What is your definition of Energy Independence

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
When you feel pain in your sack, because your balls are in a vice - quit turning the damned handle!

Win, lose or draw, Putin is pretty well on his way to kill the Petro-Dollar. China and the Saudis are OK with that and the whole of the EU is stuck with that..

Pic related

Also, pic related

Has anyone considered that Ukraine could end the insanity in 2 seconds flat with a surrender or capitulation with a settlement agreement? Not that Putin would necessarily drop the demise of the Petro-Dollar or anything. Remember, Zeleynski ain't Mother Teresa and Ukraine ain't some innocent angel with a shinny halo. Let's be real; Ukraine has pretty much been everyone's b*tch, when it comes to grifters.

Pic related

Also, pic related

Do we also recall that Quid-Pro Joe was withholding US$1B to force Ukraine to change out a prosecutor that was investigating corruption in Ukraine, which included the energy company which his son was on the Board of Directors?!?
lustylad's Avatar
You're supposed to counter with facts showing that we weren't energy independent in 2021...those that try and shoot the messenger are usually lacking substance.

Besides, I'm actually trying to save Tiny from Stockholm Syndrome from your grasp... Originally Posted by WTF

Who's shooting the messenger? I'm exposing the partisan genesis of this thread. It's not as if you read something in the mainstream media and said to yourself "I need to share this excellent analysis with my eccie brothers!" Nope. You were on the DNC website ISO your daily talking-point marching orders. You saw the article and figured "I'll start a thread seeking to trap my eccie tormentors into saying something dumb about energy independence! Then I'll parrot the talking points I just gleaned from my DNC minders so I can look intelligent!"

Too bad it backfired on you when nobody took the bait. In your desperation, you started attributing straw-man arguments to everyone. You figured "By golly, if they won't say it, I'll just put the words in their mouths!" You're still doing it 400 posts later.

Then you got sloppy and posted the original DNC link, revealing to everyone your deep partisan source bias. I mean, wtf could be more partisan than the Democrats' own website?

As for Tiny, his posts in this thread have been spot-on, with the exception of this one:

That's the old WTF I knew, willing to call out both sides. Originally Posted by Tiny
lustylad's Avatar
Simply brilliant! Every crisis we create becomes an excuse to spend even more money!

And Now, Gasoline ‘Stimulus’ Checks

Democrats want to pay you to consume more fossil fuel.

By The Editorial Board
March 23, 2022 7:00 pm ET

Once Congress adopts a bad idea even in an initially worthy cause, it invariably spreads to become a terrible idea. That’s the case with federal “stimulus” checks, which began as Covid relief and now are being proposed to offset the rising price of gasoline.

A trio of House Democrats—Mike Thompson (Calif.), John Larson (Conn.), and Lauren Underwood (Illinois)—have introduced the Gas Rebate Act of 2022 to send Americans a $100 check in any month this year when the national average gas price exceeds $4 a gallon. Dependents will get another $100, so the family of four can fill up that SUV on Uncle Sam’s dime. The national average price has exceeded $4 in recent weeks.

The word “rebate” is a misnomer because this isn’t rebated from any payment to the federal government. It’s a government check to pay for higher gas prices caused in large part by government. Voters are blaming Democratic policies for inflation and for making it harder to produce American oil and gas. With an election coming, and their majority in peril, Democrats are resorting to what they do best: Spending more of your money.

The non-rebate rebate is even worse policy than the gas tax holiday that some states are proposing. Neither addresses the real problem, but at least the tax holiday lets people keep their own money. The rebate idea deserves to die in the crib, but the spectacle of climate-change warriors suddenly trying to subsidize fossil-fuel consumption is almost worth it.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

Simply brilliant! Every crisis we create becomes an excuse to spend even more money!

And Now, Gasoline ‘Stimulus’ Checks

Democrats want to pay you to consume more fossil fuel.

By The Editorial Board
March 23, 2022 7:00 pm ET

Once Congress adopts a bad idea even in an initially worthy cause, it invariably spreads to become a terrible idea. That’s the case with federal “stimulus” checks, which began as Covid relief and now are being proposed to offset the rising price of gasoline.

A trio of House Democrats—Mike Thompson (Calif.), John Larson (Conn.), and Lauren Underwood (Illinois)—have introduced the Gas Rebate Act of 2022 to send Americans a $100 check in any month this year when the national average gas price exceeds $4 a gallon. Dependents will get another $100, so the family of four can fill up that SUV on Uncle Sam’s dime. The national average price has exceeded $4 in recent weeks.

The word “rebate” is a misnomer because this isn’t rebated from any payment to the federal government. It’s a government check to pay for higher gas prices caused in large part by government. Voters are blaming Democratic policies for inflation and for making it harder to produce American oil and gas. With an election coming, and their majority in peril, Democrats are resorting to what they do best: Spending more of your money.

