Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

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Reading was never the subject you excelled at in school was it ?

Lexie made a false allegation towards tony and I so damn right he is going to say something.

Stop sticking your nose in shit you don't know anything about.. Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
1 Your boy threw the first stone while you and I went at it not me.

2 DM give me a break this guy is the worst WK , water carrying , Parrot,
Puppet, scratch on a record, drone, incapable of independent thought
To post in a looooooooong while.

I get it he is YOUR wk, jack ass etc and you want to reward his loyalty.
In all honesty Dm don't you want a Better wk than this. A out of town
No review drone that parrots you to the point of being accused of
Being a mandle?

3. I read pretty well and I wonder if you missed or just chose to gloss
Over the insult he made to a large portion of the board.

4 oh and for shits and giggle I looked over your post times and
It seems if you have a 9 to 5 you are cheating the man.
If your work week is different please let us know. Eccie tracks that

1 why wouldn't you see me.??

2 DM give me a break i'm lonely and obsessed with you and anybody around you

I wish I had been more like a normal male, and had treated you better ......

3. I read pretty well and I wonder if you missed or just chose to gloss
Over the insult he made to a large portion of the board, although that's lexies main job
here, shes not big with millienials, that don't have a meemaw fetish

4 oh and for shits and giggles I would quit my used car salesman job to spend 15 mins with you............
If your work week is different please let us know. Eccie tracks that Originally Posted by rduke4923

I'm curious if someone is your supposed WK aren't they supposed to see you first ?

Sorry DORFY Doesn't Have Any WK's I Fight My Own Battles.. I always tell my clients to let me handle my own FUCKERY!! Gambino wouldn't know this because Ive never seen him so he chimes in on his own account..
Knowing when to STFU about what you know or think you know about others. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
They haven't mastered that skill yet & its really sad because it puts people's lives in danger especially when there speaking so specifically..

I know things about her I should just follow in her footsteps and blab her information then we will see who is big and bad..
rduke4923's Avatar

I'm curious if someone is your supposed WK aren't they supposed to see you first ?

Sorry DORFY Doesn't Have Any WK's I Fight My Own Battles.. I always tell my clients to let me handle my own FUCKERY!! Gambino wouldn't know this because Ive never seen him so he chimes in on his own account.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Sorry Dear you can not use the "he never saw me" defense on a WK.
That bullshit is not a cure all. Guys can be a WK w/0 a meet. Hells bells
Are you expecting a fucktard WK to act logically?

He is a WK and as a hard ass throat puncher at least have the labia to admit it.

Did you get some sun today it was gorgeous
Sorry Dear you can not use the "he never saw me" defense on a WK.
That bullshit is not a cure all. Guys can be a WK w/0 a meet. Hells bells
Are you expecting a fucktard WK to act logically?

He is a WK and as a hard ass throat puncher at least have the labia to admit it.

Did you get some sun today it was gorgeous Originally Posted by rduke4923
& your still on the corner wondering why Dorthy did a NCNS when you were never gave an address... Go sit back in the short bus and lick the windows..
rduke4923's Avatar
[QUOTE=Tony Gambino;1057378294][QUOTE=rduke4923;1057378184]You can Pm her for the truth or I can PM it to you myself.
I have no issues with DM. That is done.
You on the other hand are another matter. You parrot what she
Says and say vile things about people you have never met.

DM was insulted by Lexie calling you a Mandle but Hells Bells
You repeat everything she says. For Tebows sake have a original thought!
Better yet actually drive to one of those strip clubs and this time
Man up get out of the car and touch the door for the first time.

Try and set attainable goals

Warmest Regards

R Duke
rduke4923's Avatar
& your still on the corner wondering why Dorthy did a NCNS when you were never gave an address... Go sit back in the short bus and lick the windows.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
So the apology I have in my inbox is bullshit?

Hey Spice if she says I am still on the short bus can I post the thread?

Hells bells DM I can just cut and paste and Pm it to two fucktards and it will go like wildfire.
Where you drunk when you sent the PM?
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
They haven't mastered that skill yet & its really sad because it puts people's lives in danger especially when there speaking so specifically..

I know things about her I should just follow in her footsteps and blab her information then we will see who is big and bad.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

My comment was based on comments YOU, yourself have made about what you were studying, and how difficult it was to find a job in the oil industry all the while not a least bit concerned about having face & nude photos all over the net, smh. I was genuinely happy for you when you moved on and up in the world, but I would think that you would take your new career more seriously and not be posting all day here and putting that in jeopardy, apparently you don't care though.

You, need to stop speculating about what pets I may or may not have, my health, photos, and so on.

Threats of outing are taken seriously here btw, in case you have forgotten that.

Back on topic...I'm going to take the under.

Ive never said anything about the field Ive worked in ma'am but thanks for letting everyone. know you need to not worry about what I do I got that handled

You just fucking told my RW info about me and you have done it on two threads why in the fuck would you even say anything about my rw life that's none of your fucking buisness

I would never say shit about your rw life like you did..

Nothing is in jeapordy till your big ass mouth came behind me..
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Yeah, you have, I know this because I do not discuss you with my brunch guests, so there is no other way that I would have heard it. It is a huge industry though, I'd be more worried about sitting at work posting away all day and not doing my work.

You just threatened to out my RW info above in post #410, btw. Also, you seem to be the one discussing me with your clients, you're the one claiming to know what type of pet (this info is not in my ads, reviews, etc...you brought that up, not me) I have, and on and on, which are none of your business either btw, so you may want to take a look at yourself as well.

Yeah, you have, I know this because I do not discuss you with my brunch guests, so there is no other way that I would have heard it. It is a huge industry though, I'd be more worried about sitting at working posting away all day and not doing my work.

You just threatened to out my RW info above in post #410, btw.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Again keep my life & me out your mouth & we will have no issues
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I will ask a mod to remove my comment, but you have mentioned it in other places.

If you want people to stay out of your life & stop speculating on what you are up to now that you have "retired," then you probably shouldn't invite them to returning and acting like you never left.


I will ask a mod to remove my comment, but you have mentioned it in other places.

If you want people to stay out of your life & stop speculating on what you are up to now that you have "retired," then you probably shouldn't invite them to returning and acting like you never left.


~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
No I haven't trust me again don't worry about what dorthy is doing I am a big girl I can handle the decisions I do and I'm fully aware of the consequences.. But that's my choice and you may not approve of it but I don't need your approval..

Your the only spectator so far btw