What is so evil about conservatives? Last time I checked, we seem to be doing pretty well.
Last time I checked, there's an American flag flying in my front yard. (How did that get there?) I haven't said one truly negative thing about the military (They have swallowed the blue pill, they are not defending anything, they are feeding their famlies, their paychecks, pensions and benefits that they receive are welfare, all negative and and nonsense!) but, even if I did, its well within my right(Yes that is right, that is your right and it is kept secure by people in our armed forces! Not the police!) We are a free people with the freedom to speak without fear(only because of people willing to make the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of your sorry ass!) This is a natural and unalienable right and nobody in the military has anything to do with it(Really?the only thing natural about your ability to speak is just that, because your are human you can use your mouth! The right to say what you wish with that mouth as an American citizen is secured, bought and paid for in blood by the members of the American armed forces! There is no natural rights that you are born with other than in this country, tell that to Joe Stalin and watch him giggle as Beria takes you away to Lubianca for political reeducation! And it is only inalienable yes professor, I believe it is in, not un! It is only your birthright as an American citzen or as a naturalized American citzen that makes it inalienable, not just your birth! Go to Saudi Arabia, China, or Russia or any number of other countries to practice these rights! Then when you are arrested perhaps then you will understand! But from what read here I doubt it!
Originally Posted by yinz2016
In the first decade of the 19th century Americans were being held hostage in Tripoli Lybia! (To the shores of Tropli! ring a bell?) I believe it had someting to do with them attacking our shipping in the Med! We were still a small and pretty weak nation at the time. (Now bear in mind this is all being recollected from my Jr. high school history class no help from the internet here!) The Navy got them there they the Marines landed quite some distance away because we were too small a force to execute a frontal assault, marched overland through the desert! Kicked in the back door! Then kicked their fucking asses in what would today be called a spec op! And bought back the Americans!
That is what they did, and it is what they still do, not just the Marines but all branches!
That the Navy and the Mairnes held hands the whole time while doing it, well that is a different conversation!
And before you think, that was then and they would never do that now!
Think Grenada, yes that the Commies were courting Grenada at the time had something to do with it, I am sure! Ronnie wasn't taking no shit, or chances!
I miss Ronnie, and I am sure time will tell D Trump was no R Regan!
And hey! It was better than our troops sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while the shit hit the fan, al, la Hillary, al, la Bengazi!