The non-rebate rebate is even worse policy than the gas tax holiday that some states are proposing. Neither addresses the real problem, but at least the tax holiday lets people keep their own money. The rebate idea deserves to die in the crib, but the spectacle of climate-change warriors suddenly trying to subsidize fossil-fuel consumption is almost worth it.

https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/opinion...c-c978b01c12d2 Originally Posted by lustylad
Precious_b's Avatar
You skipped the step where you expound on lease versus permit. Golden opportunity to explain the value of a lease without a permit to drill-baby-drill. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Ima sorry. So much doo doo being flung on this thread that I missed your post.

I really don't see the problem if *I* missed this step. Why would the great state of Texas hold up a permit for a lease? Unless you say the the railroad commission is being made up of a bunch of tree huggers here. Find that hard to believe the guv'nah would let that happen to his little old state.
... YOU live in Texas, Preece?

... OPEN YOUR HOME to migrants!

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 03-25-2022, 04:37 AM
Too bad it backfired on you when nobody took the bait. In your desperation, you started attributing straw-man arguments to everyone. You figured "By golly, if they won't say it, I'll just put the words in their mouths!" You're still doing it 400 posts later. Originally Posted by lustylad
The question WTF posed sounds like something from my vacation Bible school when I has 6 years old. The teacher wanted us to answer the question "Who Am I?" But unlike WTF, she did have an answer after we stumbled around for a while.

WTF hasn't provided his definition of Energy Independence. Well, I'll provide mine. It's a lot of wood in your backyard, a way to start fires, and a willingness to live without gasoline or electricity. For that matter if you're radical you live completely off the land, because just about everything we buy requires energy to produce. And that energy doesn't come from firewood you can get from your backyard.

Back in the 1930's, there were a lot of people in Germany who ignored what Hitler had to say about their Jewish neighbors. Ten years later the neighbors were all dead.

Similarly Democratic politicians have proclaimed they want to get rid of fossil fuels. This would torpedo WTF's life savings, since 70% his portfolio is in oil and gas related stocks. Now true, Biden says he only wants to exterminate the oil companies by 2050. But Sanders and Warren want to exterminate them at about the same rate Hitler exterminated the Jews, by around 2030.

WTF you truly have Stockholm Syndrome. Please wake up and see the light.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-25-2022, 09:19 AM
This is interesting...you two still seem to think that AOC and her cronies have more influence on the price of oil in this country that OPEC + Russia.

You two evidently thought we were not energy independent in 2021.

You two seem to think Trump had some big influence on energy independence.

Please explain if I've gotten anything wrong.

Tiny you are not that stupid....I've given my definition of energy independence in relation to this thread.

Once again...I will do it just for you. Why do I feel like Patti Hearst therapist trying to talk her out of robbing a bank?

We've all seemed to agree that it means more energy export than import.

My point was and still is that many of you thinks this protects us from high oil prices or say Russian aggression.

This myth has been proven as much many times by your and your captors own words.

Trump was not responsible for the mythical energy independence as the graph lusty provided showed. That is like saying your last high school teacher is responsible for all your knowledge. When it is easy to graph your your improvement each year from 1rst through grade 12. Yet you and lusty give no credit to all other who taught you before the 12th grade. That is ignorant af. So I've shot that nonsense down.

Putin has invaded Ukraine and we are currently energy independent. So I've shot that silly notion down.

Gasoline prices are high....yet we are energy independent. So I've shot that silly ass assumption down.

So the definition is easily defined. What you silly fuckers thought that meant has been rejected by the facts.

So let me say it again, it is great that we have oil reserves. But it does not protect us from what you two think it does.

This is an aside but what good is energy independence if you two's hero, Donald J Trump continued to run up almost trillion dollar deficits when he had control of both Houses?

So Tiny...I have defined wtf it means. It means different things at different times. But it does not mean that we can control the price of oil or that we can control other superpowers from doing things we do not like.

That is political bullshit that I knew lustylad could not separate from Realpolitik but thought you could.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Ima sorry. So much doo doo being flung on this thread <as per usual around these here parts lately> that I missed your post.

I really don't see the problem if *I* missed this step. Why would the great state of Texas hold up a permit for a lease? Unless you say the the railroad commission is being made up of a bunch of tree huggers here. Find that hard to believe the guv'nah would let that happen to his little old state. Originally Posted by Precious_b
No problem-o! I am but a mere URL provider to both the stars and dirty little peoples of the universe. If you were of the mind to drill on the land you have leased for drilling, this is where you go for that:

U.S Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management
aka the actual BLM, not the made up one for influencing election rigging and "for free" shopping excursions and mostly peaceful, yet fiery and destructive protests


On this page, you can find the latest information on approved and pending applications for permits to drill.

Once a leaseholder, operator, or designated agent identifies an oil and gas deposit on a Federal lease, they can file an application for permit to drill.

