Are we headed for a world wide meltdown?

what(or whom) elected reagan in a landslide was carter

what elected trump was obama and the leftist cabal in america and the depraved hellary
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  • 05-24-2022, 10:25 AM
what(or whom) elected reagan in a landslide was carter

what elected trump was obama and the leftist cabal in america and the depraved hellary Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
With the help of Iran and Russia respectively!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
With the help of Iran and Russia respectively! Originally Posted by WTF


you still believe all the nonsense about Trump colluding with Russia. yet you jabber about conspiracy theories.

news flash sparky. there was no collusion. butt u keeping believing that, stupid is a good look for you.

stupid is a good look for you. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
the appellation stupid does notch his true ranking to the right a bit on the bell curve...tends to spiff him up a tad to the public
This is the guy I'm referring to:

Hey, did anyone happen to notice Bostic's comment a week ago? (Monday May 23rd)

He said the Fed would in all likelihood "pause" the rate-hiking series in September in order to "assess the impact" of Fed policy. A friend of mine observed that the rates markets did not move even a tiny bit, indicating that no one was surprised.

Do any of these people just go out and toss such an off-the-cuff remark without running it by other Fed presidents and governors? (I think not!)

Is this a soft bit of preparation or "guidance" for another anticipated pivot? Or is it just intended to signal to markets that if the S&P 500 sinks by more than a few percentage points, the Fed will step back in and say, for all intents and purpose, "Don't worry -- we've got your six!"

Of course, the Fed always likes to say that its future decisions will be "conditions-based" (Read: "political-expediency based").

In any case, this guy is often mentioned in discussions of who might replace Powell at the Fed.

And he checks two very important identity politics boxes. (He's black and gay.)

(Isn't that what really matters in today's world?)

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
With the help of Iran and Russia respectively! Originally Posted by WTF
Maybe my memories are fuzzed up a might. Did Korby ever tear down that wall under Carter? But then my recollection also recollects that Iran freed the hostages right after Reagan got elected. Probably a freakish coincidence. Ammirite?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
He said the Fed would in all likelihood "pause" the rate-hiking series in September in order to "assess the impact" of Fed policy. A friend of mine observed that the rates markets did not move even a tiny bit, indicating that no one was surprised.

Do any of these people just go out and toss such an off-the-cuff remark without running it by other Fed presidents and governors? (I think not!)... Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Interesting question in dire need of simple answers. So I checked in on MarketWatch and found this headline story:
Investors sell off bonds and stocks as chances grow for yet another half-point rate hike by Fed in September

I thought: Nahhhh, no worries. Then I checked in on the S&P charts. Must be winter time up North, 'cause the S&P is still heading South.
  • Tiny
  • 06-01-2022, 03:02 PM
This is the guy I'm referring to:

Hey, did anyone happen to notice Bostic's comment a week ago? (Monday May 23rd)

He said the Fed would in all likelihood "pause" the rate-hiking series in September in order to "assess the impact" of Fed policy. A friend of mine observed that the rates markets did not move even a tiny bit, indicating that no one was surprised.

Do any of these people just go out and toss such an off-the-cuff remark without running it by other Fed presidents and governors? (I think not!)

Is this a soft bit of preparation or "guidance" for another anticipated pivot? Or is it just intended to signal to markets that if the S&P 500 sinks by more than a few percentage points, the Fed will step back in and say, for all intents and purpose, "Don't worry -- we've got your six!"

Of course, the Fed always likes to say that its future decisions will be "conditions-based" (Read: "political-expediency based").

In any case, this guy is often mentioned in discussions of who might replace Powell at the Fed.

And he checks two very important identity politics boxes. (He's black and gay.)

(Isn't that what really matters in today's world?)

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Of course, the Fed always likes to say that its future decisions will be "conditions-based" (Read: "political-expediency based").

I wonder if the Fed is waiting until after the elections to get serious about raising interest rates.

Christopher Waller, another Fed governor, was making what passes for hawkish statements this week. A few quotes,

“By the end of this year, I support having the policy rate at a level above neutral so that it is reducing demand for products and labour, bringing it more in line with supply and thus helping rein in inflation.”

