way largely constitute the dreaded "Deep State" that he and his acolytes disparage so often.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Try this at home: Tell your CEO that they are full of chite and you disagree thoroughly with their orders and/or go out in public (social media, etc) and lambast them about it and report back to us on your results. Don't worry, you'll after plenty of free time on your hands afterwards. As to tariffs - He was spot on!

So your theory seems to be that he doesn't give a rat's pah-toot about America and American citizens at all. Is that your theory? So if 1,000,000 Americans die, it is OK by him so long as he gets reelected. Does it ever bother you that you think that way? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
There is a HUGE difference between disagreeing with someone and telling them they are "full of chite" in public. The majority of the people "fired" by Trump simply disagreed with him or his policies. Do you think several of Obama's inner circle did not disagree with him at times? The turnover in Trump's cabinet and advisors is unprecedented in the history of the POTUS. Now he has nothing but yes-men reporting to him.

You will find close to zero support for tariffs by anyone in the economic community. Trump keep lying to the American people when he says how much money the U.S. is making from the tariffs. The people of this country are the ones paying the tariffs when they buy the imported goods with tariffs on them.

With Trump, he comes first and everyone else is a distant second. He is a pompous narcissist who can't take it when polls are against him. Certainly he cares about lives lost but he was very late in recognizing, and admitting, that the coronavirus was in fact a health crisis. And yes, a lot of his actions are based on his drive to be reelected. Plain and simple.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Fake Pres Chump and his failure to listen to intel advice and ramp up our testing capability together with a medical plan and supply build-up in order to dampen the impact of covid19 is devastating.The effect on our economy and our medical care is going to be much deeper and longer.He should have and could have acted sooner."He didn't think the virus was here.Another Hunch I suppose".Unemployment is going up like a rocket.
If he would have initiated early,aggressive,widespread free testing we could have restricted the + cases according to those seriously ill,mildly ill,and those with no symptoms.This would have avoided the resultant Lockdown situations now.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump denied the potential negative impact of the coronavirus in this country from January until early in March. ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Psychological linguists much? Here is a random observation regarding how to manage fear through simple language techniques from some random linguistics person's perspective:
some thoughts about 'Do not fear'.
The human brain cannot process negatives. So in order to work out what 'Do not fear' means, the brain has to first imagine fear, and then an absence of it. In other words, the statement 'Do not fear' creates fear.
It is better to turn the statement into a positive such as 'Have Courage' or 'Be Brave'.
Avoid spreading fear and focus on being positive. Us Americans are a resourceful and dynamic breed. We are at war and we will win. Period, end of story. Now, let's get to it.

Side note: Seriously?!? Copy-pasta from Aljazeera?!? That's a desperation move if ever I saw one. Have Courage and Be Brave - Comrade.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Draft Dodging Donnie !!
He heard something about a war and this morning he went to his Podiatrist to have his flat feet and heel spurs checked.
Is this war-time Pres the same guy who mocked Sen. McCain for serving in the military and being a POW for years.
Chump said he liked guys that didn't get captured.
One good way to not get captured is to Dodge your service and not go.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I would like to know other's opinions ;
One thing I dislike and don't respect ;
People that " Blame " others,circumstances,etc. for their own shortcomings and failures. Did anybody force Chump to sit on his ass and do nothing except minimize things ? Did Xi do that ? Did Obama do that ? I mean this is a guy that obviously does not observe any separation of powers.If he had so wanted he could have taken money from somewhere and got some early testing going and some medical supplies.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Psychological linguists much? Here is a random observation regarding how to manage fear through simple language techniques from some random linguistics person's perspective:
some thoughts about 'Do not fear'.
The human brain cannot process negatives. So in order to work out what 'Do not fear' means, the brain has to first imagine fear, and then an absence of it. In other words, the statement 'Do not fear' creates fear.
It is better to turn the statement into a positive such as 'Have Courage' or 'Be Brave'.
Avoid spreading fear and focus on being positive. Us Americans are a resourceful and dynamic breed. We are at war and we will win. Period, end of story. Now, let's get to it.

Side note: Seriously?!? Copy-pasta from Aljazeera?!? That's a desperation move if ever I saw one. Have Courage and Be Brave - Comrade. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
As I said before and you are obviously too obtuse to comprehend
-- Trump cast doubt on the seriousness of the coronavirus from January until about 2 weeks ago. I will be very happy to support my statement with as many sources as you like:

Trump made 33 false claims about the coronavirus crisis in the first two weeks of March

President Donald Trump began March with a barrage of false claims about the coronavirus pandemic -- understating the extent of the crisis, overstating the availability of tests, inaccurately blaming his predecessor and wrongly insisting that the crisis was unforeseen.

Trump made 50 false claims from March 2 through March 8, then 21 false claims from March 9 through March 15. Of those 71 false claims, 33 were related to the coronavirus. That is on top of some additional misleading claims from Trump about the coronavirus (we only count the false claims here), plus some false and misleading claims from members of his administration.

Trump is now averaging about 57 false claims per week since we started counting at CNN on July 8, 2019. From that date through March 15, he has made 2,062 false claims in all.

A Complete List of Trump’s Attempts to Play Down Coronavirus

He could have taken action. He didn’t.

Trump’s 7 worst statements on the coronavirus outbreak

The president has misled the public on the number of testing kits, the virus’s death rate, and a possible vaccine.

Fact-Check: 5 Times President Trump's Statements On Coronavirus Were Off The Mark

President Trump has made a lot of promises about actions that his administration is taking to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Not all of them have been exactly on the mark — and some have yet to pay off as advertised.

So you think it's better to make "positive lies" than to tell the truth?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... I will be very happy to support my statement with as many sources as you like... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do the math.

An unlimited number of left wing, whack-job, sources of fake news = no news at all.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump denied the potential negative impact of the coronavirus in this country from January until early in March... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Instead of your ridiculous bullchite and arm chair quarter backing. Check with your pole dancer fact checkers about The Washington Examiner. They published a list of 74 things done so far:

To avoid your typical Monday morning quarter backing, put forth your 74 point list starting for tomorrow. Buckle up buttercup, next few days are really gonna suck. Hope you got you crystal ball shined up.

Pro-tip: Trump could have declared martial law back in January, when he found out how egregiously China was lieing to the world, but is resisting, because he favors a market based solution (local, state, business, government partnerships etc) over a tyrannical government solution.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Do the math.

An unlimited number of left wing, whack-job, sources of fake news = no news at all. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Rather funny. All news sources that disagree with your POV are
"left wing, whack-job, sources of fake news". And then you have the balls to quote the Washington Examiner. lol.

"Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks."