A really interesting pm

FirePhoenix's Avatar
The email is posted on my Facebook. Any sensitive information cannot be viewed. #truth
Go get the therapy you need Victoria. Play with fire and you just might get either burned or cleansed from it. Which are you Victoria?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
The email is posted on my Facebook. Any sensitive information cannot be viewed. #truth
Go get the therapy you need Victoria. Play with fire and you just might get either burned or cleansed from it. Which are you Victoria? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Cute posting eccie pm emails on facebook...

I suggest you head your own warning as I am NOT the one to mess with as I will not only walk out of the fire unburned..your flame will be extinguished as well.... TRY ME
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
For everyone else reading this insane thread.. I would like to apologize for contributing to this dribbling drama.. It is not like me
winn dixie's Avatar
Bundt cake is delicious!

Are you sure you have time to banter with me? Shouldn’t you be sending creepy PMs offering your “management services” to very young providers? Or hanging out at the mall cruising toy stores for xxxxx year olds? A xxxxxx fucker like you has to stay on their toes. Originally Posted by zerodark13
I rtm'ed the above post asswipe!! Posts pertaining to underage subjects is strictly prohibited here, and forbidden. Dude you need to take that filth elsewhere.. I hope the mods. point the shit out of you.........
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Oh,and as everyone can see by the time stamps on the posts that Victoria and others are quick to post after me. Why? Because I'm on their minds so much and they are not on mine. I've got more interesting things to do. Its to easy to prove my point . Everyone does all the work for me.Merry Christmas and happy holidays
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Im so much not on your mind that you UNBLOCKED me so you could know what I said at well as make a FB post to me... Yup point proven.. Okay 👌
Don't get it twisted I could care less I'm just amusing myself till my appointment arrives...
Bundt cake is delicious!

Are you sure you have time to banter with me? Shouldn’t you be sending creepy PMs offering your “management services” to very young providers? Or hanging out at the mall cruising toy stores for eight year olds? A diaper fucker like you has to stay on their toes. Originally Posted by zerodark13

I don't ever pm offering management services dipshit, you're thinking of someone else. As for the rest of your post, you are a sick fuck for being able to come up with that. You should go back into your hole and Stfu.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Stop texting me. You've lost it big time.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Today Christ was born or at least this is the day we celebrate as his birthday and many people believe in the tenets of the "Good book ", but do you really? To me it seems that most of you all only lip-sync to the book and to it's meaning and what today is supposed to represent. You see I've had to deal with being lied about, cussed out,told that I'm crazy for speaking up,faced non-stop hypocrisy, bullied, jealousy's,gossip,smear campaigns, not a single proof or shred of evidence, and every single person can't back up what they say or simply stand up for me.
Do I go around and gossip about others? No. Do I tell people "stay away from so-n-so"?No. Do I run to the Mods about anything? No. In a session do I fill it up with nasty conversation about everybody on the board? No,I get down to business and have intense sex and some great laughs. Do I threaten a hobbyist "that if you see so-n-so provider I will never see you again." or use any type of blackmail what soever? No. Can a single person say that I have stalked or harassed them? No,but hey if you want to say a couple of emails is harassing then well why didn't you just block the emails. Did I put fake ads with the exact location of another provider? No,and they were rather tasteless and inspiring to say the least. Did I follow someone to steal their stuff and then turn around and tell them a year and a half later about the day that it happened? No. Have I hacked anyone's account of any type? No. 99.9% of the time am I on time for an appt, and if I'm late do I not let you know ahead of time? Yes. If I truly fuck on an appt time due "clock issues" or that I honestly thought it was a different day, do I not apologize and generally give a discount? Yes. How many times has a hobbyist heard crickets before and then gets the run around? Do you know how many times I've heard a provider say "ya,I make my own schedule of when I show up. Hell it half the time it's the next day". Yet I've got a newbie butt hurt hobbyist non-stop on my case calling me every name in the book. Did I also mention that the time of year for this so-called appt was on the day if daylight saving time. It happened that day. Did I get blamed for Google spell check not spelling a word correctly and have not a single person say "that's fucked to call her names over it"? Yes. Hey how about this double ass fucking- have you been accused for years of squealing to the cops like a butchered pig? Did you get sick of the accusation and tell the true story of what happened and can back it up with the person involed,court papaers, and the original phone? After that did you get called names becuase your child wouldn't turn on you, and feels horrible and sorry for getting you into trouble to bail out their teenage mixed up self? For me the answer is ,yes. Good thing I love my daughter so much to understand that and forgive her. Oh,do any of you have children? Anyways, for those of you that go to Chrimas mass im sure a srory about family and forgiveness will be preached on. The list goes on and on and yet not a single person has said "this is insane". Not a single person says "this has to stop because it's wrong to do this to another person". Not a single person says "I can see why she gets upset or gets confused on this or that issue". Not a single person can say "despite everything she's been through she now clean and sober. Damn! Most people would have gone more insane!" Let's just face it, everyone knew what I liked ,and yes I've walked clean away from it and haven't had the urge for anything at all. Top that one...mmm, I did. Within what 8 -9 days I had over 100 Instagram followers based on myself, art work, and other talents alone and it's not the first time I've done something like that either. I miss my "5 mile,offer up,and let go accounts". Yes,I already know a lot of people watched what I did there too. I heard often enough "You always had the coolest stuff to sell". Damn bitch,I thought you didn't know about the stuff I sold or my ad work. Instead of actually saying I got this from Firephoenix people had to come up with a secret name for me "gifter" of all things. Why couldn't people just say " Its Firephoenix's stuff that she was selling and she had to move and couldn't pack it all up. She gave it all away for free or for so-n-so to give it away for free to people that would truly love and enjoy it". Did you know that I took some of the stuff back and gave it away for free to the right people. I got so many smiles. Did you also know I had stopped receiving my packages but later found item's I had bought (one item was a gift for my granddaughter) with another provider? The list goes on and on and yet you all stand back and say nothing,say she's a great provider but to much drama is going on with her.I love this part ,knew that everything was being done to fuck with my head to make me paranoid ,denied that it was going just say that I was paranoid, and then I get to bear months later "of course everyone knew it was going on. Btw,you really do sleep at night." People it's not drama when it's actually going on! I wonder how Christ felt on that cross as people look up at him while he baked in the sun dying. Do you think he got delusional at times?Therapy should have helped him out on that. I think the worst time was the "pussy smell check" time period. I had such a hard time not to bust up laughing my ass off in a session! Guys,im serous READ up on STDs first! Take Gomorrah for an example most women don't even produce a smell until the infection is so bad that it can wreck the reproductive system,and even then there may not be any smell at all. In fact, if a woman has no smell at all is more of an indication of she has a problem or STD. There is an old saying from the 60s-70s "if it smells like cologne leave it alone. If smells like fish eat it all you want."