“If the data suggest that inflation is stubbornly high, I am prepared to do more.”

“The unemployment rate will increase, but only somewhat because labour demand is still strong — just not as strong — and because when the labour market is very tight, as it is now, vacancies generate relatively few hires,” Waller said. “Thus, reducing vacancies from an extremely high level to a lower — but still strong — level has a relatively limited effect on hiring and on unemployment.”

“Of course, the path of the economy depends on many factors, including how the Ukraine war and Covid-19 evolve. From this discussion, I am left optimistic that the strong labour market can handle higher rates without a significant increase in unemployment.”
  • Tiny
  • 06-01-2022, 03:06 PM
tiny... looks like your thread is in trouble.

its two stars. apparently somebody here doesn't like this thread. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Prophets who shine a bright light on the truth are often hated Dilbert. Look at John the Baptist. And Saint Sebastian. They killed him.
Interesting question in dire need of simple answers. So I checked in on MarketWatch and found this headline story:
Investors sell off bonds and stocks as chances grow for yet another half-point rate hike by Fed in September

I thought: Nahhhh, no worries. Then I checked in on the S&P charts. Must be winter time up North, 'cause the S&P is still heading South. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I wonder if the Fed is waiting until after the elections to get serious about raising interest rates.

Christopher Waller, another Fed governor, was making what passes for hawkish statements this week. A few quotes,

“By the end of this year, I support having the policy rate at a level above neutral so that it is reducing demand for products and labour, bringing it more in line with supply and thus helping rein in inflation.”

“If the data suggest that inflation is stubbornly high, I am prepared to do more.” Originally Posted by Tiny
Uh-oh! Looks like at least one chief is prepared to do more, while another said last week that he stands ready to "do less" if circumstances warrant!

I'm afraid that anyone looking for simple answers (or sensible answers!) from Fed pooh-bahs may be looking in the wrong place.

Looks like several of these people have colluded to take conflicting narratives out for test drives so they can gauge reactions!

When push comes to shove, though ...


The bulk of the net worth of most House and Senate members is in publicly-traded stocks.

Do you want to be hauled before Congressional committees and forced to explain the onset of a vicious bear market?

"Look, Powell. Fuck that CPI bullshit. Who cares about gasoline and food prices; our stocks are heading south!"

Remember the "dual mandate?" What is it now, a "triple mandate?" (Or is it quadruple or more, with the AOCs, Bernies, and Elizabeths pushing for the Fed to do something about racial and climate justice?)

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  • 06-01-2022, 03:28 PM
Maybe my memories are fuzzed up a might. Did Korby ever tear down that wall under Carter? But then my recollection also recollects that Iran freed the hostages right after Reagan got elected. Probably a freakish coincidence. Ammirite? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No it wasn't a freakish accident....they wanted Reagan elected.

Remember IranContra?
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  • 06-01-2022, 03:35 PM

you still believe all the nonsense about Trump colluding with Russia. yet you jabber about conspiracy theories.

news flash sparky. there was no collusion. butt u keeping believing that, stupid is a good look for you. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I said with Russian help. Are you ignorant of that fact?

They would have colluded with Russia had the opportunity presented itself as the Trump Jr meeting showed!

You do realize that Trumps campaign manger was convicted for not reporting his ties and tax evasion of pro Russian money from within Ukraine.

I'm not the one spouting conspiracy theories.

I'm the Dragnet Officer here in the forum.."Just the facts Ma'me"
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  • 06-01-2022, 03:41 PM

And he checks two very important identity politics boxes. (He's black and gay.)

(Isn't that what really matters in today's world?)

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
That what matters in lustylad's world!

At least the latter...I doesn't appear lusty is picky regarding color.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Remember IranContra? Originally Posted by WTF
Why_Yes_I_Do. I recollect the questin to one military man from a congress critter: Sir, you spent massively on security for your own home. Why? Is there someone that is that dangerous? Oliver North responded: Yes sir. Osama Bin Laden.

I recorded those hearings and watched every bit of them.
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  • 06-01-2022, 04:08 PM