The BLM cannot approve an application for permit to drill until the operator meets the requirements of certain laws and regulations, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and the Endangered Species Act. Upon receiving an APD, BLM typically conducts an onsite inspection with surface and/or mineral estate owners, resource specialists, the operator, and when applicable, other Surface Management Agencies (or SMAs, such as states, tribal representatives, or other Federal agencies like the USDA Forest Service). After completing these inspections, the BLM, together with any other relevant SMAs, conducts a NEPA analysis, and then approves, approves with modifications, denies, or defers action on the application. Deferred action or denials can occur because the operator fails to provide all the necessary information or due to severe resource concerns. The BLM and other SMAs may add Conditions of Approval to the APD to protect site-specific resources. An approved APD is valid for two years or until the lease expires, whichever occurs first, but the BLM may grant a two-year extension to allow the operator more time to drill...

BTW: They also provide data on Received, Approved and Pending Permits. Maybe they have a page somewhere that includes pretty graphs of these over time. Dunno. But did you happen to catch a look at how many other bureaucratic hoops need to be jumped through in that one paragraph?!?

Speaking of politics:

Biden Delays Oil Permits as Gasoline Prices Surge on Ukraine
  • Court order blocking climate policy may slow permits, leases
  • Analysts see gasoline topping $4 a gallon in U.S. on tensions
The Biden administration has delayed issuing permits for new oil and gas drilling on federal land, a move that could complicate efforts to tame gasoline prices that are poised to top $4 per gallon amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The Interior Department warned of delays in new drilling permits after a Louisiana-based federal district judge blocked the administration’s method for assessing how its permit approvals affect climate change.

“To have your judicial system and regulatory branch trying to throttle oil and gas production while you’re scrambling to look under every rock around the world for a barrel of oil is awkward and contradictory,” said Bob McNally, a former White House official who heads Rapidan Energy Group, a Washington-based consulting firm...

Services have been rendered. I expect a nice review and glowing ROS.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-25-2022, 12:11 PM
That is a reasonable question.

Lustylad and his captive Tiny seem to think Biden, Bernie and AOC are responsible for the price and production of oil here in this country.

AOC and her greenies probably think our oil executives do as you pointed out.

Both sides haven't a clue.

As been shown in this thread....it is OPEC and Russia that generally hold sway over the price and production of oil in this country along with capital discipline!

But that Realpolitik does not fit AOC, Bernie, lustylad and Patti Hearst aka Tiny, narrative.

They all agree that Russia has a very effective disinformation but seem to fucking dense to realize they have fallen victim to it.
They aren’t dense. They are disingenuous and being intentionally obtuse. They are same folks that believe all of the good economy of the 3 Trump years were because of tax cuts. Had nothing to do with the 6 prior years of steady growth and rebuilding. They can’t understand or accept trends.


A majority of oil and gas executives surveyed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas this month pointed to pressure from investors as the top obstacle to growth. Less than 10% blamed government regulation.

“We are maintaining discipline in capital spending to maintain great internal rates of return,” said one executive at an unnamed exploration and production firm, referring to profits from earlier investments.

when asked at a congressional hearing this month about the impact of Biden’s leasing pause, Colette Hirstius, senior vice president of oil giant Shell, said, “I do not think that not having lease sales has raised the costs to consumers.”

Biden’s critics have ignored the fact that Wall Street investors are pressuring U.S. drillers to limit production amid record prices.

More than half — 59% — of the 139 executives surveyed by the Dallas Fed listed investor pressure as the primary reason producers are keeping production down.

The American Petroleum Institute, an industry trade group, noted that the Fed’s metrics showed the industry ramping up production. “At the same time, many factors continue to have a chilling effect on investment,” API’s Frank Macchiarola said, “including the industry’s recovery from the pandemic, workforce and supply chain constraints, and mixed signals and misguided policies that are limiting domestic production and discouraging financing for natural gas and oil projects.”


Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Please explain if I've gotten anything wrong... Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, it would be easier to explain what you have gotten right. Not much of anything. Juss fun'n ya, ya little pooh flinger.

The idea of energy independence is a non sequitur. Not much different from Unicorns and what not.

I can declare I am energy independent, but going off-grid. Of course, I may utilize some solar (be it active/passive - it's a tranny term), wind, hydro or wood etc. to suit my needs.

A country can declare they are energy independent by not allowing foreign imports of energy. Seems kinda dumb if they don't have ample reserves to accommodate the demand. I'm thinking Obama nailed it with: "Don't Underestimate Joe's Ability To Fuck It Up"

At the end of the day, the real equation involves the terms "at what cost" and "at what price".
lustylad's Avatar
In your desperation, you started attributing straw-man arguments to everyone. You figured "By golly, if they won't say it, I'll just put the words in their mouths!" You're still doing it 400 posts later. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lustylad and his captive Tiny seem to think Biden, Bernie and AOC are responsible for the price and production of oil here in this country. Originally Posted by WTF