For all of these reasons and a 100 more is this what Christ lived and died for? No matter what faith you believe in, is this what your faith asks of you? If you don't have a faith but believe in being a good person is this what your inner voice says is ok to turn a blind eye too? Or is all just lip-sync and glad it's not happening to me attitude? Just a thought for a day that's suppose to be about love,caring,and kindness to one another because all I have seen is how hateful and distantly cold how people can be and can't even say what for. Ask yourselves "did Firephoenix deserve this? Did she needed to be taught a lesson and if so what was the lesson? Hell who the was even the teacher?"Funny thing is I'm probably happier than you are and a hell of a lot kinder to all too. Also I would like to think I'm the teacher in kindness, confidence, patients, creative, and how to think out of the box Merry Christmas ,hehe I get called a "troublemaker" for not only surviving, but for speaking up about it, apologizing for when I am wrong, and for becoming an even better person than I ever have been in my life! The world needs more troublemakers like me,in my opinion. Just think there is at least one that is just like me,but be glad my youngest daughter isn't into the hobby lifestyle! ( you think I'm something "Oh HELL NO! I'm not even a candle next to her light!)
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Oh,and I think Ashtree is somewhere in Jamaica.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
One last thing for folks to think about. The reason why I went clean and sober was because of the stalkers and the acts of cruelty that the stalkers continued to pursue. I did enjoy what I did, but to think for damn second that I was going let them have a reason,an excuse,a hook for those tormenting behavior. "Oh HELL NO! You have got the wrong person for that bullshit sorry ass excuse." So I took that power away from them. People,idk on who one woman was but she started balling her eyes out. The sobbing was so loud that I actually wondered was she crying because she was so happy that I smashed everything and got rid of everything, or was it because she no longer had that reason to stalk me? Keep in mind that for 2 or 3 nights straight I kept on hearing "Did you give her the right stuff? Did she do anything? Are sure?". Why were they saying that? Seriously, I go to sleep at night. It's a very simple answer-I am a normal person that goes to sleep at night unless I have really loud annoying people at my window "Are you sure you gave her the right stuff?" I was "Really? You all have killed my enjoyment and are trying to keep me awake at night by asking the same damn question that you know the answer too? Man, fuck this shit. I'm done",and threw it all away. That's the honest truth of why I went clean and sober. Here is a tip-Dont fuck with my music and don't fuck with my sleeping patterns. How you expect everyone else to react will not be how I react.DUD 101! Merry Christmas
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Can I at least get a poll on "How does Tiff/Firephoenix snoring sound? Option 1)a bear 2)a frog 3)fairies snorting in laughter 4)there is no way to describe the sound she makes 5)what hell am I reading now!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I forgot this part, to the chick that was sobbing SO LOUDLY. I tried really hard not to be annoyed with you that night because I didn't know which reason why you were crying. For goodness sakes woman, it was like 2am-3am and I'm trying to sleep and so are others! Even if your trying to drive me nuts at least have some consideration for my neighbors! Sheez!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
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