Random Thoughts

But atleast it paves the way for Broga Pants... yoga pants for bros. Originally Posted by Vannah
Love it. Lol
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 05-16-2017, 09:59 PM

I think they tried this once before in 1964

I think they tried this once before in 1964 Originally Posted by BK
Remarkably, it was only the second most ridiculous thing Connery wore in a movie.

Rollypolly's Avatar
But atleast it paves the way for Broga Pants... yoga pants for bros. Originally Posted by Vannah
Will fanny packs come back too?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Rompers have taken over the internet and I can't deal with it
Well, at least there's not romper porn. Yet.
Well, at least there's not romper porn. Yet. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
And you jinxed it.
Pro tip: Don't ingest plain kosher salt.
I brush one little ant off my arm and then have the heebie jeebies for the next several hours, feeling imaginary ants crawling all over me. At least I hope they're imaginary.
In my experience, someone who says "I won't let you down" is either already in the process of letting you down or soon will be. People that won't let you down don't feel the need to say it.
^ truth
Rollypolly's Avatar
If girl wants to be your friend and makes it clear she's not looking for a relationship, why in all that is holy show a guy a pic of you and your new bra!!! Teaseing isn't fair
I brush one little ant off my arm and then have the heebie jeebies for the next several hours, feeling imaginary ants crawling all over me. At least I hope they're imaginary. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Damn it. ~10 hours later and I still have the heebie jeebies. I wonder if there really are ants crawling all over me.
Damn it. ~10 hours later and I still have the heebie jeebies. I wonder if there really are ants crawling all over me. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
What a big difference when you substitute an m for an n.

Formication is the medical term for a sensation that exactly resembles that of small insects crawling on (or under) the skin. It is one specific form of a set of sensations known as paresthesias, which also include the more common prickling, tingling sensation known as "pins and needles".

Of course you may just be bat shit crazy.
Of course you may just be bat shit crazy. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Seems like the most likely possibility.